Tag Archives: hopeless




SELAH Daily Devotions!

Good Morning Family! GOTTA MOMENT? GREAT! Welcome to a new day We’re so glad that you’ve joined with us today in our weekly Thursdays’ Day of Corporate Prayer and Fasting!! We appreciate this opportunity and privilege to entreat The Presence of our Great High Priest, pouring out our hearts desires, concerns, petitions and supplications with Thanksgiving. We know that seeking You delights Your Heart, ignites Your Compassion, causing You to save and deliver us from any of life’s maladies! Let’s go in together…

Father in Heaven, Once again we bow before Thee! With outstretched arms, open hands and grateful hearts, we thank You for this day that You have made! As we rejoice in The Splendor of Your Magnificent Glory, we acknowledge that it’s only because of Your Grace and Mercy, that we’re yet here! Your Unconditional Love for us has allowed us one more day to enjoy Your Abundance of Life, Health and Strength. We’re thankful for every opportunity to present ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable unto You. From our Mother’s womb, You’ve proven Yourself to be Faithful and True Father. Therefore, we’re trusting You to provide everything that we need today to sustain us thru whatever challenges that unfold during the course of this day! Abba Father, we know that You Alone are our God, Guard and Guide!
Abba Father, with eternal gratitude we bless You for allowing us to enter into Your Throne Room, with hope-filled expectation that You will entreat us graciously as we pour out the burdens that seem to overwhelm our hearts, releasing everything that concerns us to You! We know that You are Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent, seeing and knowing ALL THINGS about everyone of us, yet You welcome us to come to You,  finding Grace and Mercy to comfort, strengthen and encourage us to hold on to every WORD that You have spoken over our lives, before we were ever born.

Daddy, as we stand humbly before Your Sovereignty, we’re asking You to forgive us for everything that we, have willfully or unwillfully spoken, done and even thought that was not pleasing in Your sight. We thank You now because You have assured us that if we would confess our sins, You, being Faithful and Just, will forgive us, and wash us in The Precious Blood of Jesus, cleansing us from all unrighteousness, and restoring the breach that our disobedience has caused between our poor souls and our Lord and Savior! Now, we ask Holy Spirit to intercede on our behalf, our family, our friends, even our enemies, as we know that Your love is the same for each and everyone of us!

Abba, we know that You have instructed us, to look not at the temporary things, but to the eternal. Yet You know the frailness of our flesh, and how easily we’re provoked and tempted to become overwhelmed by the cares of this world when our hearts are burdened with the pressures of this life, wearied with fear, doubt, unbelief, sickness and disease, financial debt, broken relationships, unprovoked threats, depression, addictions, insecurities. Lord, You know that when we lose our focus on You, our days can be spent beneath clouds of evil foreboding and our nites are plagued with restlessness, despondency and hopelessness! Holy Spirit, rebuke the demons of our minds, help us to cast down strongholds, arguments, imaginations and every high thing that tries to exalt itself again the knowledge of Your Word. Keep us ever mindful of Your Presence that we might dwell in perfect peace, as only You can!

Lord, we thankya for being a Listening God! According to The Holy Bible, THE BLOOD OF JESUS yet speaks for us. Hence, even as the blood of Abel cried out to You from the ground, Your ears are not deaf to the cries of our fathers, mother, Grandfathers,Grandmothers, husbands, wives, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, nephews, nieces and cousins all over this world, even these UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! Therefore, as Your ears are tuned into the effectual, fervent, righteous prayers that have been uttered from the hearts and lips of those who intercede on behalf of loved ones, we believe that at Your Appointed Time they shall be fulfilled according to Your Will!


Sweet Jesus, while You have taught us to love everyone that You’ve created in Your Own Image, we can’t deny that we need You to heal the pain, anger, grief and distrust,and yes even that glimpse of revenge that taints the hearts of Your people of color, the oppressed, abased, downcast and dysinfrancized by the prevailing injustices inflicted upon us. While those in ‘power’  have sworn to take the position of being color-blind, nevertheless as we’ve seen as of late, their voices are mute when our brothers and sisters are killed, kidnapped, incarcerated, addicted to deadly drug substances and nothing is done to their executioners! However, when other ethnicities are involved in these heinousness, the social medias stream live speeches from The Executive Office to floor of Congress and Senators, holding the top-three trending headlines of the ‘atrocious brutal massacre’ throughout the nation!


We pray that You speak to them in dreams and visions, compel them to remember that their power emanates from You Who holds life and death in Your Hands. Give them to know that Your eyes are roaming to and fro and that every thought, motive and intent of man is a candle to You! Convict them to lead and guide those who they have been selected to serve with humility and holy fear towards You and that they will recognize that he who digs a hole and scoops it out will fall into the pit he has made, the trouble he causes recoils on himself and his violent schemes will come down on his own head!

Lord we pray that You save, heal and deliver speedily by Your Mighty Hand, all those who are crying out to you, seeking Your Face at the very moment! Give us to know that because we belong to You, we are never too far that You can’t see us, reach us, and shield us from anything that the devil would rail against us. Help us to understand that Your Name, Jesus is a Strong Tower, and those that You hve declared the righteous run into it and are saved. Open up our minds and our hearts, filling us with Your Assurance, and confidence that while “Weeping may endure for a moment, JOY IS COMING IN THE MORNING !” 4 You hare sworn by GODSELF that at The Name of Jesus, every knee must bow and every tongue confess that You are Lord!

Precious Lord, Grace Your children with hope-filled trust that You have committed Your Word towards us that no weapon that’s formed us shall ever prosper and except You allow it, no trouble, test or trial can come near us. We thank You for Your Providential Presence and Power to turn everything around to work in our favor and to bring about exuberant testimonies and praizes of Your Eternal Honor and Glory!

Holy Father, we thank You for hearing the hearts of those who have never trusted and accepted Your Son Jesus as Savior and Lord! We believe that Holy Spirit is quickening that stony heart with The Spirit of Godly-Repentance, allowing them to come, humbled by Your Lovingkindness, in obedience to Your call and they’re now receving Your Mercy and Grace to Save bringing them into a personal relationship with The Lord of Life. We pray now that as You lead and guide them to a local church, planting them inYour Vineyard, that they shall be taught and transformed by Your Word of Life to take their position in The Kingdom of Heaven!

Lord, we’re lifting up any one who has walked away from You for whatever reason, we ask You to put a “fresh COMMITTED YES” in the heart and mind of every backslider! Make today the day that they come back to You and back to YOUR church where they will submit their lives to the sound teachings of Your Word, and learn to love and live their lives denying selfishness and above all else, determined to walk out the rest of their lives as a living testimony to Your Loving-Kindness that encourages all that they meet to seek to live this life to live again, eternally with You in Heaven!

Father, we’re lifting up our children, our children s’ children by faith right now, we abort and overrule every curse that’s been ordered against their lives, we cancel every plot and scheme that Satan desires to inflict upon them! We commit them into Your Providential care, realizing With this Blessed Assurance that their steps and stops are being Divinely orchestrated by Your eyes, we speak long LIFE and declare The BLOOD OF JESUS and The PEACE OF GOD shall rule over their spirits, souls, minds and bodies; releasing The Spirit of Hope, Love, Holiness and Excellence to fulfill their God-ordained destiny as children of The Most High God!
Sweet Jesus, we lift up every apostles, bishop, pastors, preachers, teachers, evangelist, missionaries, deacon and every spiritual leader! We ask  You to encourage their hearts and strengthen their faith by manifesting miracles, signs and wonders for all those who are yet standing on The Wall proclaiming Your Word under the Anointing, Power and Conviction of Holy Spirit, proving to them that their labor is not in vain! Jesus, we’re trusting and believing You to Grace them to be the examples of Your Righteousness in their homes, churches and community that will cause everyone who comes into contact with them to fall deeply in love with You, trust wholly in and commit to live the rest of their lives serving You!
Father, remember everyone who’s bodies are being afflicted by all manner of sicknesses and diseases! Heavenly Father, because Your Word decrees that You are Alpha and Omega, the same yesterday, today and forever, therefore, even as You walked this earth healing all who were sick, feeble and lame we know that You’re Well Able to do the same right now! Your Word declares that BY YOUR STRIPES WE HAVE BEEN REDEEMED AND HEALED! THEREFORE WE  YET STAND ON YOUR PROMISE THAT THE PRAYER OF FAITH SHALL SAVE THE SICK AND RAISE THEM UP,  In Jesus Name! Amen 3x!

Father, we pray for those who are distraught by grief, sorrow, terror and fear, the elderly, the widows, the outcast who have born the heat of the day, those who pushed and prayed us through! Father, give them sweet peace. Assure them  that You shall not forget how they labored unselfishly down thru the hears, oftimes without recognition, but that You shall reward them richly in the world to come!

Father we decree that every demonic-induced spirit of addiction and fear is defeated NOW because of Your Anointing and that the Spirit of Love, Power and Sound-mindness and Purpose is being released in the lives of Your people now, in Jesus Name!

Lord Jesus, we’re standing on Your Word trusting that You shall never relinquish one iota of Your Sovereignty, The government of this world STILL rests upon Your shoulders and that You are The Eternal King of Kings and Lord of Lords!  Jesus, as we walk through the valleys of the shadow of death, cover us in Your BLOOD! We know that because of this crooked and perverted nation, the safest place yet remains in THE WILL OF GOD! Father, heal our land!

Sweet Holy Spirit, there are so many other things, that we have yet to mention, but we’re trusting, believing You to fix it, Jesus, as only You can! Lord, we know that You are not just able, but willing to do anything that we ask, in accordance to Your Word! We thank you Father that as we walk through this day, depending solely upon You for whatever lies ahead, we shall continue to give You all the Praise!

As we offer this prayer to our Great High Priest, we wait in confidence and quietness, rejoicing in hope and trusting wholly that all workers of iniquity are trembling and suddenly departing in shameful defeat, because You have heard the voice of our weeping, supplications and received our prayer as a sweet savor coming up before Your Sovereign Throne of Grace and Mercy!

Abba Father, in closing, we thank You NOW, for WE believe that IT IS FINISHED! In The Exalted Name of Jesus. Amen 3X!!!

Now every child of God who is standing in agreement with this prayer, GO TELL SOMEBODY THAT JESUS LOVES THEM JUS AS MUCH AS HE LOVES EVERYBODY!


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!



The Earth Slowly Burns - Americas


SELAH Daily Devotions!


Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 2 Timothy 3:5


Never! Is probably the initial response of most professing-salvation-sanctified-sainted-souls, even at the mere suggestion that we’d be included in ‘those’. Right? BUT!  Have we ever considered the remote possibility, if you will, the collateral damage of being so pre-occupied with ‘getting’ that we lose sight of what God has already ‘given’?

Remember that Ol’ skool churrch song, “Count your blessing! Name them one by one! Count your blessing, see what God has done!”? Think about it? The Israelites were taught to sing songs that rehearsed their history as a daily reminder of God’s loving care, strength and power as He delivered them out of Egyptian slavery, lead them through the wilderness into The Promised Land! A practice, no doubt even in this bustling 21st Century culture, one might find tremendously buffering amidst the new norm of environmental chaos, anxiety and stress.

Just imagine the possible ramifications of a daily allotment of time designated specifically to reflecting upon all the many blessings that The Lord has already so mercifully and graciously heaped upon us. WOW! What inevitablemind-blowing heart-filled  sense of Gratitude, huh?

Could this be what The Apostle Paul was alluding to “according to the power that worketh in us”? (Ref. Ephesians 3:20)

Could a grateful heart pave the way for that “Greater than” we could ask or imagine? Could our pre-disposed poverty-mindedness and perverted sense of unworthiness, steeped in false humility be denying God the opportunity to show-off in our lives? Could we be guilty of having a form of godliness? #OMG!  #GOD FORBID!



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!


Good morning Family! GOTTA MOMENT? Ooh GGGGllllorrrraaaaa!

Welcome to a new day! Today, we’re excited that you have joined us in our Thursdays’ Day of Corporate Fasting & Prayer! Once again, we appreciate the opportunity and privilege to entreat The Presence of our Great High Priest, pouring out our hearts desires, petitions and supplications with Thanksgiving. We know that He delights in our embracing Him in earnest expectation, confident that He Rules Forever by His Power is able to save and deliver us from any of life’s maladies!Shall we pray?

Welcome Holy Spirit! We are in Your Presence! Fill us with Your Power, take complete control! You are Living Water, Never ending Fountain, Comforter and Counselor! Take complete control….Welcome Holy Spirit…O, Sweet Wonder! Oh Sweet Wonder! Jesus, The Son of God! Ooohh Sweet Wonder! Oh! Sweet Wonder! Jesus! The Son of God! Here I am to worship, Here I am to bow down, Here I am to say that you’re my God, You’re altogether lovely, Altogether worthy, Altogether wonderful to me! LET’S PRAY…


Our Father and God of Heaven and Earth, we come before You humbled by Your Loving-Kindness, Grace and Mercy! We’re eternally grateful for one more opportunity to behold The Glory of Your Presence! We know that it’s Your Sovereign Will and Strength that has allowed us to live, move and breath, being clothed in our right mind today! We thank You for revealing to us such wondrous treasures that were hidden from our understanding, when we walked surrounded by darkness, as dead men in the earth without a God on our side!

Abba Father, it’s only because of Your Wisdom, we know to cherish this day and not take it for granted as if we have a right to be alive! We come humbled by Your Mercy before You, with open hears, uplifted hands and lips filled with joy and delight to praiz and Your Holy Name! We thank You for giving us The Name that’s above every other name! You have decreed that at The Name of Jesus ,our Lord and Savior, every knee must bow and every tongue shall confess that He Alone is Lord of Lords and King o Kings! We praiz You, Jesus for You have redeemed our lives from destruction and engrafted us into The Royal Kingdom of God! Because of Your Sacrificial Atoning Blood, we are now called Children f The Most High 4ever! Oh, how awesome are Your deeds! For You have preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping!

