Category Archives: The Great Commision




SELAH Daily Devotions!


We’re delighted that you’ve joined us in our Weekly Thursdays’ Corporate Prayer and Fasting! Those of us who recognize the honor, privilege and value of a habitual prayer life, look forward to each and every opportunity to run boldly before The Majestic Throne of God’s Grace and Mercy, assured that He is the One who beckons our hearts to Himself, where we can find hope and help to persevere us in the midst of life’s tests, trials and tragedy! Let us enter in…


Great is Thy Faithfulness, Great is Thy Faithfulness! Morning by morning, new mercies I see! All I have needed, Thy Hand has provided! GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS! GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS! GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS! LORD UNTO ME!


Father God, Creator, Ruler and Sustainer of Heaven and Earth, it is with exceeding joy that we come, hallowing Your Name, as the Only Wise God Who has so graciously bestowed upon us The Name that’s above every name that can be named, JESUS, our Redeeming Messiah, Savior and Eternal Lord!

As we bow, humbled by the Awesomeness and Wonder of Your Glory, we’re careful to acknowledge that it is in You that we live, move and have our very being. We are Eternally grateful that You have Sovereignly ordained that we were able to sleep safely through last night while the angelic host were encamped around our homes,  and You Who awakened us to enjoy the precious gift of one more day of life! Truly, we acknowledge that there’s nothing in and of ourselves that merits such generosity, but relying solely upon Your Faithful Loving Kindness, we rejoice crying out, “If it had not been for The Lord on my side, my enemies would’ve swallowed me up!”
Abba Father, as we embrace this day, we pray that You will lead us in the paths of Your Righteousness and guide us through the valleys overshadowed by death and darkness, keeping us, The Apple of Your Eye, constantly aware of You are Omnipresent, everywhere at the same time! As we abide under Your Hand, You rebuke the schemes of the wicked, command the defeat of our Adversary and help us to remember that Greater Is He Who is In US than he who is against us.
Sweet Holy Spirit, our Omniscient Comforter, being fully aware of the finite limitations of our frail, fickled and flawed frame, we ask that You intercede on our behalf with Grace to sustain us during those moments when our flesh is weakened by the cares of this ungodly world and  overwhelmed with fear, worry, doubt, unbelief and ensnared by the temptations of mortality! We pray that You touch and strengthen our hearts, empowering us to remain steadfast, immovable, fully confident and trusting that our times are in The Mighty Hand of The Master who controls the iron, the archer, the bow and the arrow, assuring us That NO WEAPON THAT’S FORMED AGAINST US SHALL PROSPER, AND EVERY TONGUE THAT RISES UP AGAINST US, IS ALREADY CONDEMNED!
We’re thankful that You’ve proven that Your Covenant Faithfulness and Compassion, allows You to look beyond our the  impurities, frailties, faults and iniquities of our humanity, seeing yet You continue to minister to all of our real need! Therefore, not willing to frustrate this underserved FAVOR, we ask now that You forgive us for everything that we’ve done, willfully and unwillfully that violates Your Holy and Righteous Commands. We ask this in Jesus Name, trusting WHOLLY in Your Promise that if we do this, You are Faithful and Just to forgive us and to cleanse us  from all unrighteous IN THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB, restoring us to rightstanding as Your Beloved, Children of The Most High God!

FOR THIS CAUSE, we offer up sweet praise to You today, for renewed strength, understanding and power that comes from a heart open to, depending and relying only on You!  Because no man can come to the Father except You draw them, we intercede on behalf of every unsaved soul,  asking You to prick and quicken their stony hearts and minds with The Spirit of Godly-repentance that allows them to come running to You today confessing “a SINCERE YES” to Your FREE Gift of Salvation thru GRACE and receive You as BOTH their personal Savior and LORD! We’re believing that You will direct their footsteps and placing and setting them in a local church home where they will be welcomed and embrace with love, encouraged, nurtured and delivered thru the preached WORD OF GOD!
Lord, we ask You to put a fresh “COMMITTED YES LORD!” in the heart and mind of every backslider and let today be the day that they come back to You and come back HOME to YOUR church, where they will learn to love and live the life that’s pleasing  to You First and Foremost, being willing to submit the rest of their lives to the sound teachings of Your Word, denying the lust of their flesh, determined to walk daily to please and Glorify You to this lost, dark and dying world!!
Abba Father, because so many of our family and friends are being afflicted by all manner of sicknesses and diseases, we pray that You will touch our brother, touch our sister, bind, rebuke and cast out every dis-ease at the root, for Your Name Sake! Heavenly Father, You are Alpha and Omega, the same yesterday, today and forever! Even as You walked in this earth healing all who were sick, feeble, lame we know that You’re Well Able to do the same right now! Lord Jesus, Your Word declares that Your stripes have redeemed and healed us and we’re yet standing on Your promises that the prayer of faith shall save the sick and raise them up, In Jesus Name! Amen 3x!
Sweet Holy Spirit, we pray for every one going thru a season of sorrow and grief, those who are being victimized by institutionalized racism, tormented by Spirits of fear, rejection, disappointment and failure, divorce, lost of employment, bankruptcy and unjust illegal incarcerations! We plead the Blood of Jesus over every demonic thought, spirits of anxiety, oppression, depression and confusion, because we know that You are not the author of these satanic thoughts and feelings, but You have given us who have put our personal trust in Your Son Jesus, Your Righteousness, a Spirit of Love, Peace, Joy and a Sound Mind!
Father, as we lift up our children, our grand and great grandchildren, by faith we abort and overrule every curse that’s been ordered against their lives, we cancel every evil scheme that Satan desires to inflict upon them! As we commit them into Your Providential care, we realize that You have a Plan and Purpose for their lives too and with the blessed assurance that their steps are being ordered by Your eyes, we  speak The LIFE AND PEACE of God over their spirits, souls, minds and bodies releasing a Spirit of Love, Holiness and Excellence to fulfill their God ordained destiny!
Sweet Jesus, lifting up every spiritual leader, we ask that You encourage and strengthen all the Apostles, Bishops, Preachers, Evangelist, Teachers, Musicians, choir members, Liturgical dancers and especially the Shepherds who are yet standing on the wall, proclaiming Your Unadulterated Word under the convicting power and anointing of Holy Spirit! We’re rebuking spirits of discouragement, failure, competiveness, resentment, unworthiness and suicide. We’re praying and believing for the immediate manifestation of special signs, wonders and miraculous desires that You have placed into their hearts! Jesus, we’re trusting and believing You to Grace them to be the examples of Your Righteousness in their homes, churches and community that will cause everyone who comes into contact with them to fall in love with You, trust wholly in and commit to live the rest of their lives serving You!
Eternal King, knowing that You Sovereignly Rule and Reign over the affairs of all mankind, and as You have commanded, we’re praying that You have Mercy on our nation. We’re lifting up every secular, government/legislative/judicial,civic/corporate leader in authority over our nation and this world, we’re praying that You visit them in the night seasons with dreams and visions, warning them that The Eyes of the Lord roam to and fro throughout the land, searching the very intents of every man’s heart, make them aware of The Law of Retribution is in effect, therefore, He who is pregnant with evil and conceives trouble gives birth to disillusionment. He who digs a hole and scoops it out will fall into the pit he has made. The trouble he causes recoils on himself and his violent schemes will come down on his own head.
Precious Lord, we pray for every Believer whose faith is being sifted by the cares of this world, yet they’re struggling to hold on to Hope found inYour Word, trusting that this is the day that You release Divine Power, Supernatural Hope, Strength, Health, Provision, Prosperity and Protection. Holy Father, we thank You for being our Shield and Buckler, we’re committing our lives to You, trusting You to preserve everyone of us thru the tests that You’ve ordained us to go thru,! Standing still, fully-confident that while our trouble has an expiration date but Your Power does NOT, we declare and decree that at Your appointed time, You will bring us out wholly restored, renewed, refreshed and with every reward as You have promised in Your Word.
Father, as we go throughout this day, we ask that The God of All Peace rest upon all who are oppressed, depressed, gripped by anxiety, fear and that Your Healing Wings cover the sick and afflicted, the hopeless, discouraged, comfort and console the caretakers! We pray that You bring understanding in the midst of confusion and extend Mercy to heal broken marriages and restore families. We declare and decree that we are more than conquers therefore, every demonic-induced spirit of addiction and fear is defeated NOW because of Your Yoke Destroying, Burden Bearing Anointing that the Spirit of Love, Power a Sound-mind and Purpose is being released into the lives of Your people now, in Jesus Name!
Lord, while there are so many other things that we have yet to mention, we’re trusting that You are not just able, but You’re willing to do anything that we ask, according to You Perfect Will. We’re decreeing and believing You to FIX IT JESUS, as only YOU CAN!
Abba Father, awaiting Your Salvation and Deliverance in confident quietness, we rejoice in hope, trusting wholly that You have heard the voice of our weeping, our supplications with Thanksgiving and have received our prayer as a sweet savor coming up before Your Sovereign Throne of Grace and Mercy!


Heavenly Father, we thank You for these blessing and favor and seal this Prayer In The Holy Ghost, for WE KNOW THAT IN THE PRECIOUS EXALTED NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, IT IS DONE; WE SAY AMEN 3X with a HOLY HALLELUJAHHH!
Beloved, every child of God who is standing in agreement with this prayer, GO TELL SOMEBODY THAT JESUS LIVES, LOVES AND CARES 4 U 2!
Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!



SELAH Daily Devotions!

What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me? I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord. Psalm 116:12-13

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:1-2


I’m not trying to start nuffin, BUT! Have you noticed that ‘hoof-n-mouth disease’ has reached pandemic proportions amongst so many church-folkes? #ijs

Perhaps that’s why other folk seem to so easily tell you what you should do in any given situation, ‘Because if it were me, I’d _____!” Someone once said, unless you walk in another man’s shoes, you’ll never appreciate the depth and weight of each footprint. Okay, I just made that one up, k? However, the point is, unless you personally experience each moment in every episode of that person’s journey, (which is virtually impossible) not from the perspective of a spectator, but as the starring participant, you can sympathize but not really empathize with them!

Even more perplexing is how long we struggle with submission to the commandments of The Only Savior as Lord of our lives! Could it be that we can never fully understand the passion of Jesus that caused Him, after being shamelessly mocked, brutally beaten, scorned and scourged all night then jokedly crowned with thorns, to make His way up Golgotha’s Hill, carrying that Ol’ Rugged Cross where His hands and feet were nailed, crucified for what you and I would do? Didjaheardat? #braintilt!

Awemazingly, the scriptures reveal that it was the Heavenly Father’s pleasure to see Jesus endure every second of this crushing death. (Ref. Isaiah 53:10)

Ever since the Garden of Eden, there are somethings that God never intended us to know. Why? Because He loves us too much to jus sit back and allow the fatality of sin to run it’s course, separating us from Him eternally? But, but? I know, that makes no sense at all!

We forget that His Thoughts are infinitely higher than ours and His Ways are incalculably above and beyond humanity’s limited capacity of understanding. (Ref. Isaiah 55:9) Astonishingly, Jesus agreed to this before the foundation of the world, and while we were yet sinners! (Ref.Romans 5:8) The Life dying in order for the dead to live? WOW! That’s Grace, huh?

According to Romans 12:1-2, all that God expects for so great a Salvation is for us to live out everyday, blessed, trusting in Him, as beaming reflections of His Love and Glory to a lost and dying world! Unfortunately, yet still many reckon that more than they are willing to give! (Ref. Luke 18:18-24)

However, there’s a remnant of believers who’ve sold out for the sake of The Cross and are gratefully committed to sacrifice their all to see more souls come into The Glorious Kingdom of God!

What shall U render? Well…HOW MUCH DO U OWE? #countupthecost


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!


When crowds of people came out for baptism because it was the popular thing to do, John exploded, “Brood of snakes! What do you think you’re doing slithering down here to the river? Do you think a little water on your snakeskins is going to deflect God’s judgment? It’s your life that must change, not your skin. And don’t think you can pull rank by claiming Abraham as ‘father.’ Being a child of Abraham is neither here nor there—children of Abraham are a dime a dozen. God can make children from stones if he wants. What counts is your life. Is it green and blossoming? Because if it’s deadwood, it goes on the fire. Luke 3:7-9


Ever asked someone, “Are you saved?” to which they responded, ‘matter-of-factly’,“uuuhhh…Mama told me I been baptized!” or “I belong to First Bed-Rock of The Divine Pentecostal Kingdom Fellowship” Don’t shout me down, now yall….jus wondering?

Seems to be a lot of that going around, huh? We’re living in a world where pretty much everybody’s ‘saved’! I mean, just look at the explosion of ‘Mega Ministries’, that have popped up in this country alone, right? Kinda makes you wonder why Jesus hasn’t returned! Well, may I submit for your consideration, while church attendance is a critical component of our spiritual development,church membership doesn’t make you a Christian any more than living in a garage makes you a car!

I understand how one might be confused, given the ‘mob mentality’ of the more contemporary theological persuasions of The New Millennium Era, that more means better. This is nothing new! According to our scripture text, it’s been going on since the days of John The Baptist! One might wonder, given the number of churches and folk who pour into the buildings any Sunday morning, why we don’t see much change as individuals, in our families, communities, even as a nation?

Simply put, too many folk try to cut across the field, by-pass the cross and creep into the Kingdom through an imaginary backdoor!

That’s why some imposters casually enter the church house,‘carrying their chains, tuck them quietly under the plush pews, sanng, shout, dance up and down the aisle, sit like a bump on a log while the sermon is presented, Hi-5 your neighbor 10x, turn around 7x, repeat the benediction, greet your neighbor, pick up your chains and get back out there and do what u gotta do’! #OHYESSHEDIDSAYDAT!!!

Beloved! Jesus came not to set up another system of legalistic religious rituals, but to restore the personal intimate relationship, severed by our First Parents, Adam and Eve’s rebellion against the righteous commands of The True and Living God! And when He ascended back to The Throne Room on High, Father God sent The Holy Spirit to live inside of anyone who makes a conscious decision to humble themselves, repent and put their personal faith in The Only Saving Grace of Jesus Christ! The indwelling Presence of The Spirit of Jesus, empowers us to live a holy, separated, consecrated life of triumphant deliverance in the midst of this dark and depraved world! Didjaheardat?

“…for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose,” Philippians 2:13

Sadly, despite the finished work of the Cross, Satan has yet been able to keep too many of God’s precious ones, illegally chained to stuff that Jesus has already secured their glorious freedom from!  

But that’s why we’re here, right? To shine out for God by spreading the Good News,“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” John 8:36



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!

How much better to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver! Proverbs 16:16

Receive my instruction, and not silver; and knowledge rather than choice gold. For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it. Proverbs 8:10-11


WOW! We’ve come a long way, Baby!

As far as the ingathering of information and the major technological accomplishments attained by this 21st Century New Millennium Age is concerned, undoubtedly, we’ve taken quantum leaps exceedingly well beyond the realm of possibility to even the most esteemed intellectuals and astute scientific calculus of days gone by.

In other words, (sigh)! It’s safe to say that knowledge abounds!

Unfortunately, the scarcity of wit, wisdom and truth is decisively profound! Generally the appeal for this degree of understanding is left to those few famished, disillusioned, disinfranchised, exhausted, wayfaring scavengers who wander off rush-hour-grid-locked-getting-byways and highways to worldly success and traditional religious rituals. For reasons, yet unknown, somehow some of us are being distinctly drawn to the under-passes, service roads, and trenches; seeking the hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places of The Kingdom of His Presence! (Ref. Isaiah 45:3)

Who knew that we’d be called to the Kingdom for such a time as this? Who knew that before we lived one day that our Master already had a plan, purpose,  and a hope-filled destination for our lives?

“It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.” Proverbs 25:2

Wisdom is calling!

“But you have not called upon Me, O Jacob; And you have been weary of Me. O Israel” Isaiah 43:22

“But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.” 1Timothy 6:6-8

“Congratulations! You finally got what you wanted, BUT… lost what you had”!

Didjaheardat? Missed it, huh? WAYFARING WIT!


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!

“He feedeth on ashes: a deceived heart hath turned him aside, that he cannot deliver his soul, nor say, Is there not a lie in my right hand? Isaiah 44:20

I can only imagine what’s going on in the mind and heart of Elohim gazing down the the portals of time from Eternity, seeing the massive gathering of Sunday Morning worshipers.

Look at us, over there we’re suited down in our St. Johns and over here in our Sean Johns. Got our weaves looking fresh jus like dat and our hair perfectly trimmed tight. Etienne Aigner shoes and our New York Yankees designer hats neatly tucked under the pews, just in case the person next to us gets a bit too unruly.

Once the policeman re-directed the traffic to turn left (because the parking lot was already filled to its capacity) finally, we’re glad to be seated in our favorite row. The stage is set! The sound-man gives the nod, the lighting is in sync with the Minister of Music and the Choreographer has gotten the attention of the Liturgical Dancers, we’re ready! Let’s Get It Done…BAMM!

Not so fast! I see ‘yall’, BUT where’s ‘The Glory’? Where are the God-Seekers? Who’s actually among us here to Honor HIM?

“What’s up with you asking us these kinds of questions? How could you miss HIM? Didn’t you see all those fine automobiles parked outside of this grandiose sanctuary? I bet if you tallied up the cost that was spent at the hair salons this week, you’d probably could buy a small nation. And you know the price for an authentic custom-tailored suit these days ain’t cheap, given inflation. Not to mention the small fortune the church puts out to fuel up our Pastor’s jet. You got some nerve asking about GOD! Obviously GOD has been good to us!”

Okay! Granted, you got a whole lot of stuff going on. You can afford to sit back on your laurels proudly contented and cozy, belly full and satisfied, enjoying the fruit of your successful accomplishments, and resting in the warm of your own fire. Man! that’s the life that God promised us or is it?

When was the last time you actually talked to The God you claim to belong to and serve? Did you even thank HIM for waking you up this morning, giving you the strength to get up (under your own volition) and the mind to brush your teeth with a toothbrush and not a hair brush? Have you really forgotten that there was a time when going to church on a Sunday morning never crossed you mind and the only cross you carried was dangling from your rear view mirror as a token protector for you and your property? Remember when the only word you read with any consistency was your horoscope?

Yeah, Buddy! What a life!

And you call those folk—who just can’t wait to get to Church, not just on Sunday mornings, but Bible Study, prayer meetings, whatever and whenever the doors of the church are open, they gotta be in The House, in fellowship with like-minded spirits after being amidst a bunch of God-Haters all week/day long, we who are desperate for the times of refreshment found only in the Presence of The Lord—out of touch with reality! REALLY?

Come, let’s reason this thing out together.




“Have a WONDER-FILLED day!”

Ann Caffee





SELAH Daily Devotions!


But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb, and called me by his grace, to reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood.  Galatians 1:15-16

In today’s scripture text, we hear the testimonial of The Apostle Paul in response to The Lord’s prompting to go spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles. And we all know how that turned out, huh? 

GGGGLLLLORRRRRAAA 2 GOD! However, what stands out to me, is what Paul didn’t do!

The Apostle didn’t wait to get an Executive Order from The White House nor a congregational consensus before stepping out by faith. Instead of asking anybody what they thought about it, relying solely on his personal relationship with His Savior, feeling no need for further validation, The Apostle Paul immediately obeyed God’s instructions!

How about you? When you’ve heard from God, what’s your initial response? Before you move, do you have to survey the opinions of your family and friends? Does the fear of failure, embarrassment, humiliation or retaliation cause you to stagger at God’s Word? Are you willing to take a leap of faith and just do what you believe God is asking of you?

As believers, we’re sometimes reluctant to move out on a WORD FROM GOD. Not so much because we’re not trusting God, but more often than not, it’s because of a spirit of difiance deeply rooted in the lack of self-confidence in our own ability. Ooops…#noshedidn’t!

In an attempt to re-assure ourselves that we’re in God’s will, like Gideon, we will ask God for a sign and come up with some kinda obtuse fleece as further proof that it is actually God speaking. ( Judges 6) And while God so graciously granted Gideon’s request, twice, as believers, we must recognize that God often tests our trust and confidence by commissioning us to do what seems impossible!

That’s what our life in Christ is about. God doesn’t require us to walk by signs, but by hope-filled trust that whatever He asks us to do, by His Grace, we are well able to perform.

The Bible says, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:” John 10:27. As we entreat His Presence daily in prayer inquiring direction, thru diligent study  and meditation of His Word, we learn to distinguish His Voice from the chatter emanating from the world and He will teach you what He wants of you!

That’s why it’s so important to build an intimate relationship with your Heavenly Father and not just show up at The Throne Room for emergency visits! God really cares about you! He is not a dead-beat Dad nor is He willing to settle for weekend visitations! God wants to be actively involved in every aspect of your life, every day!



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!


“Now it came to pass on a certain day, that he went into a ship with his disciples: and he said unto them, Let us go over unto the other side of the lake. And they launched forth. But as they sailed he fell asleep: and there came down a storm of wind on the lake; and they were filled with water, and were in jeopardy.  And they came to him, and awoke him, saying, Master, Master, we perish. Then he arose, and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water: and they ceased, and there was a calm. And he said unto them, Where is your faith? And they being afraid wondered, saying one to another, What manner of man is this! for he commandeth even the winds and water, and they obey him.” Luke 8:22-25


Oh, I know you’re saved, sanctified, filled with the Precious Gift of Holy Ghost and do speak in tongues as The Spirit gives utterance! BUT! Since you’ve been saved, have you ever felt like saying to God, “Lord, I know You say it’s an honor to be recommended by God to the devil, BUT…here lately, it seems that I’m the only one you’ve been pointing out. If You don’t mind, next time, could you please recommend somebody else!”

Have you ever considered telling God, “Jesus, the next time you decide to pull down the hedge around me and giving Satan a shot at me, I’d appreciate at least a heads-up!” No? Jus wondering!

Unless you just landed on Planet Earth early this morning or were born late last night, you already know that storms are a natural occurrence on the sea of life, whether you’re saved or unsaved! In fact The Holy Bible tells us “Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble.” Job 14:1 Hence, as long as there is breath in your body, you will experience some measure of adversity and affliction, temptation and trial, distress and disappointment and choas and calamity.

Today’s text shares a story of an average day in the lives of Jesus’ disciples and their response to an unexpected storm that popped-up out of no where. Sounds a bit too uncomfortably familiar, huh?

As the text opens, Jesus having finished teaching classes, traveling from town to town and village to village, decided to take some ‘down-time’ and go across the lake to the other side to escape the crowds that normally followed him. He told His disciples, “Let’s go to the other side” and went to catch a nap. The disciples also seemed to be enjoying the calm atmosphere as the boat sailed on the smooth waters. Until, suddenly a terrible windy storm arose causing turbulent waves to come pouring into their small vessel, threatening to capside at any minute, killing everyone on the boat. Someone thought to wake up Jesus and cried out, “Master, Master, can’t you see we’re about to drown?” As if The Omniscient One had vacated the premises!

The Scripture goes on to say that Jesus, standing up, spoke to the wind and the waves, “Silence, Peace Be Still!” to which they had no other recourse BUT to obey The Master Creator! Turning to His disciples, Jesus sorrowfully inquired, “Why can’t you trust me?”

My Precious Sistas and Brothers, perhaps Jesus is posing that same question to you today. I know it’s been rough out there. I know you have a mindset to follow Jesus all the way, to love Him with all of your heart, soul and body, yet still storms keep hitting your life on the left and the right. But Beloved, Jesus won’t jump ship like some other people might. Jesus has promised to stay with you all the way across the Lake of Life. No matter where you are today, Jesus is always with you.

There are some lessons that prove vital to your personal maturity and intimacy through understanding the attributes of the God Whom you serve you, that can only be learned in the midst of the storms!

Could this be why the astonished disciples inquired, “What kind of Man is this?”

So the next time that Ol’ Deceiving Tyrant comes slithering around, threatening to destroy your hope, joy and peace, jap-slap ’em with this, “I hear ya knocking…BUT! GOD!”


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee





SELAH Daily Devotions!


Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death. Revelations 2:10-11


PARDON ME, again! I know this isn’t religiously correct, how—evrrrr sometimes, it’s just hard!

Here you are, as the ol’ saints used to say, ‘living all u know how 2 live for JESUS’, with everything in you clinging to The Testimony of God’s Faithful Witness, who is TRUTH, YET …EVERYWHERE U TURN, U GOT TROUBLE BREAKING OUT!!! #WHADA…???

Seriously, none of us normal human beings enjoy suffering, right?
Nevertheless, life has taught you (and even the Word admonishes us) that those who Name the Name of Jesus must expect trouble. Afterall, even “Jesus learned obedience through the things He suffered”! (Ref. Hebrew 5:8)

“Yeah, but but butt”…I feelya, okay? Yet, according to The Scriptures, God has Sovereignly linked suffering and glory into the lives of those who have confessed their trust in His Plan for our lives. Remember the words of The Apostle Paul? “As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.” Roman 8:36

I know, sometimes that doesn’t help MUCH! BUT! We have this confident assurance that before God permits sporadic seasons of tribulations He sets an expiration date before the test begin! Aren’t U Soooo glad, trouble don’t last always!

Beloved, there’s always a greater purpose behind our pain! And no, it ain’t always God punishing you for your disobedience! For His own reasons, God has elected to allow test, trials and trouble along the landscape of our journey to draw us closer to Him, to purify, purge and position us to partake of His Divine Nature—HOLINESS!

“For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18

This life has a way of putting you through the ringer, huh? But God has decreed, that nothing you will ever experiene can separate you from His Love! “For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39

Rest Assured, GOD KNOWS!

Today, receive His Words to The church at Smyrna, as your very own! Don’t allow fear of this temporary situation to deter you from your eternal goal! The King of Glory has declared and decreed that I AM ALPHA and OMEGA! I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU. LO I WILL BE WITH YOU ALWAY!  FOR WHO CAN STAY MY HAND! (Ref. Rev. 22:13; Heb. 13:5; Matt. 28:2o; Isa. 43:13) Didjaheardat? #WOW!!!

Precious ones,  endure persecution with fidelity, confident that “I AM THE RESURRECTION AND YOUR REWARDER! DON’T QUIT! YOUR CROWN AWAITS YOU!”


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee



SELAH Daily Devotions!

“When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” (Mark 2:17)


Retracing the footsteps of Jesus, we soon discover that His Sojourn was earmarked with just as much skepticism as faith-filled devotion. According to The Sacred Scriptures, those who should’ve recognized Him, Emmanuel—GOD with us, were in fact, His greatest critics!

Religious scholars repeatedly tried to bait Jesus into disqualifying Himself in an attempt to muffle the rumors that were spreading like wild fire throughout Capernaum and Galilee that Jesus was indeed the Promised Messiah. The Pharisee were particularly perturbed by Jesus’ continued fellowship with those ‘misfits’ who didn’t deserve their time of day. And besides that, any REAL Prophet would’ve known better. Obviously, Jesus’ behavior was considered totally reprehensible to religious leaders. Blinded by their own pompous arrogance, they couldn’t see The Light that was right before their eyes! WOW! Apparently, the more things change the more people remain the same, in and out of church, huh?

Unfortunately, the 21st Century Religious Sect doesn’t fare much better. Although, they don’t actually say it, sometimes our actions typify that same message loud and clear. On the one hand the Born-Again Believer expresses a desire to see their friends and loved ones come into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, yet struggle at the reality of sharing The Good News.

And if we do finally get around to telling them, how do we represent the Grace that was so lavishly poured out upon us when we were wallowing in our mess?

What good does it do to tell someone they’re a sinner and if they don’t quit sinning, they’re going to the Devil’s Hell. NEWS FLASH! As a regenerated, reformed serial-offender – can I tell you something? Most sinners already know that! What they don’t know is that GOD has already provided a way to escape the fatalistic-dead-end hell-bound-roadway. It’s called Repentance—the core of The Gospel. God has reserved a fully-paid 1st Class ticket to Heaven through The Precious Blood of Jesus for anyone who will place their trust in JESUS!

Our Compassionate Loving Savior testified that He was not sent to Earth to condemn the sinner nor condone sin, but to convict, heal and restore mankind’s sin-sick souls. And guess what? Jesus has commissioned every Believer to get THE WORD OF GRACE out while the deal is still on the table.



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee