Monthly Archives: August 2016


SELAH Daily Devotions


SELAH Daily Devotions!

Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. John 8:36

 SMH!!!!Coming into another dimension of Revelation of the ‘almost too good to be true’ Gospel of Jesus Christ,my only appropriate response is shaking my head in wonder-filled absolute amazement!I’m not a novice to this thing we call ‘Salvation’, by no means. I’ve been saved for more than thirty years! Yet, I’m almost embarrassed to admit it; nevertheless, for most of my walk with Christ, I’ve struggled secretly imprisoned by guilt and shame for sins I have committed. And I’m not just talking about those B.C. (before Christ). I’m talking about the since I’ve been saved stuff too! 

Just in case someone else out there…

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SELAH Daily Devotions


SELAH Daily Devotions!

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it.For then, you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.  Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.  Joshua 1:8-9

Whaaa Da?  I get it? In the midst of the myriad of prominent prolific pastors, poised preachas, pulpit pounding prosperity prophets, packed out padded pews, dazzling mood lighting and symphonic sound systems and praiz and worship leaders auditioning for Stellar Awards, it’s kinda easy to lose sight of what qualifies as true spiritual success! Can the church say Amen 3X!

Didjakno?Spiritual success is not measured according to perfection, fear, fainting, failures nor…

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SELAH Daily Devotions


SELAH Daily Devotions!

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10

Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. John 8:43-45

In our Judicial system, oftimes a case is won or lost, based upon the credibility of the witnesses? Hence, I’d imagine that attorneys conduct pretty substantial investigations prior to putting an individual in…

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SELAH Daily Devotions!


Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls, But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.’ Jeremiah 6:16


Okay! I gotta confess, our family might be a bit eccentric! But, c’mon, ever met anyone’s clan who wasn’t, huh?  YEAH, RIGHT! 

One of the personal proclivities of our household is the weekly (or daily for the patriarch) excursions to every thrift store within a 20 mile radius of our home. Overtime, the quest to recruit followers has been somewhat successful, amongst the older members of the family. However, the considerable efforts to pass down this soul rewarding heritage to future generations, have most often been met with extreme resistance! Obviously, the young’ns have yet to developed the palate necessary to distinguish (#appreciatethevalue) old from vintage!

Hence, may I submit for your consideration, that these same sentiments can  perhaps be attributed, spiritually, to the world at large! Don’t shout me down, now? Seriously! Given the spirit of this 21st Century Age of comtemporarized, unconventional, ambiguity, tolerance and self-motivated righteousness, apparently there’s little need and even less desire to conform to the irrelevant, antiquated dictatorship of The Holy Bible! After all, look what we’ve already done! Jus check out the mind-blowing accomplishments that we’ve attained just in the past 100 years, right?

To be honest, in a high-tech synthetic world of rockets, jets, cruiseliners, skycrapers and paved roadways, voice activated iphones and ipads…one might easily get caught up in a world where nature is generally overlooked! It’s no wonder that we tend to ignore The Creator and glorify creation! I mean, it’s kinda foolish to serve a God that you can’t even explain, when our sophisticated intellectual contemporary world appears to offer every kind of solutions to any problems that we face, right?

I’m sure you know by now that there’s always going to be plenty of folk around you who will tell you that ‘all you gotta do’ is keep on trying; pull yourself up by your bootstraps, and remember you da man 2 make it happen, right? But as good as that sounds, what do you do when you ain’t got no boots?

Life has a way of suddenly intruding upon, unannounced and uninvited, and dismantling the perfect 5-year plan that we’ve conjured up, leaving you at the crossroads of clueless, helpless and worse yet hopeless as how to recover and reconnect the broken pieces! It’s  usually at this point, that our Heavenly Father, reaches down into the pits of our vanity and depravity and draws us into a personal encounter with the Creator of Life, Love, Faith for Peace and Joy! It’s in this state that we discover that the true meaning and purpose for our being is to praise and glorify HIM!

As Holy Spirit begins to reveal Godself to you through The Word and intimate communion (prayer) the eyes of your understanding is enlighten and you recognize that the path for right living has already been marked out by God before the foundation of the world!

Unfortunately, even today, so few will choose to leave the glitz and glamour of the wide road, going their own way, and venture off to the old narrow pathways to follow in the footsteps of The OneTrue Shepherd! Those who have lost (or were never privvy to) God’s Perspective of their lives, tend to minimize the benefits of being set apart to manifest the Glory of God’s Mercy and Grace to a people living in a world filled with the emptiness of gross darkness, lost yet consumed with persuing a hell-bound life of eternal devastation and destruction!

Everyday, we’re forced to make numerous decisions, however there’re those which have eternal consequences. Are you going to choose the old ways (God’s) or will you continue forging on new paths of your own way?



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee





SELAH Daily Devotions!


GOOD MORNING FAMILY! GOTTA MOMENT? Awesome! Once again, we are excited to invite you to join us today, in our weekly day of Corporate Prayer and Fasting! SHALL WE PRAY?

Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus And to take Him at His Word! Just to rest upon His promise. And to know thus saith the Lord! Jesus, Jesus how I trust Him. How I proved Him o’er and o’er. Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! Oh, for grace to trust Him more; Oh, for GRACE 2 Trust U more…We love U Lord, and we lift our voice; to worship U O my soul, rejoice! Take joy my KING, in what U hear, and let it be a sweet, sweet, sound in UR ears…let it be a sweet, sweet sound in URRR Ears…

Heavenly Father, we come one more time, to thank you for allowing us to see this day! We  have so much to thank You for, and because we refuse to take anything for granted, we praise You for our being able to breathe, see, to hear, walk, talk and even think to pray this morning! We’re so blessed because You are a forgiving God and an understanding God. Not only have You have done so much for me,  You keep right on blessing me over and over again! Abba Father, forgive me this day for everything I have done, said or thought that was not pleasing to Your Heart. I ask now for Your forgiveness, in The Precious Name of Jesus!

As we embrace the day ahead,  help us to start this day with a new attitude and loads of gratitude. Please keep us safe from all hurt, harm and danger. Let us make the best of each moment that You gift to us! Lord Jesus, clear our minds so that we can hear from You and cleanse our hearts that we may deny ourselves, trust and obey Your Will.

Help me Lord to not whine and whimper over things I have no control. Let me continue to see sin through God’s eyes and acknowledge it as evil. And when I sin, quicken my spirit to repent, and confess with my mouth my wrongdoing, and receive the Gracious forgiveness of my  God!

And when this world closes in on me, please help me remember Jesus’ example — to slip away and find a quiet place to pray. Knowing that prayer is my best response when I’m pushed beyond my limits. I thank You also because I know that when I can’t pray, You listen to my heart and interpret every moan, groan and sigh of my spirit! Father, I thank You that despite of my fractures and dysfunctions , You are yet able to use me to do Your will ensuring The You Alone get The Glory!

Abba Father, continue to bless us that we may be a blessing to others. Keep us strong that we may help the weak.. Keep us uplifted that we may have words of encouragement for others. We pray for those who are lost and can’t find their way. We pray for those who are misjudged and misunderstood. We pray for those who don’t know You intimately. We pray for those who will delete this without sharing it with others. We pray for those who don’t believe that You sent Jesus, not to condemn us, but to convict us and to free us from the power, pain and penalty of Sin.

When we look back over our lives, we can’t help but cry out, Thankya for that Blessed Day when You opened our hearts and enabled us to believe and receive the revelation of the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ! We know that You are no respector of persons, and this Grace is yet available to any who will ask!

Father, we know that faith in God not only changes people, it changes me; and only You, O God have the Power to change things! We pray for all our sisters and brothers and for every family member in their households. We’re praying for peace, unity, love and joy in our homes. We believing that Your Divine Favor is being poured out upon everyone now and their faith is rising to a level that they’re faithful and obedient to pay their tithes as You have commanded, releasing supernatural abundance in the area of finances, enabling them to not only come of of debt but also because they put You first, all their needs are met. In Jesus Name!

Father, we’re lifting up our children, our children’s children by faith, as many of them are beginning a new school year, we’re committing them into Your care, realizing that You have a plan and purpose for their lives too; we have the blessed assurance that their steps are being ordered by Your eyes!

We bless you and thank you for President Obama and his family, Secretary Hilliary Clinton and her family. We thank you now that no weapon that is formed against them shall prosper.

We pray for every government, legislative,corporate and spiritual leader; that their hearts be continuously opened to hear and obey Your Will! Lord Jesus, we’re standing on Your Word as decreed that The government of this world shall rest upon Your shoulders and that You are The Eternal King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

Father, we declare and decree that every demonic-induced spirit of sickness and disease, yokes of oppression, addiction, perversion, covetness, bitterness and resentment, unforgiveness, hopelessness, doubt and fear is defeated NOW because of Your Anointing and that the Spirit of Love, Power and Sound-mindness and Purpose is being released into the lives of Your people now, in Jesus Name!

Father, we wait humbly in confidence and quietness, trusting wholly that every worker of iniquity is trembling and departing suddenly, in shame, turning their backs in defeat and running away from Your people, because You have heard the voice of our weeping, our supplications and received our prayer as a sweet savor coming up before Your Sovereign Throne of Grace and Mercy!

Heavenly Father, we also ask that every eye that reads this, knows that there is no problem, circumstance, or situation greater than Our God. Give us hope-filled rest that every battle is in Your Almigty hands for You are El Shaddai!

We pray, Lord Jesus, that these words be conceived and received into the heart and every eye that sees them and every mouth that confesses them willfully.

Abba Father,  we seal this pray with a Thank You NOW, believing that IT IS DONE! In The Exalted Name of  OUR REDEEMER, JESUS. Amen 3X and It Is So!

Now every child of God who is standing in agreement with this prayer, GO TELL ONE SOMEBODY THAT JESUS IS LORD 2 THE GLORY OF GOD OUR FATHER!




SELAH Daily Devotions!


Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:13

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil. Proverbs 3:5-7

Dual Citizenship! Living in this world while at the same time recognizing that we’re aliens of another Kingdom, occupying this place in time as carriers of The Glory until the return of Jesus Christ, The King is absolutely-mind-blowingly-awemaazin, huh?

But! Sometimes, life comes at us so hard and so fast that we lose consciousness of the core of our faith—Truth—and find our hearts being ripped betwixt two realities. That confident heritage of the saints, is often disrupted by the intrusive presence of aggravating adverse circumstances!

Now, don’t get it twisted! I’m not saying that we forget we’ve been called and chosen by God to be instruments of righteousness at His bidding. Hopefully, most of us have long since gotten past that issue. We believe with all our hearts that one day we will live eternally in Heaven with our Father. But!!! It’s the meantime that keeps tripping us up! Our frail-flawed-fickle, self-centered-fleshy-nature keeps drawing us back to the ol’ days when we sat on The Throne of our hearts, making decisions and judgments according to what seemed right in our own minds! Can I getta Amen?

Remember when that ol’ man had nothing to restrain us from focusing all our time, thoughts and energy on getting whatever we wanted, whenever we thought we needed? We were clueless that we were actually being used by rulers of darkness, hell bent on pulling us away from The Omnipresence, Omniscience, Omnipotence Creator and driving us head first into a sink hole of fear, discouragement, hopelessness and failure!

YEP! We were oblivious to the enemy’s wicked scheme to entrap us; besieging our minds with his ticker-tape alerts forecasting the high probability of hurricane wind gusts, overcast skies of dread, gloom and doom! Unfortunately, for too many of us, Satan’s so competent with his devices that if we’re not careful, we will come into agreement with him, setting the course for fulfillment of the very thing we fear! Hence, when we surrender to our fears, we give validity to them, and worse yet, proving him (The Father of Lies) to be a true prophet!

That is until  Holy Spirit quickens us, reminding us that we’re no longer obligated or enslaved by our former Task Master! When we come to ourselves, purpose in our hearts, settling our affections on things above and acknowledge The Greater One abiding in us, we slam the devil down to his rightful place (under our feet)! Dontchakno? When YOU believe GOD, the tormentor has no choice but to back up off of ya!

When we activate the spiritual weaponry of warfare that God has armed every believer by commanding our minds to think of the Goodness of Jesus and all that He has done, continues to do and promises to do—the Joy of The Lord swells up in our hearts, illuminating our thoughts, erupting inevitable praise!Suddenly, The Glory of His Presence shows up filling our hearts and minds with a peace that passes all understanding! (Ref. 2 Corinthians 10:4 and Philippians 4:7)

Beloved, the next time that lying devil tries to steal your hope, jus throw THE ROCK at him and JUST THINK YOURSELF HAPPY WITH PRAISE!

“But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.” Psalm 22:3! Then pick up another rock and seal the victory! “Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” Psalm 16:11)



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee


SELAH Daily Devotions


SELAH Daily Devotions!

Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord Acts 3:19

I am straight Holiness/Pentecostal todabone; ask anybody who knows me in church! I mean, I’ll shout you down in a heartbeat! But guess what? The devil ain’t stud’n you getting your praise on shoutin’ and dancin’, flip’n over pews, in the church house, as long as you don’t change! That’s right, I’m talking about repentance! Don’t touch dat button!

I know repentance carries a negative connotation, generally provoking feelings of fear and condemnation. I totally get it. However, what we need to know is that none of us  have the power or responsibility to make a person repent by threatening them that they’re going to Hell!  BUT!!!! IF  you let them know how good The Lord…

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SELAH Daily Devotions


SELAH Daily Devotions!

Wherewith shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before the high God? shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves of a year old? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of oil?  shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?

Micah 6:6-8

Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong. 2 Corinthians 2:10

For those of us, who truly love God with all of our hearts, spirit, soul and body, yet feel an…

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SELAH Daily Devotions

My Water Is Breaking

SELAH Daily Devotions!

“He that believe on ME, as the Scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” John u:38

“Because I give waters in the wilderness and rivers in the desert, to give drink to my people, my chosen…” Isaiah 43:20b

In the natural, most expectant mothers anticipating blessed arrival of her new baby with unrestrained excitement, shops until she drops! At the same time, the realization that before she actually holds her beautiful bouncing bundle of joy in her arms, she must first endure the grueling discomfort and pain of labor and delivery, can’t help but cause a certain degree of apprehension.

Every woman who has had a baby knows that as the labor progresses, the pain intensifies. Although we’re unable to accurately determine what the baby goes through, we can safely assume, by reason of anatomy, making its way through some extremely…

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SELAH Daily Devotions!


Good morning Family, GOT A MOMENT?  GREAT! Once again we invite you to join us in our Weekly Day of Corporate Prayer and Fasting today! With up stretched arms and open hearts, and our mouths filled we praise …

Awesome ruler, gentle Redeemer! God with us, the Living Truth; And what a friend we have in you! You are the Living Word! Jesus, Jesus! That’s what we call you! Manger born, but on a tree! You died to save humanity; You are the Living Word! We’re pray now, believing and trusting…


Heavenly Father, we come today, In Jesus Name, thanking You for blessing us to see one more brand new day! We thank You for another opportunity to embrace the abundance of Your Mercy, Grace,  Power and Your Peace!

Abba Father, it’s only because of You, that we know to cherish this day and not take it for granted as if we have a right to live! Because of You we  live, move and have our being! We come with our our hearts rejoicing, hands lifted up and our lips forever praizing You! Father, as we come this morning , we’re thanking You for the honor and privilege that You have bestowed upon us by choosing us to be your very own children! Oh, how awesome are Your deeds! For You have preseved our lives and kept our feet from slipping! 

O Lord, God of Heaven, who keeps covenant Love with those who Love and Obey Your Word, we’re grateful that your ears are attentive to our prayers. We confess our sinfulness, wickeness, and disobedience to Your commands, collectively as well as individually, and we ask that You forgive us, cleanse us in The Precious Blood of Jesus and restore us back to right-fellowship with You.We’re thankful that because You know our frame, Your faithfulness and compassion continuously allows You to look beyond our human frailties, faults and iniquities to see and minister to our real need! We thank You, Heavenly Father for being The True God of our Salvation, Hope, Deliverance, Breakthrough and Provision!

We’re so very grateful that even though we’re living in these last days  filled with impending chaos and destruction, we yet have a hiding place and know that the safest place in this whole world is smack-dab-in-da-middle of YOUR PERFECT WILL! Lord Jesus, we’re so grateful that You are yet  in control of all things.

Precious Lord, because You have declared that it is Your Will that none shall perish, we ask that You save that person who is yet walking in darkness, outside of covenant relationship with You, and reclaim every back-slider who has turned away from following You; Father, put a commited YES in their hearts and in their minds that they will run to you today and receive You as their personal Lord and Savior. Bless them now and place them and settle them into a church home that they might be restored and their character developed in the ways of Holiness and Righteousness , fill them with a determination to live out the rest of their days in humble-faithful obedience to You!

Father, we pray that you will touch our brother, touch our sister whose body has been afflicted by sickness and disease, especially the spirit of cancer and rebuke and cast it out at the root, for Your Name Sake. Heavenly Father, You have decreed that You are Alpha and Omega, the same yesterday, today and forever! Even as You walked in this earth healing all who were sick, feeble, lame we know that You’re Well Able to do the same right now! Lord Jesus, Your Word declares that Your stripes have redeemed and healed us and we’re yet standing on your promises that the prayer of faith shall save the sick and raise them up, In Jesus Name! Amen 3x!
Lord, we intercede on behalf of every one who is going thru a season of mourning and grief because of the lost of a loved one, those who have been victimized by divorce, loss of employment, bankrupty and foreclosures! We plead the Blood of Jesus over the demonic thoughts, spirits of anxiety, oppression, depression and confusion, because we know that You are not the author of these demonic thoughts and feelings, but You have given us who have put our personal trust in Your Son Jesus, Your Righteousness, Love and Joy in The Holy Ghost!

Abba Father, we pray according to Your Will, for the leaders of our nation, corporate, judicial, education, financial institutions and our churches! We’re asking that You touch their minds and hearts, that You speak to them in dreams and visions letting them know that You Who Sit Enthroned Above the Heavens is keeping record of the deeds of every man’s heart and will reward accordingly!
Abba, we ask that You  encourage and comfort the souls of Your elect who are overwhelmed with fear, doubt and worry because of the things that are going on in our personal lives and in this ungodly world systems! Lord, send them a sign that will assure them that we are never alone, and never without Your Very Present Help!

We lift up every believer who is yet holding on to your Hand by faith today,  we’re trusting that You are releasing a double anointing of Your Divine Peace, Power, Supernatural strength, provision, prosperity and protection. We’re trusting and believing that You will preveserve them thru every test that You have allowed us to go thru confidently assure that You will bring us out restored, renewed, refreshed and with the reward as You have promised us in Your Word. For in our weakness, You encourage us and empower us with an overwhelming consciousness of Your Abiding Presence!

Father we wait in confidence and quietness, rejoicing in hope and trusting wholly that all workers of iniquity are trembling and suddenly departing in shame, turning their backs from Your people, because You have heard the voice of our weeping, our supplications and received our prayer as a sweet savor coming up before Your Sovereign Throne of Grace and Mercy!
Abba Father, we stand in agreement with You who hears ours prayers and forgives our transgressions! Holy Father, because You have chosen us and brought us near to live in Your House, we shout with joy unto The One to Whom all men will come!

We bow in obedient reverence before The Hope of all the earth, believing that as Your face shines upon us that, You are making Your ways and salvation known among all nations for You Guide and Rule justly!
Father, we  seal this pray with a Thank You NOW, for WE believe that it is done! In The Exalted Name of Jesus. Amen 3X and It Is So!

Now every child of God who is standing in agreement with this prayer, GO TELL SOMEBODY THAT JESUS IS LORD 2 THE GLORY OF GOD OUR FATHER!


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!