Daddy, we thank You for Your continued benevolence and favor towards us! We are eternally grateful that because You are The God of our Salvation, Deliverance, Breakthrough and Provision, no good thing will You withhold from us as we continuously walk upright before You! And because You formed us in our Mother’s wombs, You know our frame, nevertheless Your faithfulness and compassion continuously allows You to look beyond our human frailties,fickleness, faults and iniquities to see and minister to fulfill everything that we will ever need pertaining to life and godliness! We rejoice in Your Promise that You will watch over, protect and guide us tenderly  as the apple of Your Eye!

We know You to be A Merciful and Forgiving Father! We know that You are the God of many chances because You keep right on blessing us over and over again! Abba Father, we know that it would be foolish for us to continue in sin, frustrating Your Grace, therefore we bow reverently before You now asking You to forgive me this day for everything I have done, said or thought that was not pleasing to Your Heart. Assured that as we confess our sin, You are Faithful and Just to forgive, pardon and restore us back into rightful fellowship with You, we ask now for Your forgiveness, in The Precious Name of Jesus!


Sweet Jesus, teach us to see sin through Your eyes and to acknowledge it as evil wickedness and rebellion against the Creator and Lover of our souls, The Giver and Sustainer of All Life! And when we sin, quicken our spirit to repent immediately, and to confess with our mouth our wrongdoing, that we might receive the Gracious forgiveness of our Heavenly Father! For this cause, we gladly present our spirit, soul and body as a living holy sacrifice to be used for Your Greatest Glory! 
Precious Lord, because no man can come to the Father except You draw them, we intercede on behalf of every unsaved soul, praying that You will quicken The Spirit of Godly-repentance in their heart and in their mind that they will will hear Your Voice, come confessing a “Sincere YES” to your Amazing Gift of Grace and receive You as their personal Lord and Savior TODAY! We’re believing that You will Divinely orchestrate their footsteps settleling them into a local church home where they will be embraced with joy-filled loving fellowship with their brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus!

Lord, we ask You to put a fresh “committed YES” in the heart and mind of every backslider who has walked away from following Your Teachings! Let today be the day that they come back to You and come back to YOUR church where they will sincerely submit their lives to the sound teachings of Your Word, learn to love and live their lives walking out Your plan and purpose, becoming a Light reflecting Your Glory,Will and Ways to a dark, lost and dying world and provoking some sinner man, sinner woman, boy and girl to cry out “What must I do to be saved!”


Father, we pray that You will touch our brother, touch our sister whose body has been afflicted by  all manner of sickness and disease, including but not limited to the spirit of cancer, kidney/liver disease, heart/lung , disease, arthritis, bone and muscle disease, autism and dementia and every mental disorder! We pray that You are already rebuking and casting out every symptom and trace of it out at the rootfor Your Name Sake!


We lift up all who are on dialysis, chemotherapy, awaiting transplants and other surgery, those in nursing and rehabilitation homes! Heavenly Father, YOU are Alpha and Omega, the same yesterday, today and forever! Therefore, even as You walked this earth healing all who were sick, feeble, lame we know that You’re Well Able and Willing to do the same right now! Your Eternal Living Word declares that Your stripes have redeemed and healed us and we’re yet standing on your promises that the prayer of faith shall save the sick and raise them up, In Jesus Name! Amen 3x!

Sweet Holy Spirit, we’re standing in agreement with every believer who is yet holding on to Your Hand by faith today, that You are releaseing Divine Power, Supernatural Strength, Health, Wholeness, Provision, Prosperity, Protection and Peace that passes all Understanding. As we’re trusting in You, we thank You for preserving each and everyone of us thru the tests that You have allowed us to go thru, keeping us constantly aware of YOUR PRESENCE and fully-confident that at the appointed time,You, WILL bring them out wholly restored, renewed, refreshed and with the reward with a soul-stirring testimony of what Faith In God can do!


Father, we lift up our children, our grand-children and our great-grands, nieces, nephews, cousins, sisters, brothers, spouses, in-laws and friends, by faith, we abort and overrule every curse that’s been ordered against their lives and canceling every scheme that Satan desires to inflict upon them! As we commit them into Your Providential care, realizing that You have a plan and purpose for their lives too. we have the blessed assurance that their steps and stops are being ordered by Your eyes! Therefore we speak The Peace of God over their spirits, souls, minds and bodies releasing a Spirit of Love, Holiness and Excellence to fulfill their God ordained destiny!

Holy Father, we’re lifiting up every Bishop, Pastor, Overseer, Apostle, Evangelist, Preacher. Teacher, Missionary, auxiliary leader, usher, musician, choir member and director and church member! Undergird them with Your Anointing and conviction to carry out their assignment, under the direction of Holy Spirit. Cover them as they go in and out amongst Your people with honor, wisdom and favor! All who would seek to discredit, hinder and even destroy their faith, faithfulness and the ministry You have ordained from their mother’s womb, shall be rebuked and restrained by The Power of Holy Spirit. In Jesus Name! IT IS SO!

Sweet Lord, as You have instructed, we pray for every leader of our nation, federal and local government, legislative, corporate, judicial, education, public service, healthcare and financial institutions! We’re asking that You touch the minds and hearts of those that You’ve ordained for leadership for such a time as this! Lord speak to them in dreams and visions, reminding them that POWER BELONGS TO YOU Who Sit Enthroned Above the Heavens! Convict them that Your eyes are going to and fro throughout the whole earth, keeping record of the deeds of every man’s heart and will reward accordingly!

El Shadai, we believe that You are warning them that He who is pregnant with evil and conceives trouble gives birth to disillusionment. He who digs a hole and scoops it out will fall into the pit he has made. The trouble he causes recoils on himself and his violent schemes will come down on his own head. We believe that because their hearts are in Your Hands, they are being continuously opened to hear and obey Your Will! Lord Jesus, we’re standing on Your Word as decreed that The government of this world shall rest upon Your shoulders and that You are The Eternal King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

Abba, we ask that You encourage and comfort the souls of Your Elect who are overwhelmed with fear, doubt and worry because of the things that are going on in our personal lives, in our churches and in this ungodly world systems! We pray that You send a double-portion-downpour of Your Divine Favor upon each who needs encouragement and empowe them to stand steadfast, immovable in the midst of these wicked and evil days! Let us know that we are never alone  and that Your Grace is Sufficient to overcome every weapon that is formed against us!! We decree that every demonic-induced spirit of addiction, anxiety, disappointment, offense, discouragement, loneliness, isolation, rejection, resentment, abandonment, failure and fear is defeated NOW because of Your Anointing and that the Spirit of Love, Power and Sound-mindness and Purpose is being released into the lives of Your people now, in Jesus Name!


Heavenly Father, because You have promised to perfect our cares and concerns, O GOD, we bring so many other situations before Your Majestic Throne. Those who are broken hearted, feeble in body and spirit, the one at a crossroad of life, the ones addicted to harmful substances, our armed forces, policemen, fire and rescue personnel, nurses, doctors, pastors and leaders, missionaries far and near; our leaders of the world. We’re trusting You to send peace where there is confusion, send love where there is hate, send unity where there is division. Bless the fatherless and motherless. Keep us ALL in your care. These favors we ask in Jesus Mighty Name!!


