Category Archives: I can’t




SELAH Daily Devotions!


The LORD said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering.

So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey–the home of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. Exodus 3:7-8


Has God’s Promises ever seemed too good to be true? C’mon nah, I’m talking to some REAL-FOLK! Seriously! The reason being, our interaction with the physical world is naturally limited to the realm of our five senses! What we see, touch, feel, taste and smell is how we perceive the reality of the world around us! Unfortunately, there’s always much more going on than the natural man can conceive! For example, you can feel the breeze but what does the wind look like? Technicians can take a picture of a brain, but who can know the mind, BUT GOD! The stethoscope can hear the heartbeat, but can’t determine when you’re broken, hard-or faint-hearted! #ijs!!

Have you ever felt discarded or deserted, even by GOD? Well, let me assure you, you’re not alone! According to the historical events relayed in our scripture text, The Hebrews, God’s Chosen, who finding themselves smack-dab-n-da-middle of circumstantial evidence that most likely caused them to experience these very same emotions! For 450 years they lived enslaved to their Egyptian captors who took great pleasure in inflicting intolerable pain and suffering, intentionally rationing food and water only when they deemed necessary to keep them totally dependent upon their Hard Task Master’s will! Can you imagine the shame and hopelessness they, God’s Elect, having to endure the consequences of their rebellion and ensuing result of God’s Justice, with no end in sight? Howevrrr, even when they couldn’t detect His Presence, GOD’s LOVE abides Faithful!


Having lured His Servant, Moses to the backside of Mt. Horeb and startling him with a strange phenomenon, the Bush that refused to be consumed, God commissioned him to go tell “MY” people that ENUFF IS ENUFF!  (That’s contemporized AEC Version) “I’ve seen their oppression, I’ve heard their cry,  bottled every tear,  heard every prayer and NOW I AM COME to shut Pharaoh down and DELIVER you out of the hand of your enemy!” Not knowing whether or not his Israelite brothers would even listen to him, being a escaped felon hiding out in a foreign land, but Moses heeded God’s Word and shared it with his fellow-captives. Much to Moses’ amazement, the people grabbed hold to The Promise with all of their hearts and began shouting and dancing in the streets, celebrating the GOOD NEWS, believing that THE WORDS THAT MOSES SPAKE CAME STRAIGHT FROM GOD’S MOUTH!

Eventually, the message got to Pharaoh’s Palace, nevertheless, he took it as a grain of salt. After all, this was not the first time that these ignorant slaves had started these silly rumors in an effort to keep HOPE ALIVE! Pharaoh was convinced that it’s JUS FAKE NEWS! But for those who had endured 450 years of GOD’s SILENCE IN THE MIDST OF GROSS DARKNESS, IT WAS LIFE AND LIGHT!


The Bible says, “My Sheep know MY VOICE AND I KNOW THEM, AND THEY FOLLOW ME”! (Ref. John 10:27) “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:17) When you begin to look beyond what your natural eyes can see and your vision is filtered through the lens of FAITH, YOU COME2KNO THAT IT AIN’T ALWAYS WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE! While the world’s systems operates on the principle “I’ll BELIEVE IT WHEN I SEE IT”, GOD’s Kingdom operates by a higher standard, “I WILL BELIEVE TO SEE THE GOODNESS OF THE LORD IN THE LAND OF THE LIVING!” (Ref. Psalm 27:13)

When you place your personal trust in The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and The God of Jacob, faith opens you up to experience SUPER VISION, exposing things that are not seen as though they already exist! God’s Word is filled with exceeding great and Precious Promises that are greater than anything that the oppressor threatens! Oh, remember what happened to that arrogant obstinate Pharaoh and His Army? Right, THEY ALL DROWNED IN THE RED SEA! (Ref. Exodus 14:28-29) #ijs!!





Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann E. Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!


The thief cometh not but to steal, to kill and to destroy; I AM come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.  John 10:10

Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints:  To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory; Colossians 1:26-27


One of the most tragic phenomenon befalling humanity is leaving here without ever knowing and becoming the fearfully, wonder-filled, exceptionally-crafted Masterpiece our Creator intended before you were formed in your Mother’s womb. (Ref. Jeremiah 1:5)

Could that be why some say that the richest piece of real estate in any city is the cemetery? Don’t get melancholic on me! In fact my objective is quite the opposite; to spawn enticing hope-filled adventurous tomorrows!

We live in a society where conformity is the paramount attribute of success. If you want to be in you’ve got to fit the mold, otherwise you’re considered not one of us but part of the othersUnfortunately that leaves a whole lot of us outside of the clique, huh?

But here’s where I stand on such matters; who gave you the authority to authenticate what God has made in the first place? Only the creator of a thing has the right to determine its true value and potential! Hence, too many of us walk around, ignorant of self-identity, self-rejecting, convicted and/or condemned to a lifetime of regret-filled apologizing to others for who I AM!

That is until we come into the personal saving knowledge of Christ Jesus and get a revelation of who and Whose you are! This personal encounter with The Source and Sustainer of The Universe opens up gargantuan possibilities,  unimaginable potential and inconceivable prospectives that eyes have not seen neither have ears heard of!  

Why waste another moment of the precious time alloted to you being a copy of anybody or everybody else when God has distinguished you from every other individual born in the earth. Check your fingerprints?

“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” 1 Corinthians 3:16

Locked up in you is the answer to someone’s question. You are designed to be the miracle that person’s waiting on! You are the gift of hope to some despondent soul! You are the treasure that one somebody’s been seeking for and was about to give up on, disgusted by a history of repetitious seconds and hand-me-downs! #Didjaheardat? 

Oh what liberating Truth erupts from our souls realizing that despite of what some folk may think or even said about you, in Christ, you have been empowered to stand-sure-footed in His Grace and profoundly proclaim, “I shall not allow anybody to deny me the right to be, become, have and do everything God ordained me 2 BE!  Because I belong to The King of Kings and The Lord of Lords,  I  can do all things through Christ Who Strengthens me! Therefore I CHOOSE LIFE!”

Beloved, TRUST2KNO, Absolutely Nobody, BUT GOD can make you who you are!  DON’T DIE B4 U LIVE! #GO4IT!


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee





SELAH Daily Devotions!


And he LORD said, “Arise, anoint him, for this is the one.” Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst o his brothers, and the Spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward. So Samuel arose and went to Ramah. 1 Samuel 16:12b-13


In a perfect world one might expect to be valued for their compassion, kindness, integrity, selflessness, caring, thoughtfulness, humility, intestinal fortitude (grit), courage, loyalty and strength to be true to one’s self and others! Might I venture to say given the socially-challenged-spiritually-bankrupt state of humanity in this New Millennial society, a concordant manifestation of any combination of these heavenly attributes would be most welcomed, appreciated, admired and envied! Needless to say, we ain’t there yet! Can I get a strong AMEN 3x and double Hi-5?

TRUTHBTOLD, as far as we know, since that first infraction of our progenitors, Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden, mankind has lost the glorious innocence and sensitivity that once clothed the most precious of God’s creation! Hence, opening up the way for self preservation, shame, guilt, blame, hatred, inconsideration, covetousness, envy, jealousy and irresponsibility to become the new norm of the land! Could that be why God said, ‘don’t eat of the tree of good and evil’? UUUMMMMM?

Fortunately, God always had a plan to redeem and restore humanity back to HIS original intent, to surround Godself with an Eternal Family! He sent His Only Begotten Son, Jesus, serving as an illustrated sermon, to teach us the perfect, good and acceptable standard of Righteousness Personified!

Unfortunately, to attain such a lofty estate one must be transformed from faith to faith and glory to glory! This transition requires discipline and endurance,  which most of f us refuse to tolerate having little or no time for dat! A closer investigation of David, dubbed a man after God’s Own Heart, reveals that rarely does man and God come to the same conclusion when it comes to choosing candidates for the most likely to achieve success, IN GOD’S EYES! #ijs

Not only was David rejected by his father, he was not even considered remotely eligible to fill the position that Samuel was sent to appoint! Jessie lined his seven sons up before Samuel from the eldest on down; but much to his surprise, the oil refused to flow! And guess what, Samuel didn’t fair much better himself!  Looking at Eliab’s physical statue, he was confident that he had to be the best man for the mission! Until God corrected him!  “For the LORD does not see as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart!? (Ref. 1 Samuel 16:7) Finally, Samuel informed Jessie, “The LORD has not chosen these”! And inquired, “Are all the young men here?” Reluctantly, Jessie was forced to admit, “There remains yet the youngest, and he is, keeping the sheep.” (1 Samuel 16-10-11)


You might think that someone would’ve remembered what happened the last time the people over-ruled God’s leadership preferring SAUL, the people’s CHOICE? And we all know how that turned out, right?

Beloved, the LORD KNOWS them that are His, and He knows the gifts and callings He’s placed inside of you from your Mother’s womb! Don’t be dismayed or discouraged by those who fail to recognize your hidden treasure but are quick to acknowledge your inadequacies! Afterall, They can’t see what U C, because GOD DIDN’T SHOW IT 2 THEM! BESIDES THAT…GOD WASN’T TALKING TO THEM…HE WAS TALKING 2 U! Remember, God doesn’t usually call the qualified, BUT HE ALWAYS QUALIFIES THE CALLED!



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee











SELAH Daily Devotions!


So He said, “I will certainly be with you….” Exodus 3:12a
You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, that my glory may sing your praise and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever! Psalm 30:11-12

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. John 5:24


As followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, we vow to live our lives according to the testimony God reveals in The Holy Bible. As our knowledge of God’s Word increases, we discover how God has ordained certain rights, privileges and promises to us and for us. Yet, even as confessing Believers, sometimes we fall short when it comes to experiencing the fulfillment of God’s exceedingly great and precious promises. Don’t shout me down now, yall!

Consequently, our churches are filled with frustrated, anxious, angry and unsatisfied folk who’re secretly disappointed with God. AMEN Anyhow! For the record, let’s concede this, GOD IS NOT THE PROBLEM! Therefore, His Faithfulness is not on trial! God’s Word is Eternally Immutable, Faithful and True.

So what’s up? We go to church and hear the gospel—well most of the time—anyway, preached with power and conviction. We enjoy the sermon, buy the CD’s and the DVD’s. We’ll leave the sanctuary talking about “Man, we had CHUURCH today”. But, the question is, where’s the evidence that what we’ve heard has profited our lives? For real, where’s the change in our personal situations?

It may behoove us to interrogate the Word more closely. The Scripture declares, ‘Faith comes by Hearing and Hearing By The Word’, right?  Obviously, the breakdown does not exist in the effectiveness of THE WORD! Hence, that leaves the higher probability that our inability to see the manifestation of the PROMISE lies in our personal cognition to believe and accept the Integrity of GOD’S WORD!

Moses was called by GOD to do a task that was so completely outside of his comfort zone causing him to offer up a plethora of excuses why successfully completing the assignment was impossible! GOD told Moses that He’d heard the desperate cry of the children of Israel, I’ve see how the Egyptians have oppressed; now I am sending you to Pharaoh that you may bring MY people out of Egypt! I will certainly be with you…When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve GOD on this mountain.” (Ref. Exodus 3:9-10; 12)

Now, stop looking at me with that tone of voice! U know there’s been plenty of times God presented a situation in your face, that even with the aid of 66 Books of Holy Writ, you were so overwhelmed with the challenge that you immediately started questioning God’s reasoning not to mention His decision that you were remotely qualified and equipped to go thru what you would have to go thru, not to mention come out! #ijs

However, GOD never asks us to do anything that He’s not willing to get personally involved! When GOD promised Moses, ‘I WILL CERTAINLY BE WITH YOU’ that was the game changer! The value of a promise solely depends upon the Authority, Ability and the Involvement of the One who’s making the promise! SINCE GOD ALONE IS THE SELF-PROCLAIMED I AM WHO I AM…THE ALPHA & THE OMEGA, WHO SPOKE TO NOTHING AND CREATED EVERYTHING…we might jus wanna put our trust and confidence in whatever HE SAYS, HE CAN AND WILL DO!

After all, WHO CAN STAY HIS HAND! Remember Pharaoh and his horses all drowned in the Red Sea! (Ref. Exodus 14:21-23)

Beloved, it matters not how high the mountain you must overcome, how wide valley you must go thru, nor how deep the river you must cross over, hold on the The Master’s Hand, lean not to your own understanding, but trust in His Promises with all of your heart, committing your whole being to His Keeping Power and you shall see The Saving Grace of our God! TRUST2KNO! Every Promise that God’s left on record is still as good as it was the day He Spoke it into Being! Hence, don’t wait ’til the battle is over, SHOUT NOW!



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!


Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. Psalm 121:4

Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you. Genesis 28:15 ESV


Whether you’ve been walking with Jesus for a long time or just recently made your decision to follow Christ, none of us are excluded from faith’s stresses, test and trials! If you don’t have a clue about what I’m talking about, may I draw from dem ol’ skool Mothers’ terminology, “Baby, jus keep getting up in the mornin’ and going to bed at night, sooner or later you will encounter a season in your life when you’ll feel as though God has left you alone in the valley of the shadows of death to fend for yourself!”

I understand that this kinda theology may seem a bit strange, (not to mention unbiblical, after all we live in the Dispensation of Grace) to some Millenniums who’ve been spoon fed Gospel-Lite-Prosperity pablum prepared by the more sophisticated-socially-acceptable-all-ingratiating-all-inclusive preachers! But check The Book, it’s still in there! “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:” 1 Peter 4:12

Further,  when you’re forced to trample through the turbulent terrains of this life, know that your Heavenly Father is not a dead-beat-absentee Dad! God’s Eternal Word  has no shelf-‘life expiration date! It’s still Light to the 21st Century Saints and potent enough  to comfort, strengthen and encourage those who dare seek Him!

Precious ones, perhaps, at this reading, you find yourself smack-dab-in-the-middle of a loooonnnnggg night filled with overwhelming fear, anxiety and doubt, yet Truth remains! Even when you’re unable to trace God’s Face or feel His Hand, trust His Heart!

Sometimes, we’re so focused on the trauma of the moment that we forget that we have a real enemy who delights in secretly launching attacks against God’s elect, under the cloak of darkness with his diabolical wiles, strategically aimed to diminish your confidence and trust in God! Nevertheless, don’t fall for the okey-doke; Satan ain’t running nothing! Your God is Sovereignly watching over you 24/7! He never naps! Day and night are the same to Him! Every step and stop you take is Divinely-choreographed by The Maestro of Heaven! He’s already gone before you preparing designated rest areas along the road to revive and re-energize our spirit and soul! #Didjaheardat? IT’S TRUE!

Beloved, when it seems as if everything around you is falling apart, Holy Spirit says, ‘It’s falling right in place’! Abba Father is weaving each tattered piece of your life together for your greatest good and His Highest Glory! And at the appointed time, He will flip it over  displaying His Magnificent Masterpiece! (Ref. Romans 8:28)

 For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. Psalm 30:5

“Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.” 1 John 3:2

Like Jacob, as we continue our pilgrimage through the gross immorality of this fallen world en route to the celestial city, may out faith remain steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of The sustaining power and Grace of  The Lord of all Life. Therefore, with uplifted hands, let us continuously proclaim of our Savior “The God that led me all my life long” works THE NIGHT SHIFT!


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee





SELAH Daily Devotions!


And all things are of God, who has reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and has given to us the ministry of reconciliation. To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them, and has committed unto us the world of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:18-19

Okay, so…just about everybody’s a ‘Christian’ now, huh?  Does kinda make you wonder, why Jesus hasn’t come back for the Church! But that’s none of my business! #ijs

My oh my, do we just love to congregate behind the four walls of the sanctuary. And yall know how much we love to testify and prophet-lie amongst like-minded-kindred- spirits! 
But, who’s responsible for taking this marvelous revelation out into the streets?Remember, the world—is not our enemy—it’s God’s Harvest, right?
“And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.” (1 Corinthians 6:11)

Jus wondering, who’s gonna be in heaven bcuz you cared enough to share your faith in Jesus Christ?  …WOW!

Who’s going to end up in the devil’s eternal hell, bcuz you didn’t dare to share The Truth? OMG!

 Uuuhhh, need I say more?  GOT JESUS?


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!
Ann Caffee





SELAH Daily Devotions!


“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrew 11:1


Several years ago, I heard a teaching by Kenneth Copeland, reminiscing about his early experiences in the family church. Bro. Copeland said that just about every Sunday morning, it was pretty much guaranteed that you’d hear the Preacher say ‘you gotta have faith’, or ‘you need to increase youaith’, or ‘if it’s not of faith then, it’s sin’. Bro. Copeland remembered how frustrating it was because the Preacher never told them how a poor soul might procure this precious gift of faith!

Well, guess what? Not much has changed, huh? Even now, given the popularity of 21st Century prosperity doctrinal teachings, I’d venture to say that a whole of churchgoers are still confused about they can exercise true biblical faith in their lives. Contrary to New Millennium mysticism , faith is not a new theological doctrine reserved for the elect seminary scholars. God has given every one of us ‘a measure of faith’…and it’s a free gift, yall! No one can work hard enough or be good enough to earn or deserve it! But The Heavenly Father so graciously pours it into us when we open our hearts to HIM!

Simply put, Faith is a patient confident trust in the integrity and power of our Loving and Caring Heavenly Father!

Faith is the currency of exchange in The Kingdom of God! Duuhhh! God doesn’t need our money! EVERYTHING, including all the silver and gold belongs to Him! However, we need faith to get anything from Him. In fact, you can’t even approach God unless you believe that He exists and is able to do what you need Him to do for you. Sounds like it’s virtually impossible to please God without it, huh? (Ref. Hebrew 11:6)

Hebrews Chapter 12, dubbed The Hall of Faith, highlights several examples of ordinary men and women, who activated their faith and achieved extraordinary things thru God! Nevertheless, to relegate God’s Faithfulness to an historical phenomenon seems to suggest that He’s changed—and that’ll NEVER happen! (Ref. Hebrews 13:8) Perhaps that’s why Today’s text says now faith and not then faith, huh?

After all that God has done for us, trusting Him seems only reasonable! (Ref. Romans 12:1-2)

Did you know that your Heavenly Father is absolutely delighted when His sons and daughters genuinely trust in Him! Seriously!

Faith in God says, ‘Father I believe that You love me unconditionally and always have my best interest at heart. Even if it doesn’t look like it, I am fully persuaded that my God is working everything together for my highest good and His Greatest Glory!’ (Ref. Romans 8:28)



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!

And you shall remember the whole way that the Lord your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness, that he might humble you,testing you to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep his commandments or not. And he humbled you and let you hunger andfed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that he might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word[a] that comes from the mouth of the Lord. Deuteronomy 8:2-3 ESV


We’ve all been there! At some point in this journey, we’ve found ourselves, barraged by seemingly insurmountable odds stacked against us, huh? There I was, sitting there unsuccessfuly attempting to make a 911 connection to The Throne Room. This one, was a time sensitive—not later—but I need you right now—Lord situation! As my eyes skimmed over to my laptop and I realized that somehow it was in the middle of running an unscheduled scan! Immediately, I understood what the Holy Spirit was trying to do in me.

Remember when you thought you knew, but didn’t really know? Exactly! It’s during these moments of mental confusions and conflicting emotions that we need the aid of Holy Spirit. According to Isaiah 11:2, no one but The Spirit of True and Wisdom, can scan the the inner most chambers of the human heart, assess the situation, identify the dangerous infectious viral components, quarantine and eliminate them before they’re able to contaminate our heart’s drive! WOW, and He was doing this way before Bill Gates or Steve Job! Awemaazing, huh?
With that being said, once again I had to admit that before I could make a right connection with Jesus, I had to clear the line! No, God was not saying that my issue was not valid, but that there was an even more life-threating situation that demanded immediate attention. There was something going on in my heart that I was not willing to confront and deal with at the root! Sometimes we do that, you know? We like to justify our rebellion by playing the blame game. “Lord, if they hadn’t….then I never would’ve …” But God wasn’t buying none of that!

There’s no denying that there’s something embedded in the DNA of humanity that resists repentance. It’s difficult for us to acknowledge that we’re at fault. It’s a whole lot easier for us to judge others by their actions and ourselves by our good intentions, huh? But God is not intimidated by our self-deceiving, willful, prideful hearts NOR IS HE IMPRESSED BY OUR CHURCH TESTIMONIES!

God strategically sets up unscheduled heart scans to illuminate potentially critial viruses that left untreated could result in the hardening of the arteries causing damaging blockages. For instance, that spirit of jealosy, envy, anger, resentment, bitterness and yessss the unforgiveness haboring in the crevices of your heart against someone, who probably doesn’t even know it! You know how fake the saints can be sometimes. Problem is, chances are before the end of the day, you’ll probably gonna need somebody to forgive you for something! The scripture is clear on this, if you don’t forgive others, neither will Your Heavenly Father forgive you your faults! (Ref. Matthew 6:15) OMG! Kinda sheds a different light on it, huh?

Beloved, I don’t know about you, but I NEED THE MERCY AND GRACE OF GOD, ALL DAY…EVERY DAY!

I know it’s not always easy, especially since you’re the one who’s been hurt. But considering the repercussions, sounds to me like, by God’s Grace, whatever the offense, we just need to release it, drop it, leave it and let God handle it! God always knows everything about everything –and we don’t!



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!


Thou drewest near in the day that I called upon thee: thou saidst, Fear not.
Lamentations 3:57


Some saints would have you to believe that since they’ve been saved, they’ve never experienced a moment of fear, grief or despair. Oh, yall know what I mean! Listening to their church testimony, you’d think that all their days were ‘goody, goody and howdy, howdy’! Okay, well Bless God, I guess, I’m yet a work in progress. But perhaps, I am not the only one, huh?

According to our text, Jeremiah, aka The Weeping Prophet, came to realize that neither his great love for nor his faithful obedience to God exempted him from suffering depression, sorrow and fear. Ironically, Jeremiah’s tears didn’t stem from personal defiance but rather the insolence of his fellow-countrymen. The prophet’s heart was broken and burdened because his beloved nation was facing imminent destruction due to their continuous rebellion against God.

Instead of God’s chosen people gratefully heeding Jeremiah’s warnings, the Prophet’s concern was repeatedly met with murderous bitter resentment. Jeremiah was beaten severely, thrown into an empty cistern, and left to die for daring to tell the people the Truth. According to the scriptures, there Jeremiah called out to God and God responded with A GRACE WORD ‘fear not!’

While there’s some degree of solace in knowing we, the Elect of God, are in this world, BUT we’re not of this world, nonetheless we, like Jeremiah, will also endure times of suffering due to the ungodliness of others. The degradation of morality and diminishing respect for life in general, often lead us down into pits of muck and miry clay. Relationships drive us to the edge and end of ourselves, through valleys of ‘don’t know what else we can do’ and onto the intersection of ‘helpless to change our condition’—yet we are never without this Hopeour deliverance is always just a prayer away! One short faith-filledHELP ME, LORD JESUS!” releases The Power and The Glory of God—right on time, every time!

In the midst of your turmoil, has God ever whispered a Rhema Word that instantly checked your spirit, jump started your hope and restored your peace, right? Just One Word can flip the script, strengthen your heart, renew your mind, quicken your faith, stir up the Holy Ghost, Who empowers you with that second wind that catapults you to run on, convinced that, ‘Yeah Baby! WE GOT THIS!’ (Ref. Isaiah 40: 30-31)

Don’t be scarred! God’s near! Let Hell know WHO YOU KNOW, WHOSE YOU ARE AND WHOM YOU SERVE!



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee





SELAH Daily Devotions!

And Moses said unto Hobab, the son of Raguel the Midianite, Moses’ father in law, We are journeying unto the place of which the Lord said, I will give it you: come thou with us, and we will do thee good: for the Lord hath spoken good concerning Israel. And he said unto him, I will not go; but I will depart to mine own land, and to my kindred. And he said, Leave us not, I pray thee; forasmuch as thou knowest how we are to encamp in the wilderness, and thou mayest be to us instead of eyes. And it shall be, if thou go with us, yea, it shall be, that what goodness the Lord shall do unto us, the same will we do unto thee. Numbers 10:29-32


Do you know what time it is? I mean, REALLY?

Each one of us has been given a ‘pre-planned’ moment of Destiny! Everything that you’ve been through was designed by God to transition you into a specific place on God’s itinerary. At His appointed time, the spot light will be on you and that will be your moment to shine.

In today’s scripture text, Moses invites Horab, his brother-in-law, to join them on their way to The Promised Land which God had given them. This journey was nothing new to Horab, having traveled to Cannan on several occasions, he was well aquainted with the dangers of the wilderness terrain and he knew the best route to travel. Having Horab’s eyes guiding them would be extremely beneficial to them. Horab knew where the water and the fuel were; he knew where the best green pastures were. Moses also promised Horab that if he would agree to come with them, he would also be given a healthy portion of the riches that awaited them in Cannan.

Despite Moses’ persistent pleadings and the promise of great wealth, Horab turned Moses down, choosing rather to return back to his own country and to his own family. Horab was not aware that a window of opportunity was being opened unto him and because of this one decision, missed his moment! From this single incident, he drifted back into obscurity and his name was wiped out of Bible history.

Glancing back over your life, you’ve probably gained a proliferation of valuable insights that would be tremendously helpful to that certain someone who’s embarking upon their own wilderness experience. Don’t be afraid to let somebody know what you’ve been through and how you made it out. It’ll save them a whole lot of time, energy, and strength. Often times, just knowing that somone has survived the desert storms offers tremendous hope, encouragement that empowers them to just keep moving, no matter what challenges they face, trusting God will carry them safely to their land of promise. Be somebody’s eyes!

Horab, not realizing who The Hand of The Lord was on and more importantly who it’s not, probably looked at the children of God and saw a bunch of ignorant slaves who didn’t have nothing and weren’t going no where. God doesn’t see as man sees!

Life changes often!  We need wisdom to prepare to make the best of it by seeking God’s guidance as we deal with challenging times and seasons. It’s imperative that you know who you’re hooked up to! Be careful that you don’t hook-up with folk who don’t have a vision and a plan. Without a vision, the people perish. (Ref. Proverbs 29:18) Without a clear vision, you’ll keep going around in circles, getting no where fast!

As a disciple of Christ, there is a Divine order to our life! We’d do well to seek, accept and embrace it with hope, trust and confidence. When you unselfishly submit and commit to helping others to fulfill their vision, when God does it for them, because you are hooked up with them, He will do it for you too!

Beloved, God is ready to take the limits off, open doors, and raise windows for you. He’s already set-up your destination and all the help you need will be given in the fullness of time. Be mindful, the anointing to get through rests in your obedience to His instructions! #DIDJAHEARDAT?

Everything is in place, are you ready? Don’t miss your moment. Expect it! Seize it!

Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!
Ann Caffee