Tag Archives: waymaker




SELAH Daily Devotions!


Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid, for YAH, the Lord, is my strength and song; He also has become my salvation. Therefore with joy you will draw water From the wells of salvation. Isaiah 12:2-3

Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me. Isa. 49:16


In light of the prevailing gross darkness, devastation and desolation taking place in our world today, I was incited to review the words of God’s Prophet, Isaiah, speaking to the remnant of God’s Chosen nation.

God’s people were facing eminent danger of massive destruction, yet we hear Isaiah offering a word of warning and a ray of hope that we’d do well to glean from today. The Prophet encourages them that no matter what’s happening around you, don’t be afraid, but keep trusting and praising our God!  Isaiah, knowing God inhabits the praises of His people, speaks to souls wearied by the consequences of unwise choices and reminds them that their only hope of deliverance was to remain steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of their Lord! (Ref. 1 Corinthians 15:58)

God is Holy, Righteous and Just! While He must punish the unjust, His Anger does not last forever! Unlike many of our earthly fathers, YAH is our Covenant-keeping God and remains a Faithful Father, Saving Strength, Shield, Provider and Redeemer to all who call upon Him! From His own Mouth, Abba Father promises to wipe away the tears from their faces and keep you in perfect peace because we trust in Him! (Ref. Isaiah 25:8, 26:3-4)

Beloved, when life is out of your control, rest assured, Jesus is always in control! The Eternal Word testifies that you are the apple of His eye and He has tatooed your name in the palm of His Hands forever. (Ref. Psalm 17:8; Isa. 49:16)

In the midst of these unsettling times,  there’s no denying the myriad of distractions that are attempting to cause even the most seasoned of saints to question whether or not The Sovereign Creator and Sustainer of All Life is really concerned about what’s going on down here amongst the gross darkness of a lost, unfaithful and rebellious world,  nevertheless, I adjure you to keep your eyes on Jesus, The Joy of your Salvation and your feet steadfast on THE WORD! Be confident of this very thing, He that has begun a GOOD WORK IS FAITHFUL TO COMPLETE IT UNTIL THE DAY OF JESUS CHRIST! (Ref. Philippians 1:6)

Precious ones, when you can’t see no way, why not confuse hell and praiz JESUS anyhow! Don’tchaknow? At the mere mentioning of THE NAME OF JESUS demons tremble and the angelic host is put on alert!

Ooooh Yeah!  TRUST2KNO, The Great and Holy One of Israel is closer than ever before! Hence, don’t ever forget that YOUR GOD REMEMBERS!


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!


When He slew them, then they sought Him; and they returned and inquired early after God. And they remembered that God was their rock, and the high God their Redeemer. Nevertheless they did flatter him with their mouth, and they lied unto him with their tongues. For their heart was not right with Him, neither were they steadfast in His covenant. But He, being full of compassion, forgave their iniquity and destroyed them not; yeah, many a time turned He his anger away and did not stir up all His wrath. For He remembered that they were but flesh, a wind passeth away, and cometh not again. Psalm 78:34-39


A few years back, (but who’s counting, huh?) Barbara Strissand recorded a hit song entitled ‘Memories’. This song pricked the hearts of all of us! Hence, we all have memories of days gone by that lure us back to the way we were. For some of us, when certain ticker-tapes of past personal experiences cross our minds, immediately we smile. Other flash-backs cause our hearts to flutter, skipping a beat… or two, remembering when. And then there are those special ones that yet…still prompt silent tears to crease our cheeks. Memories, huh? Some are fading and some, we only wish we could forget.

Like all of us, I indeed cling to God’s promises to keep my mind focused, sharp and sound. That being my faith stance, I must confess that—every now and then—I have to cash in what my kids call, one of my ‘senior moments’ vouchers. Now don’t look at me in that tone of voice. Can we be for real? I believe we all suffer a bout of ‘Spiritual Alzheimer’s’—every now and then.

Today’s scripture text recalls how the Israelites’ sporadic attacks of ‘forgetfulness’ provoked God’s wrath as He carried them through the wilderness. Now don’t be so hard on them. Truth be told, any one of us, drapped in this fickle-frail-flesh-frame, are just as prone to spiritual amnesia when it comes to recollecting the Wondrous works of God!

Time and time again, God has proven Himself a Faithful Provider, A Way-Out- of -No-Way, our Rock-in-A-Weary-Land, A Shelter-in our-Storm, A Strong Protector, Committed Redeemer and Eternal Hope of our Salvation.  HOWEVERRRR, in spite of our own personal memories of all that God has already done, the moment we’re faced with a new challenge, does our response reflect a confident trust in our Compassionate Merciful God of All Grace? Or do we suddenly forget to remember that if He Did It Before, He’ll Do It Again? Probably not, huh?  #ijs…

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!

I went out full and the Lord hath brought me home again empty: why then call ye me Naomi, seeing the Lord hath testified against me, and the Almighty hath afflicted me?  Ruth 1:21


Personally, today’s text is one of the most saddest scriptures in the entire Bible. These words, uttered from the lips of Mother Naomi, can’t help but resonate in the wounded  hearts of any one of us who’s ever had their life, brutally interrupted by tragedy!

It doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned saint or a rank sinner, none of us wake up in the morning anticipating that today is the day that my life as usual will be ravaged by an out of the black catastrophic event. Yet tragedy is an uninvited, unbiased, self-imposing and most certainly unwelcomed guest that arbitrarily shows up anywhere , at anytime, at any one of our doors!

While The Bible clearly tells us that as new creations in Christ, we ought not to look at the things which are seen but rather, through the eye of faith, we’re encouraged to focus our attention on those things which are invisible to the natural eye. By the way, faith in God does not suggest that we deny that our current circumstances are challenging, but rather because we know that it’s only temporary, we must not allow fear and panic to rob us of The Eternal Hope we have in Jesus Christ! (Ref. 2 Corinthians 4:18)  Nevertheless, when tragedy strikes your life, it’s difficult to see real-time in an eternity perspective!

Mother Naomi’s words depict the pit of a woman’s soul devastated by despair and terrorized by hopelessness due to circumstances that were not of her own doing! Have you ever been victimized because of someone else’s choices? As you read Naomi’s story,  you discover that doing the right thing doesn’t exempt you from bad things happening to you. (Ref. Psalm 34:19) However, you’ll also recognize that you’re not the first person to have their life’s dreams crushed leaving your soul vacant and despondent!

While this may offer the faithful a glimmer of hope, sometimes the pressure of all the present circumstantial evidence stacked against us, blinds us from the spiritual reality that GOD is yet seated on The Throne, and has not lost–nor relinquished one iota of His Omnipresence, Omnipotence and Omniscient Glory!

That’s the point! The real root of the enemy’s constant plotting against God’s Chosen is not to steal your husband, wife, house, car or job. The bottom line is, the devil wants to destroy your trust in our Heavenly Father!

My precious ones, whatever you do, don’t allow the devil to intimidate you. Before you give up and throw in the towel,  REMEMBER.THE DEVIL IS A LIAR! And if he lies, he’ll steal, and if he steals, he’ll kill! (Ref. John 10:10a)

Now, the question is, who are you gonna trust?


Reach out to your Heavenly Father, trusting that He Who makes all things, holds all things together! That’s what Naomi did! She made a decision to go back to Bethlehem! Back to the Land of Promise! Not only did she reconnect to her relative, the Land-Lord, Boaz, she became the Great-Grand Mother of  Israel’s Greatest King, David, the descendant of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! WHEN NAOMI OPENED HER HEART TO GOD, HE FILLED HER HEART AND HER HANDS! Hence, is your heart opened to God’s Plan or yours?


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!

“And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden.”
(Genesis 3:8)

Back in the olden days, there was a street game (yes we actually played outside) and while the name of the game escapes me, I do remember the rules. We’d find a fresh yellow flower, which was no small feat in the hood, and then we’d proceed to slowly pull each individual golden petal apart from the stem while chanting the words,“He loves me…He loves me not…He loves me…He loves me notHE LOVES ME!
That’s exactly how some of us authenticate our relationship with Jesus! When our circumstances are all good (just as we like them}, “He loves me”. When situations abruptly shift beyond our comfort level and/or ability to control, “He loves me not”!
Let’s consider our first parents, Adam and Eve. When they obeyed the voice of God, they enjoyed paradise—living life to the fullest. Everything they desired was theirs for the picking without their even asking. However, the moment they began to doubt God’s faithfulness and willfully defied God’s instructions they were thrust into an environment that God never intended for them to experience. The confident intimacy of God’s Presence was ruptured! For the first time, they found themselves radically disconnected, desperately attempting to hide themselves from the Eternal Source of Life and Love! The enchantment they once knew was displaced by dread, fear, guilt, shame, doubt and insecurity! 
But The Eternal God of Love, refused to let go! The Omniscient Creator came looking for Adam.  
Where are you Today? Are you discouraged and feeling detached from The True Source of Power, Peace and Hope? Are the cares of this world or the heavy burden of un-confessed sin tempting you to hide from your Only Savior, Jesus? 
Come out from there! Lift your heart towards The King and be ye reconciled! (Ref. 2 Corinthians 5:20)
When God sees us, He’s looking through Lovingly Blood-Stained Eyes!  Trust for sure, Beloved…Yes, HE LOVES ME, AND YOU! 
Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!
Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!





Father in Heaven, here we are before you once again. We come today with outstretched arms, open hands and grateful hearts, for this is the day that You have made! Therefore we’re rejoicing in The Splendor of Your Magnificent Glory! We know that it’s only because of Your Grace and Mercy, that we’re yet here! It’z because of Your love for us, You have allowed us one more day to enjoy life, health and strength. We’re thankful for another opportunity to present ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable unto you.

From our Mother’s womb, You’ve proven Yourself to be Faithful and True; therfore, we’re trusting You to provide everything that we need today to sustain us thru whatever challenges that unfold during the course of this day! Abba Father, we know that You Alone are our God, Guard and Guide!

Father, with eternal gratitude we bless You for allowing us to enter into Your Throne Room, with hope-filed expectation that you will entreat us graciously as we pour out the burdens that seem to overwhelm our hearts, releasing everything that concerns us to you! Lord Jesus, because we know that You are Omniscient, Omnipresent, You see and You already know everything about everyone of us, yet you have welcomed us to come to you, to find Grace and Mercy to comfort, strengthen and encourage us to hold on to every Word that You have spoken over our lives, before we were born.

Daddy, as we stand humbly before Your Sovereignty, before we go any further, we’re asking You to forgive us for everything that we, your children, have spoken, done and even thought that was not pleasing in Your sight. We thank You now because You have assured us that if we would confess our sins, You, Heavenly being Faithful and Just, will forgive us, and wash us in The Precious Blood of Jesus, cleansing us from all unrighteousness, and restoring the breach that our disobedience has caused between our poor souls and our Lord and Savior, Jesus!

Now, we ask Holy Spirit to intercede for us, on our behalf, our family, our friends, even our enemies, as we know that Your love is the same to each and everyone of us!

Abba, we know that You have instructed us, to look not at the temporary things, but to the eternal, yet You know the frailness of our flesh, and how easily we’re provoked and tempted to become overwhelmed by the cares of this world, that our hearts are burdened with the pressures of this life, that some of us are wearied with fear, doubt, unbelief, sickness and disease, financial debt, broken relationships, unprovoked threats, depression, addictions, insecurities.

Lord you know that sometimes we lose our focus on You causing our days to be spent beneath clouds of evil foreboding, while our nites are plagued with restlessness, despondency and hopelessness! Lord, keep us in Your Will, as only You can!

Lord we pray that you will save, heal and deliver speedily by Your Mighty Hand,all those who are crying out to you, seeking Your Face at the very moment! Give us to know that because we belong to You, we are never too far that You can’t see us, reach us, and shield us from anything that the devil would rail against us. Help us to understand that Your Name, Jesus is a Strong Tower, and those that You hve declared the righteous run into it and are saved.

Open up our minds and our hearts, filling us with Your Assurance, and confidence that at The Name of Jesus, every knee must bow and every tongue confess that You are Lord! Grace your children with hope-filled trust that You, Father have committed Your Word towards us that no weapon that’s formed us shall ever prosper and except You allow it, no trouble, test or trial can come near us. We thank you Lord, for fully persuading us our of Providential Presence and Power to turn everything around to work in our favor and to bring about exuberant testimonies and praizes of Your Eternal Magnificence, Honor and Glory!

Father, we thank you now for listening to the hearts of everyone reading and praying with us. We thank you for hearing the hearts of those who have never trusted and accepted Your Son Jesus as Savior and Lord! We are thankful that Holy Spirit is quickening that stony heart now and that they shall come to You humbled by Your Lovingkindness, in obedient to Your call and are now receving your Mercy and Grace to Save. We pray now that You are leading and guiding them to the local church, planting them inYour Vineyard, where they shall be taught and transformed by Your Word of Life to take their position in The Kingdom of Heaven.

Father, we pray for those who are distraught by grief and fear, the elderly, the widows, the downcast who have born the heat of the day, especially those who pushed and prayed us through! Father, give them sweet peace. Lord, we pray for the leaders of governments world-wide, their hearts are in Your Hands, visit them in the night season and command them to do Your Will.

Lord, I pray for every believer who is yet holding on to Your Hand by faith today, that You are releasing Divine power, Supernatural strength and health, provision, prosperity and protection. Father, we’re trusting that You shall preserve them thru the tests that they must go thru and keep them constantly aware of YOUR PRESENCE and fully-confident that You will bring them out wholly restored, renewed, refreshed and with the reward as You have promised them in Your Word!

Father, we thanking You for an outpouring of Your Divine Favor upon each and every one of your children who are seeking employment, promotion, prompt approval for student/car/home loans and assure them that YOU are YET HE, Jehovah Jareh, who shall supply all of their need according to Your Riches in Glory!

Father we decree and declare that every demonic-induced spirit of addiction and fear is defeated NOW because of Your Anointing and that the Spirit of Love, Power and Sound-mindness and Purpose is being released into the lives of Your people now, in Jesus Name!

Abba, we lift up every Bishop, Pastor, Overseer, Apostle, Evangelist, Preacher and Teacher. Undergird them with Your Anointing to carry out their assignment, under the direction of Holy Spirit. Cover them as they go in and out amongst Your people and those who would seek to discredit, hinder and even destroy their faith, faithfulness and the ministryYou have ordained.

Lord, there are so many other things, that we have yet to mention, but we’re trusting, believing you to fix it, Jesus, as only You can! Lord, we know that You are not just able, but willing to do anything that we ask, in accorance to Your Word, in Jesus Name!

As we offer us this prayer, Father we wait in confidence and quietness, rejoicing in hope and trusting wholly that all workers of iniquity are trembling and suddenly departing in shame, turning their backs from Your people, because You have heard the voice of our weeping, our supplications and received our prayer as a sweet savor coming up before Your Sovereign Throne of Grace and Mercy!

Father, we thank You NOW, for WE believe that it is done! In The Exalted Name of Jesus. Amen 3X

Now every child of God who is standing in agreement with this prayer, GO TELL SOMEBODY THAT JESUS LOVES EVERYBODY!




SELAH Daily Devotions!


Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 

There’s one thing that each of us faces as we tread through this 21st Century, both believers or unbelievers, and that’s ‘The uncertainty”.  Yes, it’s pretty much a guarantee at some point during our day we will all face some degree of uncertainty.  Whether it’s wondering if we’ll have a job tomorrow,  will there be a massive storm or will the sun be shining, what will the traffic be like, what will I come home to, will I have the finances to take that much needed and earnestly anticipated vacation?
Life always entails a mist of mystery that one might reckon to a confusing road trip. Sometimes, we might know where we want to go, but we’re rarely aware of the congestion, structural delays, not to mention the inexplicable road signs that seem to hamper our getting from where we are to where we’re going.

I’m not trying to be flippant, neither attempting to diminish the level of frustration that we’re surely forced to endure, but if I might borrow from Frank Sinatra’s 1966 Hit Song, “THAT’S LIFE”!

It’s been my experience that The Divine Architect of our lives  generally doesn’t pre-announce the details of His Master Plan, nor does He tend to incorporate our suggestions (no matter how excellent we think they are), but works it all out, according to the Counsel of His own Will. (Ephesians 1:11-12) However, He does give us this confident assurance, that as we keep our focus and trust in Him, at the end of our journey we shall realize that every thing we’ve experienced has all been for our highest good and for His Greatest Glory! (Romans 8:28, Jeremiah 29:11)

My fellow sojourner, as we make our way along life’s terrain, remember that our every step and stop has been lovingly ordered by The Good Shepherd who has committed His Presence to be with us always!!



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!
Ann Caffee