Father, we acknowledge that there are so many other things we should pray about, however believing that Holy Spirit is already interceding on our behalf, interpreting our sighs, moans and the groanings of our hearts, we wait in confidence and quietness, anticipating the exceeding Greatness of Your Power, rejoicing in hope and trusting wholly that all workers of iniquity are trembling and suddenly departing in shameful defeat, because You have heard the voice of our weeping, our supplications and received our prayer as a sweet savor coming up before Your Sovereign Throne of Grace and Mercy!

Abba Father, in closing, we stand in humbled boldness, agreeing with You Who hears and answers our prayers and forgives our transgressions! Holy Father, because You have chosen us to live eternally with You Who Reigns 4Ever, our souls are strengthened as we shout with joy! We bow in obedient reverence before The Hope of all the earth, believing that as Your face shines upon us that, You are making Your Ways, Will and Salvation known among all nations; for You Guide and Rule justly!

Father, we thank You NOW, for WE believe that it is done according to Your Eternal Will! In The Exalted Name of Jesus. Amen 3X and It Is So!

Now every child of God who is standing in agreement with this prayer, GO TELL SOMEBODY THAT JESUS LIVES AND LOVES EVERYBODY!


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!



SELAH Daily Devotions!


And you shall remember the whole way that the Lord your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness, that he might humble you, testing you to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep his commandments or not. And he humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that he might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. Deuteronomy 8:2-3 ESV


We’ve all been there! At some point in this journey, we’ve found ourselves, barraged by seemingly insurmountable odds stacked against us, huh? There I was, sitting there unsuccessfuly attempting to make a 911 connection to The Throne Room. This one, was a time sensitive—not later—but I need YOU right nah—Lord situation! As my eyes skimmed over to my laptop and I realized that somehow it was in the middle of running an unscheduled scan! Immediately, I understood what the Holy Spirit was trying to do in me.

Remember when you thought you knew, but didn’t really know? Exactly! It’s during these moments of mental confusions and conflicting emotions that we need the aid of Holy Spirit. According to Isaiah 11:2, no one but The Spirit of Truth and Wisdom, can scan the the inner most chambers of the human heart, assess the situation, identify the dangerous infectious viral components, quarantine and eliminate them before they’re able to contaminate our heart’s drive! WOW, and He was doing this way before Bill Gates or Steve Job! Awemaazing, huh? 

With that being said, once again I had to admit that before I could make a right connection with Jesus, I had to clear the line! No, God was not saying that my issue was not valid, but that there was an even more life-threating situation that demanded immediate attention. There was something crucial going on in my heart that I was not willing to confront and deal with at the root! Sometimes we do that, you know? We like to justify our rebellion by playing the blame game. “Lord, if they hadn’t….then I never would’ve …” But God wasn’t buying none of that!

There’s no denying that there’s something embedded in the DNA of humanity that resists repentance.  C’mon, don’t shout me down nah! #ijs!!!

It’s difficult for us to acknowledge that we’re at fault. It’s a whole lot easier for us to judge others by their actions and ourselves by our good intentions, huh? But God is not intimidated by our self-deceiving, willful, prideful hearts NOR IS HE IMPRESSED BY OUR CHURCH TESTIMONIES!

God strategically sets up unscheduled heart scans to illuminate potentially critial viruses that left untreated could result in the hardening of the arteries causing damaging blockages. For instance, that spirit of jealosy, envy, anger, resentment, bitterness and yessss the unforgiveness haboring in the crevices of your heart against someone, who probably doesn’t even know it! You know how fake the saints can be sometimes. Problem is, chances are before the end of the day, you’ll probably gonna need somebody to forgive you for something! The scripture is clear on this, if you don’t forgive others, neither will Your Heavenly Father forgive you your faults! (Ref. Matthew 6:15) OMG! Kinda sheds a different light on it, huh?

Beloved, I don’t know about you, but I NEED THE MERCY AND GRACE OF GOD, ALL DAY…EVERY DAY! Don’t look at me with that tone of voice, Y’all know I ain’t by myself!

I know it’s not always easy, especially when you’re the one who’s been hurt. But considering the repercussions, sounds to me like, by GOD’S Grace, whatever the offense, we just need to release it, drop it, leave it and let God handle it! God always knows everything about everything –and we don’t!



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!


Behold, the whirlwind of the Lord goeth forth with fury, a continuing whirlwind: it shall fall with pain upon the head of the wicked. The fierce anger of the Lord shall not return, until he hath done it, and until he have performed the intents of his heart: in the latter days ye shall consider it. Jeremiah 30:23-24


LOOK OUT…then LOOK UP! There’s enuff circumstantial evidence out here today to verify that these are indeed the times prophesided in The Bible as Jacob’s deep trouble and distress! Glancing around, seeing  unrelenting tragedy, caducous corruption, deciduous deception and inconceivable injustice, one might erroneously conclude that the fires of darkness have prevailed, releasing double turmoil and chaos on the land, from which there is no recovery!

Obviously, the people of God have not been excluded from the suffering, pain and disparity. In the midst of the overwhelming darkness, some will succumb to fear and doubt, giving into the seducing spirits of the Tempter, turning their faces away from The Hope of Glory and drift over to the enemy’s fire, as if Satan has the power to save them!

However, don’t be befuddled by the jeers of the false prophets, GOD ALWAYS HAS A NUMBER WHO REFUSE TO BOW! Hence, there yet remains that Faithful Remnant who have determined, “COME WHAT MAY…I WILL trust in the One that the world has rejected, my proven Chief Corner Stone, with all of my heart, mind, soul and spirit!”

Jesus, The True and Faithful Witness, has given His chosen, everything that we shall ever need to endure these hardships as good soldiers! Hence, as we stand solidly on The Rock of our Salvation, taking God at His Word, in due season, we shall see the reward of the wicked and the servants of God exalted!

Always remember! Those who have deligetly embraced a personal faith relationship with The Redeemer and Restorer of our souls, have an Incorruptible Hope that excels far beyond this world! (Ref. 1 Peter 1:23)

The Righteous Judge has decreed, “I AM keeping watch over MY Word to perform it. Don’t be afraid! I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS! I see everything that you’re going through and I WILL enter into your darkness AND TURN IT AROUND to save and deliver you! AGAIN!

Don’t worry about those fair weather folk who mock and dismiss your faith as ‘hopeless fanatic ignorance’! But cling to ME, for you are MY very own people and I WILL BE YOUR VERY OWN GOD!”

My fellow sojourners, BE STEADFAST, UNMOVABLE ALWAYS ABOUNDING IN THE WORK OF OUR LORD! (Ref. 1 Corinthians 15:8)




Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!



Welcome to the 1st Thursdays’ Corporate Prayer and Fasting of this New Year, 2019! When I think of The GOODNESS OF JESUS, AND ALL THAT HE’S BROUGHT US THRU AND KEPT US IN THE MIDST OF, out of the depths of my innermost being, I cry, ‘ BLESS THE LORD, O MY SOULL, THANK GOD 4 SAVING ME!’ Do I have a witness? Let’s begin this year seeking The Face of The Almighty God and Worshiping Him in the Beauty of Holiness! Shall we pray…

“Unto Thee of O Lord, I lift up my soul in Worshipful Adoration! If thou withdraw Thine Self from me, where, O where shall we go! For there is none like Thee. For No other God we know, none else to save us; none else to heal us, none else to deliver us…BESIDES THEE! For You deserve the GLORRAA AND THE HONOR, I LIFT MY HANDS TO THEE…FOR YOU ARE GREAT! AND YOUR MIRACLES ARE GREAT! THERE IS NO ONE ELSE LIKE THEE…THERE IS NO ONE ELSE LIKE THEE…”
Our Father and our God, we come before You again, delighting in Your Presence, rejoicing in Your Lovingkindness and resting in Your Tender Mercy, confident that You have beckoned our hearts to seek You First, The King of kings and Lord of lords, trusting that You are The Source and Sustainer of all that we shall ever need! We bow humbly before Your Throne of Grace with joyful expectation that You Who keepeth Israel, neither sleeps nor slumbers, but watches over us who place our personal trust in You Alone, as the apple of Your Eye! You are our Salvation, our Shield, our Rock of Refuge and our Redeemer; You shall cause Your Face to shine upon us, dispensing favor into every area of our lives to a thousand generations! Therefore, we shall forever lift our hands to You in total praise!

We thank You Lord Jesus for bringing us through 2018 victoriously! For we recognize that Satan was on our track 365 days scheming and plotting to steal, kill and destroy those who have committed our lives to serve You faithfully as witnesses to the lost and demonically infested nations that You are The Living Savior who has defied the lure of sinful fleshy lust, robbed the grave of it’s victory and defeated the sting of death, having satisfied the price and penalty of our sin through Your Sacrificial Atoning Blood, Death, Burial and Resurrection, has opened up The Way of Truth and Eternal Life to all who will accept Your Saving Grace, reconciling humanity back unto rightful relationship with The Creator of All Living!

Sweet Holy Spirit, we stand before You, gratefully acknowledging that it is nothing that we had, spoken in word, thought or deed that could ever warrant such awemazing goodness, but only because Your Faithful Covenant Loyalty, You continue to look beyond all of our faults, frailties and flaws, instilling in our hearts The Eternal Hope of Heaven, breaking up our fallow hearts, rebuking the stubbornness of our ungodly will, draw us out of the sinking swamp of sin, You opened our blinded eyes allowing us to see Your Glory in The Face of Jesus, our Messiah we have become Children of The Most High God!

Therefore, because no man can come to the Father, except he be drawn by Holy Spirit, we ask that as Your eyes roam throughout the earth, searching and knowing the minds and spirits of all You have created, touch our brothers and sisters who have yet to acknowledge and accept You as their personal Savior and Lord !

Prick their hearts with Your Spirit of Godly Repentance, flood their minds with humility to acknowledge their need for forgiveness for rebelling against Your Holy Statutes and Commands, and grant them The Mercy and Grace to confess You as The Only means of Righteousness and Restoration while it is yet today, that they may become vessels of honor in Your Kingdom, used mightily to provoke others to surrender their lives to You!

We pray for every backslider who has allowed the enemy to deceive and ensnare them to return to a lifestyle of sin for whatever reason! Father speak to their spirits now letting them know that it’s not Your Will that any should perish and that You are waiting with Loving and open arms to receive them back to the fold!  You are The Good Shepherd, eager to show mercy and forgiveness to all who will ask out of the sincerity of a pure heart! Lead and guide them to a local church where they will be greeted and welcomed, loved and nurtured that they might live out the rest of their lives in fear and admonition, privileged to know You, personally and experientially, as The Author and Finisher of The Faithful!

Abba Father, look on all those who are going thru tests, trials, trauma and tragedy, those who are overwhelmed with fear and anxiety because of the cares and pressures of this ungodly world! Strengthen those who are struggling to hold on to their faith, encourage their hearts in Your Word that they might remain confident that even when our hearts condemn us, You Abideth Faithful Forever! Send hope to the hopeless, empower the faint, lift up the downtrodden, restore marriages, broken relationships, rebuke ungodly soul ties, remember those who have unselfishly born the heath of the day, pushed us and prayed us through dangers seen and unseen! Father, given them sweet Peace, knowing that their labor is never in vain!

Lord, we ask that You keep us as only You can! Send peace to our hearts, joy to our souls, prosperity and love  into our homes, places of employment, the market places, our schools, communities and churches! Heal wounded spirits, loose unforgiveness, release forgiveness, restore sound minds, bind confusion, chaos and uncertainty, doubt and unbelief!

Prepare us for overcoming and conquering every obstacle, hindrances, delays, failure and disappointments! Impart unto our hearts and minds that we are more than conquerors though You, and when our enemies are too strong for us to defeat, give us Restful Assurance that because Your Strength is made perfect in our weakness , no weapon that’s formed against us shall prosper because You have sworn By Your Godself, to never leave us nor forsake us, we shall continue to stand still and see Your Salvation!

Precious Lord, because of Your Sovereign Omniscience, You already know that many of Your Children have been afflicted, attacked and tormented by all manner of sicknesses and diseases. However, because Your Word declares that Jesus is The Same, Yesterday, Today and Forever, You were wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities and the chastisement necessary for our Peace was placed upon You, By Your Stripes we were healed! We speak life and healing to our spirits, souls, minds and bodies! We stand in agreement in Your Word, as decreed in James 5:15, the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well and the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven! In Jesus Name AMEN 3X!

Abba Father, we lift up our children, our grands and great-grand children and by faith, we abort and overrule every curse that’s been ordered against their lives and cancel every scheme that Satan desires to inflict upon them! As we commit them into Your Providential care, we realize that You also have a Plan and Purpose for their lives! Therefore, we’re trusting that You are Divinely orchestrating every step and every stop that they make, detouring and by-passing defeat and premature death! We have the Blessed Hopeful Assurance that the Peace of God is covering their spirits, souls, minds and bodies, releasing a Spirit of Love, Holiness and Excellence to fulfill their God ordained destiny!

Heavenly Father, according to Your WORD, we lift up the leaders of our nation, federal and local governments, corporate, judicial, education, financial, health care institutions and our churches! As we transition into a new year, a new day, a new way and a new journey, we’re asking that You touch their minds and hearts, speak to them in dreams and visions letting them know that You Who Sit Enthroned Above the Heavens are keeping record of the deeds of every man’s heart and will reward accordingly! We believe that because their hearts are in Your Hands, they are being continuously opened to hear and obey Your Will! Lord Jesus, we’re standing on Your Word as decreed that The government of this world shall rest upon Your shoulders and that You are The King of All Creation Who Lives, Reigns and Rules for Evermore and At The Name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess THAT YOU ARE LORD!

Abba, we lift up every Bishop, Pastor, Overseer, Apostle, Evangelist, Preacher and Teacher, Missionary, Deacon, auxiliary leader/member, choir director/member, praise team and musician, usher, nurse, driver, parking attendant and custodial worker! Undergird them with Your Anointing and conviction to carry out their assignment, under the direction of Holy Spirit. Cover them as they go in and out amongst Your people and those who would seek to discredit, hinder and even destroy their faith, faithfulness and ministry, You have ordained! Empower and encourage their hearts and minds with confident hope that He that has begun a Good Work shall Complete it unto The Lord Returns! Assure them that whatever HEAVEN STARTS, HELL CAN NOT STOP, IN JESUS NAME! IT IS SO!

Lord, save, heal and deliver speedily all who are crying out to you, seeking Your Face at this very moment! Give us to know that because we belong to You, we are never too far that You can’t see us, reach us, and shield us from anything that the devil would rail against us. Help us to understand that Your Name, Jesus is a Strong Tower, and those that run into it and are saved! We thank You for being our Great High Priest and for listening to the hearts of everyone whose spirits are united and fervently praying with us!

Father, because our steps are being ordered by You and You have committed Your Word towards us, no trouble, test or trial can come near us, except You have allowed it to train us to live each day solely depending on You. We know that You have already  pre-ordained the specific time of deliverance and breakthrough! We thank Holy Spirit, for fully persuading us of Your Providential Presence, Peace and Power to turn everything around to work in our favor and to bring about exuberant testimonies and praises of Your Eternal Magnificence, Honor and Glory!

Sweet Holy Spirit, while there are so many other things that we have yet to mention, we’re trusting that You are not just able, but You’re willing to do anything that we ask, according to You Perfect Will. Therefore, we humbly decree believing You to FIX IT JESUS, AS ONLY YOU CAN!!

Finally Holy Father, as we patiently wait in confidence and quietness, we rejoice in hope, trusting wholly that You have heard the voice of our weeping, our supplications and received our prayer as a sweet savor coming up before Your Sovereign Throne of Grace and Mercy! Father, we thank You and seal this Prayer In The Holy Ghost, for WE KNOW THAT IT IS DONE! In The Exalted Name of Jesus. Amen 3X and a HOLY HALLELUJAHHH!

Beloved, every child of God who is standing in agreement with this prayer, GO TELL SOMEBODY THAT JESUS LIVES, LOVES AND CARES 4 U 2!


Pause, Ponder, Pray and Praiz!




SELAH Daily Devotions!


Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid, for YAH, the Lord, is my strength and song; He also has become my salvation. Therefore with joy you will draw water From the wells of salvation. Isaiah 12:2-3

Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me. Isa. 49:16


In light of the prevailing gross darkness, devastation and desolation taking place in our world today, I was incited to review the words of God’s Prophet, Isaiah, speaking to the remnant of God’s Chosen nation.

God’s people were facing eminent danger of massive destruction, yet we hear Isaiah offering a word of warning and a ray of hope that we’d do well to glean from today. The Prophet encourages them that no matter what’s happening around you, don’t be afraid, but keep trusting and praising our God!  Isaiah, knowing God inhabits the praises of His people, speaks to souls wearied by the consequences of unwise choices and reminds them that their only hope of deliverance was to remain steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of their Lord! (Ref. 1 Corinthians 15:58)

God is Holy, Righteous and Just! While He must punish the unjust, His Anger does not last forever! Unlike many of our earthly fathers, YAH is our Covenant-keeping God and remains a Faithful Father, Saving Strength, Shield, Provider and Redeemer to all who call upon Him! From His own Mouth, Abba Father promises to wipe away the tears from their faces and keep you in perfect peace because we trust in Him! (Ref. Isaiah 25:8, 26:3-4)

Beloved, when life is out of your control, rest assured, Jesus is always in control! The Eternal Word testifies that you are the apple of His eye and He has tatooed your name in the palm of His Hands forever. (Ref. Psalm 17:8; Isa. 49:16)

In the midst of these unsettling times,  there’s no denying the myriad of distractions that are attempting to cause even the most seasoned of saints to question whether or not The Sovereign Creator and Sustainer of All Life is really concerned about what’s going on down here amongst the gross darkness of a lost, unfaithful and rebellious world,  nevertheless, I adjure you to keep your eyes on Jesus, The Joy of your Salvation and your feet steadfast on THE WORD! Be confident of this very thing, He that has begun a GOOD WORK IS FAITHFUL TO COMPLETE IT UNTIL THE DAY OF JESUS CHRIST! (Ref. Philippians 1:6)

Precious ones, when you can’t see no way, why not confuse hell and praiz JESUS anyhow! Don’tchaknow? At the mere mentioning of THE NAME OF JESUS demons tremble and the angelic host is put on alert!

Ooooh Yeah!  TRUST2KNO, The Great and Holy One of Israel is closer than ever before! Hence, don’t ever forget that YOUR GOD REMEMBERS!


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!


Christ in you, the hope of glory. Colossians 1:27.

Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:13
Dual Citizenship! WOW! Living in this world yet at the same time recognizing that we’re aliens of another Kingdom, occupying this place in time as carriers of The Glory until the return of Jesus Christ, The King is absolutely-mind-blowingly-awemaazin, huh?

Sometimes, life comes at us so hard and so fast that we lose consciousness of the core of our faith—Truth—exposing our hearts to potentially being ripped betwixt two realities! Hence, the sacred confident heritage of the saints is often disrupted by the intrusive presence of aggravating adverse circumstances!

Now, don’t get it twisted! I’m not suggesting that we forget we’ve been called and chosen to be instruments of righteousness at The Lord’s bidding. Hopefully, most of us have long since gotten past that issue and believe with all our hearts that one day we will live eternally in Heaven with our Father. BUT! !!! It’s the meantime that keeps tripping us up! C’mon nah! Don’t look at me with that tone of voice! Y’all already know how our frail-flawed-fickle, self-centered-fleshy-nature keeps drawing us back to the ol’ days when we sat on The Throne of our hearts, making decisions and judgments according to what seemed right in our own minds! Can I getta real Amen?

Remember when that ol’ man had nothing to restrain us from focusing all our time, thoughts and energy on getting whatever we wanted, whenever we thought we needed? We were clueless that we were actually being used by rulers of darkness, hell bent on pulling us away from The Omnipresence, Omniscience, Omnipotence Creator and driving us head first into a sink hole of fear, discouragement, hopelessness and failure!

YEP! We were oblivious to the enemy’s wicked schemes strategically designed to entrap us; besieging our minds with his ticker-tape alerts forecasting the high probability of hurricane wind gusts, overcast skies of dread, gloom and doom! Unfortunately, far too many of us are completely unaware of Satan’s devices and actually come into agreement with him; setting the course for fulfillment of the very thing we fear! WOW! #Didjaheardat?

When we surrender to our fears, we give validity to them thereby proving Lucifer, The Father of Lies, to be a true prophet! That is until Holy Spirit quickens us our carnal minds and reminds us that when we accept The Saving Grace of Jesus Christ, we’re no longer obligated or enslaved to obey our former Task Master! When we come to ourselves, purposing our hearts to acknowledge The Greater One abiding in us, we have the power to slam the devil down to his rightful place (under our feet)!

Beloved, Trust2kno, when YOU truly believe GOD, you’re supernaturally empowered to over-rule the demonic influences and activate God’s spiritual weaponry that renders the Tormentor virtually helpless and hopelessly defeated! By commanding our minds to think of the Goodness of Jesus and all that He has done, continues to do and promises to do—the Joy of The Lord swells up in our hearts, illuminating our thoughts, erupting inevitable praise! Suddenly, The Glory of His Presence shows up filling our hearts and minds with a peace that passes all understanding! (Ref. 2 Corinthians 10:4 and Philippians 4:7)

Precious ones, the next time that lying devil tries to steal your hope, don’t fall for it, jus throw THE ROCK at him and THINK YOURSELF HAPPY WITH PRAISE!

Try this on for size, “devil, I will bless the LORD at ALL times, His praise shall continually be in my mouth!” (Ps. 34:1) Then pick up another ROCK and seal the victory!“Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” (Ps. 16:11)


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!


Good morning Kingdom Children of The Most High God! GOTTA MOMENT? AWESOME!

Here we go again and we’re so excited that you have joined us in our Thursdays’ Day of Corporate Fasting and Prayer! The Bible tells us that some things can only be released through effective fervent fasting and prayer. In deed we must all agree that we need to pray more NOW THAN EVER BEFORE! Let’s enter into The Majestic Throne Room of The Lord and Creator of Life!

Blessed be the Name of The Lord! He is Worthy to be praised and Adored! So let’s lift our hands on one accord! Singing Blessed Be the Name! BLESSED BE THE NAME! BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD! HE’s sweet I know, Jesus is sweet I know! Storm clouds may rise; strong winds may blow! But, I’ll tell the world, wherever I go, that I’ve found my Savior…and HE’S SWEET I KNOW! I really love the Lorrrddd…I REALLY LOVE THE LORD! U DON’T KNOW WHAT HE’S DONE FOR ME! HE GAVE ME THE VICTORYYYY! I LUV HIM! I LUV HIMMMM..IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII REAALLLYYY LUUUUUVVVV THE LORD!

Abba Father, we come before You today, not in our own righteousness but in the Magnificent, All Powerful Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus! As we come clothed in humble obedience, we’re rejoicing, praising and thanking You for blessing us to see this brand new day! We’re  sooo grateful, Heavenly Father, for one more opportunity to embrace and enjoy the Abundance of Your Mercy, Your Grace, Your Power and Your Peace!

Daddy, as we thank You for being LORD of our Salvation, Deliverance, Hope, Breakthrough and Provision, we’re forever eternally grateful that despite knowing our frame, Your Faithful Commpassion yet allows You to look beyond our human frailties, faults and iniquities to continuously supply and minister to all our need! Therefore,  before we go any further, we come now seeking Forgiveness, Mercy and Grace, convinced that You Who searches our hearts is able and willing to cleanse us from unrighteousness and restore us to right fellowship in Your Kingdom!

We praise You today Lord, for renewing our strength, encouraging our hearts and enlightening our understanding. We recognize that You, our Great High Priest, is able to search the secret things, and even when our hearts condemn us, Your Lovingkindness is greater than our broken and contrite spirits! As we come to the end of ourselves, we draw near to You, repenting openly, relying and depending wholly on the Faithfulness of Your Word!

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that no man can come to You except You draw them! Therefore,  we intercede on behalf of every unsaved soul, asking that as Your eyes continue to search the hearts of mankind, quicken our hearts and minds with the Spirit of Godly-repentance that all will cry out to You, sincerely confessing ‘YES’ to your Mercy and Grace toreceive You as personal Lord and Savior today. As You draw them near to You,  because it’s not Your Will that any should perish, but that all would run quickly to Your Loving Arms and receive Your Saving Grace, You will save them! Father, as You pick them up, we’re believing that You’re directing their footsteps to a local Church home where they will be welcomed by their Kingdom Brothers and Sistas, loved, encouraged, nourished, and taught how to live out their lives pleasing and glorifying You!

Abba Father, we pray for every backslider who has walked away from the fold for whatever reason! Your Word assures us that You have never issued a divorce decree from any who has come into covenant relationship with You. We ask Holy Spirit to prick the heart and mind of those who have fallen prey to the Deceiver’s lies right now. Let them know that You’re looking, waiting with Your arms open wide to receive them in joyful celebration as they return to Your Kingdom! Lord, plant a ‘commited YES’ into their hearts and minds that restores and empowers them to be Faithful witnesses to a lost and dying wold, In Jesus Name! Amen 3X!

Sweet Jesus, touch our brother, touch our sister whose body has been afflicted by all manner of sickness and disease, especially the spirit of cancer, heart, kidney, lung, liver, bone disease, drug and alcohol addictions, mental oppression and depression, Alzheimer, dementia, strokes, high/low blood pressure! Lord we know that You have the Power to rebuke and cast it out at the root, for Your Name Sake. Lord, Your Word declares that Your stripes have redeemed and healed us and we’re yet standing on your promises that the prayer of faith shall save the sick and raise them up, In Jesus Name!

Lord, as we lift up every believer who is experiencing the torment of grief, anxiety and weariness, those who have lost loved-ones unexpectantly, those who’ve been victimized by senseless killings, those who are caretakers of ailing loved ones, those who are struggling to remain hopeful as they sit at the bedsides of those whom the doctors have gone as far as they know, yet today they’re determined to hold on to Your Hand by faith today! We lift up marriages that are being target by Satan, broken family/friends relationships. We speak revival and restoration into their hearts, minds immdiately! We rebuke the Spirit of disobedence and rebellion and command it to leave in Jesus Name! We declare respect, humility, gratitude, loyalty and obedience over our children, spouses and family members, in Jeus Name!

Abba Father, we declare and agree that as we are yet praying, You are releasing Divine Power, Supernatural Strength, Health, Provision, Prosperity and Protection into the lives of Your people. We Thankya Father, that as You preserve us thru the tests, keep us constantly aware of YOUR PRESENCE, we shall remain fully-confident that at Your APPOINTED TIME, You will bring us out testifying that we are more than conquers because You have wholly restored, renewed, refreshed and rewarded our souls as promised in Your Word!

Sweet Holy Spirit, thank You for an outpouring of Your Divine Favor upon each and every one of your children who are seeking employment, promotion, prompt approval for student/car/home loans, favorable resolutions of legal matters and assure them that YOU are Jehovah Jareh, who shall supply all of their need according to Your Riches in Glory!

Father, because You are a Covenant Keeping God, by faith,  we lift up our children, our children’s children,  we abort every curse that’s been ordered against their lives and we cancel every plot and scheme that Satan desires to inflict upon them! As we commit them into Your Providential care, we remember how far You have brought us and realizing that You have a plan and purpose for their lives too and we have the blessed assurance that their steps and stops are being Divinely orchestrated under the watchful care of Your eyes! Therefore we speak The Peace of God over their spirits, souls, minds and bodies releasing a Spirit of Love, Holiness, Faithfulness and Excellence to fulfill their God ordained destiny!

Sweet Jesus,  recognizing October as being Pastors Appreciation Month, we lift up every spiritual leader that You’ve called to proclaim The Gospel of Jesus Christ. We ask that You touch their hearts and minds, strengthen and encourage them to cast their cares upon You, trusting You to lead and guide them as they shepherd the flock that You’ve entrusted to them. Remind them that except You build the House they labor in vain, except You keep the City the watchman waits in vain. Uplift those who have become weired by the rebellious and resentful to keep believing for immediate manifestation of that special miracle, fulfillment of the vision! Encourage the souls of all who have yet determined to keep their hands to the gospel plow!

We’re trusting and believing that as You continue to Grace them to be the holy humble examples in their homes, marketplace, communities and churches that will cause those who are in their sphere of influence to love, trust and live everyday of life serving and glorifying You, You shall release a double portion of Your Anointing to stand flat-footed, uncompromisingly and relentlessly on the Wall, proclaiming The Whole Counsel of Your Word under the power and conviction of Holy Spirit, in Jesus Name, AMEN 3X!

Heavenly Father, as You’ve taught us to do, we lift up our political, social, judicial, business, education, healthcare, daycare and public service worker and leaders, trusting You to touch the hearts of each one of them! Remind them that Power Belongs to GOD! Instruct their hearts through dreams and nite visions convicting unto repentance, convincing them that they’re merely instruments in Your Plan to establish Your Kingdom in the earth as it is in Heaven! Rebuke the spirit of pride and arrogance, lying and deception, greed and corruption! Remind them that as You Sovereignly Rule and Reign over the affairs of mankind, You Who Sit Enthroned Above the Heavens, are keeping record of the deeds of every man’s heart and will Justly reward accordingly!
Abba Father, we decree that every demonic-induced spirit of fear, failure, rejection, hopelessness and disappointment is defeated by Your Anointing and that the Spirit of Love, Power and Soberness is being released now, in Jesus Name! We’re declaring and trusting that each morning Your children will awaken empowered with assuring Grace to accomplish every assignment and sleep peacefully every nite, confident of brand new hope-filled tomorrows!

Lord Jesus, send confirmation to those who are wavering as they’re waiting in faith for Your hand to move on our behalf. Thank You for allowing the pain that we’re experiencing to birth greatness in us! Transition us into new levels of Your anointing, opportunities, relationships, restoring that which is broken. Help us to move by faith, remembering not the former things but confidently reaching forward fully persuaded and anticipating that everything You’ve promised already is!

As we offer up this prayer of faith, we speak life, believing that The Blood of Jesus is covering our babies in daycare, our children in schools, our families, on their jobs, as they go and come in and that nothing shall cut our lives short, but we shall live and not die! Thank You for the great things You have prepared for the people of God!

Holy Father, we wait in confidence and quietness, rejoicing in hope-filled expectation,  anticipating that every worker of iniquity is suddenly trembling violently in fear,  departing  immediately in shameful defeat and running away from Your people terrorized because You, The Creator and Sustainer of Life, have heard the voice of our weeping, supplications and received our prayer as a sweet savor coming up before Your Sovereign Throne of Grace and Mercy!

Abba Father, in closing, we stand in agreement with The True and Living God, who hears and answers our prayers, and forgives our transgressions! Because You have chosen us, committing to love and care for us, our souls shout with unspeakable joy unto The One to Whom all men will come! We bow reverently before The Hope of all the earth, believing that as Your face shines upon us, You are making Your Ways and Salvation known among all nations for You Reign, Rule and Guide justly!

Now every child of God who is standing in agreement with this prayer, GO TELL SOMEBODY THAT JESUS LOVES EVERYBODY AND CAN SAVE ANYBODY!


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!



SELAH Daily Devotions!


And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.  And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one’s bands were loosed. Acts 16:24-25

Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. Psalm 121:4


Whether you’ve been walking with Jesus for a long time or just recently made your personal decision to follow Christ, Salvation doesn’t exclude any of us from experiencing faith’s stresses, test and trials! If you don’t have a clue about what I’m talking about, may I draw from dem ol’ skool Mothers’ terminology, “Baby, jus keep getting up in the mornin’ and going to bed at night, sooner or later you will encounter a season in your life when you’ll feel as though God has left you alone in the valley of the shadows of death to fend for yourself!”

While this kinda theology may seem a bit strange, even unbiblical, according to some Millennials, who’ve been spoon fed Gospel-Lite-Prosperity pablum prepared by the more sophisticated-socially-acceptable-all-ingratiating-all-inclusive preachers! But check The Book, it’s still in there! “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:” 1 Peter 4:12

According to Acts 16:24-25, God’s Apostles, Paul and Silas,  having been found guility they were  bound and thrown in prison, awaiting execution on death row for preaching The Gospel of Jesus Christ! Now  that what’s you call suffering for the CAUSE, huh?

Howevrrrr, what the enemy failed to take into account  was that  despite of their current circumstancces, there was something down on the inside working on the outside that kept them in perfect peace! It was their unwavering commitment to God that would fuel their faith and sustain their Hope that come what may, they would be victorious! Instead of murmuring, complaining and accusing God of being untrustworthy, they fliped the script and began to pray, praise and magnify God! TRUST2KNO, Praise Provokes GOD’S PRESENCE and when GOD moves, EVERYTHING CHANGES!

My beloved brothers and sistas, in times like these,  it behooves us to glean from those who’ve walked before us!  As you’re forced to trample through the turbulent terrains of this life, rest assured that your Heavenly Father is no dead-beat-absentee Dad!  Hold fast to God’s Eternal Word, remember it has no shelf-‘life expiration date! It’s still Light to the 21st Century Saints and potent enough  to comfort, strengthen and encourage those who dare seek Him!

While you already know that Satan’s constantly plotting to launch a diaboloical attack against you under the cloak of darknesss, aimed to diminish your confidence and siphon your trust in God,   you have A Watchman, Who is Sovereignly watching over you 24/7! He never naps! Day and night are the same to Him! Every step and stop you take is Divinely-choreographed by The Maestro of Heaven! Hence, He’s already gone before you preparing designated rest areas along the road to revive and re-energize our spirit and soul! #Didjaheardat? OMG!

Precious ones, perhaps, at this reading, you find yourself smack-dab-in-the-middle of a loooonnnnggg night and all the circumstantial evidence is  threatening your soul with overwhelming fear, anxiety and doubt, yet remember FACTS change BUT TRUTH remains! Therefore, even when you’re unable to trace God’s Face or feel His Hand, trust His Heart!

Beloved, when it seems as if everything around you is falling apart, Holy Spirit says, ‘It’s falling right in place’! Abba Father is weaving each tattered piece of your life together for your greatest good and His Highest Glory! And at the appointed time, He will flip it over  displaying His Magnificent Masterpiece! (Ref. Romans 8:28)

 For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. Psalm 30:5

“Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.” 1 John 3:2

As we continue our pilgrimage through the gross immorality of this fallen world may out faith remain steadfast, abounding in the work of His Sustaining Power and Grace!

With uplifted hands, and mouths filled with praise and adoration, let us  CRY unto The Lord a MIDNITE SONG, proclaiming “THE GOD I SERVE WORKS THE NIGHT SHIFT AND HE SHALL LEAD ME SAFELY ALL MY LIFE LONG INTO THE CELESTIAL CITY,  WHERE I’LL CALL ETERNALLY HOME!! 


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee