Category Archives: thankful




SELAH Daily Devotions!


And the redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the Lord. Isaiah 59:20 KJV

Since God assured us, “I’ll never let you down, never walk off and leave you,” we can boldly quote, “God is there, ready to help, I’m fearless no matter what. Who or what can get to me?” Hebrews 13:6 The Message


Ever heard them ol’ skool Mothers say, “God’s never late and hardly ever early”? Well, if that’s supposed to make waiting easier, let me assure you, it doesn’t! What about, “A delay is not a denial and a failure is not final”. Granted, these proverbial acclaimations may work in a 11 a.m. Sunday Morning Service, with the musicians crankin’, the praise team rockin’ it and the saints shoutin’But! What about when you leave the sanctuary and get home alone, again; and the evil one starts bringing up all the reasons why you ain’t  gonna make it through this time! And what if the test results confirm _____; and what if you don’t get accepted; and what if  she did have an affair; whatcha gonna do if He does want a divorce? Hence, ‘Hey you, where’s your GOD NOW!’

The ol’ saints used to sing, “He Delivers, Praise the Lord, He Delivers, Praise the Lord, I was bound by the power of the devil, but HE delivered, Praise the Lord”! Well, let me tell you why they were able to sing those kinda songs. They didn’t have a lot of money at their disposal, so if they got sick they couldn’t afford a doctor. If they had more mouths than food they couldn’t just whip out their credit card at the grocery store. When their car broke down, they couldn’t take it to Mr. Bill’s Auto Shop. And if John Edward got locked up, they couldn’t afford no bail or private attorney!  But, they had a God to pray to! And you know what? They found Him to be an ‘ON TIME GOD!’

Having no other recourse, but to wait on da Lawdd, they resigned themselves to stand planted on The Rock of Ages, not wishin’ and a hopin’; but trusting in the Strength of God’s Love despite what it looked like!

Needless to say, this kind of faith is hard to find in this “busy-booming-High-Tech-don’t need nobody-DIY” generation. After all we have so many other options. Why pray and have to wait on GOD? 

Because He is God and we are not! God has deliberately designated each step and stop necessary to cultivate our realization that we are His Creation; created to fulfill His purpose and without Him we can do absolutely nothing(Ref. John 15:5) But through His Guidance and Power, all things are possible! (Ref. Philippians 4:13)

Yes, we all experience times when it jus feels like God has turned His Face and given our enemy the nod to ‘walk right over our head’. Except, considering the ambiguity of our emotions, is it really wise to rely upon such in the crucial moments of a time-sensitive-crisis? Exactly? Bible-Faith is based on solely upon The Sure Foundation; The Word of God!

God knows sometimes our flesh becomes weary! That’s why He dispatched Holy Spirit to hover close while we’re waiting for Him to move! (Ref. Isaiah 40:31) The reason God is never in a hurry is because He knows just what it takes to perfect His Will and His Glory in your life. He swore by GOD-SELF to never abandon or give up on you! (Ref. Deut. 31:8) So, why would you ever give up on Him? Am I right, about it? #ijs

Stop trying to figure everything out. Keep trusting and keep expecting your deliverance at any moment! Trust and know that ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough; Ain’t no river wide enough, TO KEEP GOD FROM GETTING 2 U! 



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!


The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23:1

Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding. 29 He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. 30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:28-31

Uuuh forgive my intrusion into your alabaster box, howeverrrrr! Do you sometimes cry out, as I have, “God, don’t You see my tears? Can’t You see my broken heart? God, never mind me, but how can You bear to see the agony of my loved one? God, I know that You care. I just don’t understand why You don’t intervene in this situation right now. Why don’t You do something? And, God, why did you do that?”

Then,  in the midst of my lamenting heart,  I seem to hear His still, small voice whispering, “Ann, trust Me. I know what’s best.”

…And I’m left to wonder, “Hold up, Ms. Smarty pants, why  would  you ever think that you know better than God what’s best for yourself  or your loved one, huh?”

Perhaps, that kind of thinking is the product of humanity’s naivety to presume that once we finally surrender our hearts to The Saving Grace of Jesus Christ, from that point on life consists of floating down rose, hydrangea, tulip and lilly clad pathways of ease, on our way to the Pearly Gates of New Jerusalem!  Unfortunately, there’s nothing in The Holy Writ that remotely resembles such a scenario. In fact, there’s more evidence to support that following in the Footsteps of Jesus is more likely to parallel swallowing big gulps from the cup of imminent suffering and sacrifice! #SERIOUSLY!!!

Remember, “Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble.”  Job 14:1

Don’t get it twisted!  I am not being sacrilegious nor am I craaazzzy enough to dare imply that our Heavenly Father is a Dead-Beat Dad or some kinda Narcissistic Sadist! Quite the contrary!  I am fully persuaded that before the Beginning began, The Creator of Life, in the Sovereignty of His Own Will, determined that purpose trumps pain! Hence, God has Divinely orchestrated the terrains of our journey to include sporadic detours through wilderness pit stops as well as ecstatically triumphant mountain top encounters to perfect in us the same Godly Character and Radiant Glory of our Kinsmen Redeemer!

Remember, “His Ways are not our ways and His Thoughts supersede our severely limited intellectual capacity to comprehend the length, width and depth and wonder of His Omnipotent Omniscience! (Ref. Isaiah 55:8-9)

Nevertheless, by Faith, we know that all things work together for our highest good and His Greatest Glory! (Ref. Romans 8:28) Consequently,  as  Blood-washed, Born-again children of The Most High God, no matter what it looks like, in the end VICTORY BELONGS 2 JESUS! Thus, WE SHALL OVERCOME!  #DIDJAHEARDAT? #WOW!!!

 Beloved, thru test, trial, toil and tragedy, wisdom has revealed through experience that the quicker that you and I acquiesce to the promptings of The God In Me//You, the sooner our po-wearied-soul is encompassed about with the Comforting Presence, Joy and Peace of The Only Wise Savior and Lord of our Life! 

Holy Father, time and time again, You’ve  proven to be The Loving and Compassionate Shepherd who leads and guides my steps and stops according to what’s  best for me! Therefore, I humbly bow, submitting myself under Your Mighty Hands,  declaring and decreeing “Lord whatever You’re doing… don’t do it without me!  Abba, when my circumstances appear to contradict Your Promise and I am tempted  to doubt Your Faithfulness, please forgive me, help my unbelief and give me a double portion of Your Supernatural Grace 2 Trust  the Benevolence of Ur Heart  even more than what my natural eyes can see! In Jesus Name, AMEN 3X!


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!



This is the day that our Lord God has created and bcuz ur able to read this message, He’s blessed u with a brand new day to rejoice and glorify THE KING OF GLORY! Once again, we invite u to join us in our Corporate Day of Fasting and Prayer between the hours of 6:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Those of you who know the  worth of Prayer, the sceptor is extended towards your hearts…shall we pray…


“Here we r to worship, Here we r to bow down, Here we r to say that You’re Our God! You’re altogether Lovely, altogether Worthy, altogether WONDERFUL!

Eternal God our Father, we’ll never know why You love us so; but we’re so glad that You do. We know that it’s because of this, it was You who awakened us to this new day, giving us the mind to recognize that but for The Grace and Mercy of God, we’d be lost, outdoors, homeless, hungry, and without the strength to get up on our own! We thankya, Kind Jesus, for watching over us, while we slept, keeping us safe from murders, rapist, thieves, and robbers; it was nobody but Your Sovereignty that rebuked, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, mudslides, fires, floods and death, allowing us to rest secure under the Shadow of Your Almighty Wings!

Father, we come today, acknowledging that it is indeed an honor and a priviledge that you have esteemed us worthy to approach ur Throne of Majesty, Grace and Mercy! It’s with humble gratitude that we come boldly without fear of wrath or retribution because of the Sacrifical Lamb, Jesus, who has destroyed every obstacle that our sinfulness had locked us outside of Your Covenant Care; and because of Your Faithfulness and acceptance of His Atoning Blood, You welcome and embrace us with righteous, peace and joy in The Holy Ghost!

We are fully aware that we, in and of ourselves, could never warrant such Lovingkindness, but because of Your Holiness and personal commitment to Your Word, You have adopted us into Your Royal Family, even given us Your Name, declaring to a thousand generations, that whosoever would call upon the name of The Lord Jesus, shall be saved and engrafted into The Kingdom of your Beloved Son, inheriting everything that we will ever need pertaining to life and godliness!

Heavenly Father, we thankya for recognizing the fraility of human flesh and the deafness that too often causes us to ignore Your righteous commands, giving heed to the seducing spirits that intice our flesh to willfully and unwillfully disobey You and walk outside of the paths that Your Word have designed and directed us to shield us from destruction! But Your Patience and Compassion for us won’t allow You to leave us there, but shepherd us to return to Your fold, leading us to green pastures and still waters.

Father, You already know what’s going in the lives of each and everyone who is reading and echoing this prayer in their hearts right now, because You are Omniscient and Your Omnipresence assures us that nothing happens in our lives by happenstance, but except You have allowed it, we pray that You will give us the confidence to walk through these circumstances, holding on to Your nail-scarred Hand, fully persuaded by The Hope that dwell is us, that You will never leave us, never forsake us, never tempt us beyond that which we can endure!

Abba Father, we pray that as we endure the hardships that are part of our living in this broken world, that we remain steadfast, immovable, always abounding in Your Work of Your Hands, trusting You even when we don’t understand why, what, how or when, nevertheless convicted and convinced by the faith that working in us, that Your Purpose yields peaceful fruit of righteousness that we’d never experienced except thru the painful process that You’ve orchestrated in our walk to Destiny!

Lord, we ask also, as You have commanded that You bless everyone who has yet to personally accept Your free gift of Salvation that You have wrought thru the life, death, burial and ressurection of Jesus Christ. Let today be the day that Holy Spirit quickens their stony hearts with God-inspired Repentance, that they’ll bow their hearts to You, asking Your forgiveness and confessing Jesus as Savior and Lord!

Lord, we ask You to put a sincere yes in the heart and mind of every backslider, let today be the day that they come back to You and come back Home to the local church where they will commit to learning Your Word that they may live the rest of their lives pleasing You .

Father, we also pray for every believer who is yet holding on to Your Hand by faith today, that You will release Divine power, Supernatural strength and health, provision, prosperity and protection. We ask that You will preserve them thru the tests that they must go thru and that You will bring them out wholly restored, renewed, refreshed and with the reward as You have promised them in Your Word.

Heavenly Father, we believe with all of our heart, mind, body and soul that You are able to make everything work together for our greatest good and your Highest Glory! As we pray, Lord, we’re lifting up our families, friends and anyone who needs to know Your Love and Help, trusting You to cover them in Your Blood; Jesus according to Your Word and your Name, we have been authorized to bind and rebuke every Satanic influence over our minds, to cast down every demonic spirit that would take our children away from you, we decree and agree that every negative spirit that would hinder our loved-ones and those who love you from walking in the God-Ordained plan and purpose for their lives, be dismissed today, in Jesus Name! We release, healing, hope, peace, love, joy, prosperity and wholeness in every area of our lives, suddenly!

We pray for every leader, government, judicicial, coporate, financial, educational official, every Apostle, Bishop, Pastor, Preacher, Teacher, Evangelist and Missionary, for we recognize that the kings heart is in Your Hands; we ask that The Holy Ghost break up the fallow ground and loose a spirit of repentance immediately, fill them with holy reverance and a burning desire for righteousness! Lord we ask you to equip every soul that You’ve called, empower them to perform Your Will that we may be pleasing in Your sight.

Father we pray that your favor rest upon Your people wherever they go; open doors that have been shut before them and close every open door that would detour them from Your Perfect Way!

We, with joyful thanksgiving and praise, and confident trust, rooted firmely in Your Loving-Kindness, Faithfulness, Power, Mercy and Grace, we fear no mere man or demonic spirit . We stand strong, resting in the shadow of Your Countenance because You are our Shield and Buckler! Your Words affirm that You are watching over us, listening to our hearts plea and Sovereignly granting even those unexpressed desires of all those who trust in You! You, O Lord, are always on alert, constantly on the look-out for your people, who are totally committed to you, we humbly thank You for these and all blessing, in Jesus Name! Amen 3x




SELAH Daily Devotions!


“When I think of the goodness of Jesus, and all he has done for me,my soul cries out Hallelujah! I thank God for saving me!”


We’ve all heard that; some of us have even testified it ourselves. How many of us were clueless that this was really a verse of a song, and not a scripture? But datz okay! Regardless of it’s roots, reciting these words has pulled many drowning souls out of the depths of hopelessness and despair!

The master of deceit, Satan, flourishes in our proclivity towards selective amnesia. Whether it’s a self-induced defense mechanism or some type of ego-boosting-denial-syndrome, I don’t know. However, if we’re honest, every single one of us could testify we’ve scaled some mountains higher than we thought possible and drifted through seemingly impossible storms that “NOBODY BUT GOD kept us alive!”

Truthfully, that’s exactly what terrifies Satan the most. He knows that if we ever take the time to really think about how often The Power Twins, Mercy and Grace, showed up, just in the nick of time delivering us from danger, destruction and even death, praise and worship is imminent! And of course, that’s the absolute last thing the devil wants to endure is a bunch of happy trusting believers rejoicing and lifting up The Name of Jesus!

Well, guess what devil, you might as well pull out your earplugs, because God is raising up a nation of your worst nightmare,  reformed doubters-complainers, an honest-to-goodness -genuine BELIEVERS! Oh Yeah! We’ve come through some fires, been through some storms but we can truly say that God was with me all the way!

In fact, come to think of it,  everytime that I cried out to Him, Jesus heard me and saved me out of all my troubles! ( Psalm 34:6) And because of my personal history, I have learned how to lean and depend on Jesus! Therefore, I truly and profoundly declare and decree (with both hands raised) “I WILL BLESS THE LORD AT ALL TIMES, HIS PRAISE SHALL CONTINUALLY BE IN MOUTH! (Psalm 34:1)

And guess what else, if you think I’m gonna keep this to myself, you must be an ol’ fool! I’m about to tell everybody, ‘come and see what the Lord has done for me!” THINK ABOUT IT…U GOTTA THANK HIM, huh?


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee






SELAH Daily Devotions!


For the Lord GOD will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed. Isaiah 50:7


There’s never been a point, place or space in time where God is not! God IS and will ever BE—for He is ETERNALLY GOD! #didjaheardat?

To souls wearied and wounded from matriculating through the sporadic-tumultuous terrains of life, this  statement has proven to be the Source of great comfort and strength. At the same time, it’s the sting of predictable debilitating destruction and defeat against the insidious attacks to the forces of evil!

The primary mission of the Kingdom of darkness is to cause the people of God to abandon their hope and personal trust in The Eternal Father by any means necessary! Satan’s disciples strategically set up obstacles to ensnare believers with confusion, fear and doubt designed ultimately to contaminate their faith, causing them to re-evaluate the Reliability of trusting in an invisible, yet all emcompassing True and Living God!

Problem is, all too often, it’s the personal testimonies of triumphant victories down thru the years that continue to rigorously validate God’s Faithfulness, fueling the Believer’s Hope of Eternal Glory!

Finding ourselves knee-deep in the midst of this 21st Century Anti-Christ culture, there’s no shortage of opportunities to throw in the towel and tap-out on the Promises revealed in the Sacred Writ, resolving that they’re no longer relevant in this self-centered, self-righteous, intellectually astute, Hi-Tech, contemporal society!  

However, such thinking is only logical to those who have foolishly opted to avoid the reality of The Omnipresent Omnipotent God! Nothing ever happens that catches God off-guard. Hence, He is Alpha and Omega!  The Omniscient Creator, Sovereignly orchestrating the affairs of  humanity from eternity past, thru present into eternity future,  determined that His Purpose shall never be frustrated by the  inherent iniquity of flawed-fickled-fleshy-lust-filled mankind!

Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, he confirmed it with an oath. God did this so that, by two inchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of The Hope offered to us may be greatly encouraged. We have this Hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. Hebrews 6:17-19


Beloved, standing firmly on the Immutability of God’s Word, gives us the leverage to embrace every situation with confident assurance that we’ll never alone and God is always in control. Therefore, our Heavenly Father is always Present  to help, constantly undergirding our inabilities with His Infinite Excellence!

Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. (Deuteronomy 31:6)

Remember, My child, when the odds are stacked against the righteous—GOD’S AT HIS BEST! FAITHFUL…ALWAYS AND FOREVER!


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

 Ann Caffee



SELAH Daily Devotions!


The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!
(Matthew 6:22-23)


Have you seen that optical illusion photo of Jesus where you’re instructed to stare at the four dots continuously for about a minute, then look away to the light and watch the darkness evaporate revealing The Face of Jesus?

DID YOU SEE HIM YET… still too dark, huh?

Belief it or not, that’s a challenge for most believers? I mean, seriously! How can we be expected to focus on The Light of the World, when we are constantly encompassed and distracted by such gross darkness? As with most of the things Our Heavenly Father expects of us, it’s not always easy, yet if we make a conscious effort to disciple ourselves, it is possible!

We must stick  to the Living Word of Truth; not just on crisis days, but every day; as if our very lives depended upon it. And it does! Beloved, remember we’re strangers sojourning through this life on our way to a Glorious Family Reunion. (Ref. John 17:16) Jesus prayed to The Father that He would keep us in this world until He’s sent again to fully restore us to The Kingdom. Knowing fully well that we’d be hated by His enemies, just like He was while he walked this earth; Jesus asked The Father to put HIS Light in us to ensure that His followers would never be without His Presence. (Ref. John 17:15; Matthew 5:14)

The Apostle John wrote, “But if we are living in the light, as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from all sin. “ (1 John 1:7)

Remember, thou weary one, you are God’s Chosen! Despite the random patches of darkness, we are never abandoned. Jesus guaranteed that there will always be just enough light to guide us through these momentary afflictions! (Ref. Hebrew 13:5)



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee


The Earth Slowly Burns - Americas


SELAH Daily Devotions!


Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 2 Timothy 3:5


Never! Is probably the initial response of most professing-salvation-sanctified-sainted-souls, even at the mere suggestion that we’d be included in ‘those’. Right? BUT!  Have we ever considered the remote possibility, if you will, the collateral damage of being so pre-occupied with ‘getting’ that we lose sight of what God has already ‘given’?

Remember that Ol’ skool churrch song, “Count your blessing! Name them one by one! Count your blessing, see what God has done!”? Think about it? The Israelites were taught to sing songs that rehearsed their history as a daily reminder of God’s loving care, strength and power as He delivered them out of Egyptian slavery, lead them through the wilderness into The Promised Land! A practice, no doubt even in this bustling 21st Century culture, one might find tremendously buffering amidst the new norm of environmental chaos, anxiety and stress.

Just imagine the possible ramifications of a daily allotment of time designated specifically to reflecting upon all the many blessings that The Lord has already so mercifully and graciously heaped upon us. WOW! What inevitablemind-blowing heart-filled  sense of Gratitude, huh?

Could this be what The Apostle Paul was alluding to “according to the power that worketh in us”? (Ref. Ephesians 3:20)

Could a grateful heart pave the way for that “Greater than” we could ask or imagine? Could our pre-disposed poverty-mindedness and perverted sense of unworthiness, steeped in false humility be denying God the opportunity to show-off in our lives? Could we be guilty of having a form of godliness? GOD FORBID!



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee