Category Archives: depression





The Lord GOD which gathers the outcasts of Israel saith, Yet will I gather others yo him, beside those that are gathered unto him.

All ye beasts of the field, come to devour, yeah, all ye beasts of the field, come to devour, yea, all ye beasts in the forest. His watchmen are blind they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.

Yea, they are greedy dogs, which can never have enough, and they are shephers that cannot understand, they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter.

Come ye, say they, I will fetch wine, and we will fill ourselves with strong drink; and tomorrow shall be as this day, and much more abundant! Isaiah 56:8-12

For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returned not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring for and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater.

So shall my word be tat goeth forth out of my mouth, it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Isaiah 56:11-12


Thoughout the history of humanity, there have been those who deliberatey misinterpret the Plan of God, presuming a sense of special status in their relationship with The Lord. Doing this makes it easier for them to disqualify others based on a variety of differences! BUT JESUS came to broaden the scope of His Elect to include the downcast, rejected, foreigners and those castrated by the restrictions of the pompous self-engrandized arrangance of those intoxicated on the wealth of this world! Jesus’ sacrificial atoning death and resurrection stands as an everlasting sign of GOD’S POWER, LOVE AND MERCY, bringing freedom, joy and peace to those who have borne the grief and sorrows of afflictions of decades of captivity and dejection.

While some leaders have drifted away from a real understanding of God’s Will for humanity, choosing to remain mute persuing the path of furthering their own private interest and agendas, resisting any effort to help the weak and confused they plan great things for themselves while focusing on sleeping and drinking. TRUTHBTOLD, the consequences of God’s Sovereign Justice is an invasion of beasts and terror of foreign nations!



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!






SELAH Daily Devotions!


But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world. 1 John 4:4


It’s been acclaimed by some Biblical scholars, that we, the New Millennium 21st Century Church Age, are the generation destined to witness the fulfillment of End-Time Biblical Prophecy!

While I’m certainly not an expert of Eschatology, yet it’s no wide-stretch of the imagination, to speculate that we are INDEED living in times that try and even vex the very souls of the righteous! #CanIgetawitness?

Glancing through 2 Timothy 3:1-7’s description of the perilous times in the earth, it sounds distinctly-uncomfortably-familiar to us who are expectantly awaiting The Second Coming of our Lord, huh?

Much to Satan’s delight, Spirits of Terror, Fear, Apathy and Discouragement have crept into the minds and hearts of the people of God to such a degree that even ‘Seasoned-Saints’ are becoming weary in their well doing. Unfortunately, the wicked don’t appear to be showing any signs of fatigue!

May I submit these words of comfort and encouragement as a reminder to your soul today? “DON’T GET IT TWISTED! THE DEVIL AIN’T RUNNING NOTHING!!!

While it may appear as if this world’s falling apart, from God’s Perspective, EVERYTHING IS FALLING RIGHT IN PLACE!

As my GrandMa Annie used to say, “this world is not our home and I didn’t come here to stay!” We merely sojourning thru this land; ever mindful that GOD has reserved a special place which far exceeds anything we could dare imagine or hope for. That’s HEAVEN, YALL! 

Now I know the ol’ saints would tell ya, “Jus keep your mind on Jesus and He’ll Work it Out!” While this is certainly true, it’s also easier said than done, huh?  But God already knew that! That’s why He sent Holy Spirit to help us overcome our infirmities and empower us to do those things that seem impossible! Hence,  you belong to The Creator and Sustainer of ALL LIFE and since God is for you, it really doesn’t matter who’s against ya! #Didjaheardat? 

Much to the Satan’s dismay, therefore, be it RESOLVED Our Eternal God is yet seated on HIS Throne. HE has not nor will He ever relinquish one iota of HIS GLORY to anyone or anything!

Be it further RESOLVED, that absolutely Nothing that you’ve been thru, Nothing you’re going thru NOW should make you want to tuck tail and turn back to that life that you’ve been delivered from.

Beloved, don’t limit your expectations of Our Omnipotent God to your previous experiences! What God has for you is always in front of you! Trust God! Everything that God has planned for your future won’t even fit in your past! (Ref. Jeremiah 29:11-13) OOOOHHHH GGLLOORRRAAAA!!!




Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee





Can we talk, 4REAL? Sometimes there’s a great disconnect between who we are and where we are! Don’t shout me down, nah! Seriously, life has a way of placing us in circumstances where we, as born-again-baptized-loving-The Lord and endeavoring 2 live our lives 2 please Him-with all of our hearts, minds, spirit and soul—never expected to be! Well, welcome to REAL-TIME!

Can I tell you something else? You are in good company! Jus look at God’s Prophet Habakkuk. Having been called to preach a message of impending devastation to the backslidden nation of Israel, anticipated that the people would heed God’s warning and repent allowing The Sovereign Lord to intervene on their behalf driving their enemies far away from them. However, God does not always show up as we anticipate leaving us distraught and confused! Do I have a witness?

As we continue to walk with God we discover that it’s during these times of contradiction that God teaches us how to trust HIM! In other words, there will be times when you don’t have all the answers or all the information! Yet, this does not negate the truth that we’re IN THE WILL OF GOD! God stragetically ordains these experiences so that we learn to live and walk in another dimension called ‘FAITH’ and not by our senses! During these time of frustration and uncertainty is where we are trained how not to walk by our feelings or even according to ‘circumstantial evidence’! BUT, GOD is SAYING, “JUST TRUST ME! COME WHAT MAY, I PROMISE, I’LL NEVER ABANDON YOU!” (Ref. Hebrews 13:5)

The Scriptures confirm that those of us who have confessed our belief in The Saving Grace of Calvary’s Cross are not exempt from tests, trials, trauma or tragedy. Nevertheless, we do have an advantage that the world knows not of. We have this confident assurance that our God is Holy, All Knowing, All Powerful and Eternally Faithful to His Word! TRUTHBTOLD, Our Heavenly Father, has committed Himself to be with us always and is powerful enough to sustain us through whatever we go thru; therefore we can trust that at His appointed time, HE SHALL DELIVER US OUT OF IT ALL!

Just as Habakkuk came to realize, our hope must not rest in what we don’t have, think, see or feel, but our Hope must rely upon The Love of The Omnipresence, Omnscient, Omnipotent Creator of Heaven and Earth!

Therefore, no matter what it looks like, we join in the Lord’s servant’s hymn of faith, singing, “Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines; though the labor of the olive may fail, And the fields yield no food; Though the flock may be cut off from the fold, And there be no herd in the stalls—YET I WILL REJOICE IN THE LORD; I WILL JOY IN THE GOD OF MY SALVATION. The LORD is my strength; He will make my feet like deer’s feet, and He will maqke me walk on my high hills!” (Habakukkhk 3:17-19)

Beloved, when we don’t  understand God’s ways, we can yet rejoice knowing that we who have claimed The Name of Jesus, shall walk sure -footed, finding strength through trusting in The Lord our God!

The JUST, SHALL LIVE BY HIS FAITH! (Ref. Habakukkhk 2:4)


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!




SELAH Devotions!


Good Morning Family! GOTTA MOMENT? GREAT!

We’re delighted to have you join us today in our  Weekly Thursdays’ Corporate Prayer and Fasting! We appreciate every opportunity and privilege extended to us that we might entreat The Presence of our Great High Priest, pouring out our hearts desires, petitions and supplications with Thanksgiving. Humbled by such graciousness, we bow before Him, embracing Him in earnest expectation, confident that He Who Rules Forever by His Power is able to save and deliver us from any of life’s maladies, we grab hold to The Horns of The Altar now to worship Him…




Father in Heaven, here we are before you once again. We come today with outstretched arms, open hands and grateful hearts, thanking You for blessing us with one more day! Great Is Thy Faithfulness, O Lord, unto me! For this is the day that You have made, therefore we’re rejoicing in The Splendor of Your Magnificent Glory! We know that it’s only by Your Grace and Mercy, that we’re yet here to enjoy life, health and strength! We bless Your Holy Name for the continuous outpouring of Your Unconditional Lovingkindness towards us! As we present ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable unto you we’re trusting You to provide everything that we need today to sustain us thru whatever challenges that unfold during the course of this day! Abba Father, we know that You Alone are our God, Guard and Guide!

Abba Father, it’s with Exhuberant Gratitude that we bless You for allowing us to enter into Your Throne Room, with hope-filled expectation that You will entreat us graciously as we pour out the burdens that seem to overwhelm our hearts, releasing and committing everything that concerns us to You because You’ve proven Yourself to be Faithful and True.

Bowing before You, we acknowledge Your Omnipresence, Omnipotence and Omniscience! You see and You already know everything about everyone of us, yet You invite us to come fully expecting to find Grace and Mercy, comfort and strength that encourages us to hold on to every Word that You have spoken over our lives, even before we were born!

Daddy, yielding humbly before Your Sovereignty, we ask Your forgiveness for everything that we have spoken, done and even thought that was not pleasing in Your sight and violated Your Kingdom Constitution! We now thank You because You have assured us that if we would confess our sins, You, being Faithful and Just, will forgive us, and wash us in The Precious Blood of Jesus, cleanse us from all unrighteousness, and restore the breach that our disobedience has caused between our poor souls and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Now, we ask Holy Spirit, that You will intercede on behalf of our family, our friends, even our enemies, knowing that Your love is the same for each and everyone of us!

We lift up all who have never trusted and accepted Your Son Jesus as Savior and Lord! We believe Holy Spirit is quickening that stony heart now imparting a Spirit of Godly-Repentance that’s provoking them to come, humbled by Your Lovingkindness, and they are now receiving Your Mercy and Grace to Save. We believe that You are leading, guiding and planting them into the fertile grown of a local church where they shall be accepted with Love and embrace with Joy by Your Family, taught and transformed by Your Word of Life to take their position in The Kingdom of Heaven. 

We pray for every backslider, who having been deceived by Satan, has turned their back on Your Salvation and Deliverance and gone back into the bondage of this dark, evil and sin-lusting world. Father, we know that because You so loved the world, You sent Jesus to die for sinners and saints! Because You are The Good Shepherd and full of Loyal Love, You are wating with open Arms and Heart to receive them back into The Fold if they will ask You to forgive them, recommit and dedicate the rest of their lives wholly unto faithfully serving You!

Abba, we know that You have instructed us, to look not at the temporary things, but to the eternal, yet because of the frailness of our flesh, we’re easily tempted to become overwhelmed by the cares of this world causing our hearts to become burdened with the pressures of this life! While we struggle to stay focused on Your Presence and Promises, sometimes our spirits become wearied with fear, doubt, unbelief, plagued with restlessness, despondency and hopelessness, sickness and disease, financial debt, marriage problems, wayward rebellious children, broken relationships, unprovoked threats, depression, addictions and insecurities that we lose sight of Your Covenant Promises of Provision and Protection! Father, help us to stand still and keep us in the center of Your Will, as only You can!

Lord Jesus, we lift up  those whose bodies are afflicted by all manner of sickness and diseases. We ask that You touch our brothers and sisters, especially those who are enduring fatal and dibilitating illness caused by the Spirit of cancer, strokes, heart attacks, kidney failure, liver disease. We intercede on behalf of all those undergoing surgical procedures, those in recovery rooms, radiation and chemotheraphy, dialysis treatment, all those on life-support systems, not knowing that they’re even in this world! We’re declaring and decreeing that as we’re praying You’re walking through every ward, touching, healing, delivering, miraculously rebuking fatigue, mistakes, mishaps, adverse reactions to medication, misdiagnosis and premature death for Your Name Sake.

As Your Eyes roam to and fro throughout the earth, we pray that You save and deliver speedily by Your Mighty Hand all those who are crying out and seeking Your Face at the very moment! Give us to know that because we belong to You, we are never too far that You can’t see us, reach us, and shield us from every weapon that our enemy would rail against us. Impart, wisdom and understanding that we make grasp The Truth that Your Name, Jesus is a Strong Tower to those that You have declared righteous can run into to be saved. Open up our minds and our hearts, fill us with confident assurance that You are LORD of, over, in and through ALL! You have sworn by GOD-SELF that You will never ever leave nor forsake us, even to the end of this Age!!

Grace us with hope-filled Peace that no trouble, test or tragedy can come near us except You allow it to prove our faith and Your Faithfulness to turn everything around to work in our favor, bringing about life transforming testimonies and praises of Your Eternal Magnificence, Honor, Glory and Power! Even when we don’t know what to do, we’re trusting You to preserve us in every trial, keep us fully-confident that  before we experienced it, You have Pre-Ordained an expiration date and promised to bring them out wholly restored, renewed, refreshed and with the reward as You have promised them in Your Word!

Father, thank You for listening to the hearts of all those who are distraught by grief and fear, remember the elderly, the widows, the downcast who have borne the heat of the day, those who pushed and prayed us through! Father, give them sweet peace that our God is not unrighteous to forget or overlook the labor and love they’ve shown towards Your Name and how they have and continue to minister to the saints! Father we decree that every demonic-induced spirit of fear and confusion is defeated NOW because of Your Anointing and that the Spirit of Love, Power and Sound-mindness and Purpose is being released in the lives of Your people now, in Jesus Name!

Precious Lord, remember the children, our grands and great-grand children! By faith we plead THE BLOOD OF JESUS is over their lives wherever they go! We abort and overrule every curse, cancel every diabolical scheme that Satan desires to inflict upon their lives! As we commit them into Your Providential care, we remember how generous You were and continue to be in dispensing Grace and Mercy towards us! Realizing that You have a Plan and Purpose for their lives too, we resist fear and worry, but through faith and patience, we walk in the Blessed Assurance that their steps and stops are being Divinely orchestrated by Your eyes! Therefore we speak The Peace of God over their spirits, minds and bodies releasing a spirit of Love, Holiness and Excellence to fulfill their God ordained destiny!

Abba, we lift up every Bishop, Pastor, Overseer, Apostle, Evangelist, Preacher and Teacher, Deacon, Board Member, Usher, Muscian, Choir, Praiz Team member, Nurses, Parking Attendant and Security personnel! Undergird them with Your Anointing to carry out their assignment, under the direction of Holy Spirit. Encourage and strengthen their hearts, souls and spirits as they endeavor to serve, reach, teach, preach, guide, guard and comfort those whom You’ve charged them to minister to. Lord You know how discouraging it can be when oftentimes folk seem to turn a deaf ear to Your Word! Cover them as they go in and out amongst Your people and any who would seek to discredit, hinder and even destroy their faith, faithfulness and the ministry You have ordained.


Heavenly Father, as You have instructed us, we pray for the leaders of our nation, government, corporate, judicial, education, financial, health institutions, military and community service workers!  Father remember the teachers, counselors, administrations, superintendents and especially the children and those who are going off or returning to colleges! We’re asking that You touch their minds and hearts, help them to make wise decisions, speak to them in dreams and visions letting them know that You Who Sit Enthroned Above the Heavens are keeping record of the deeds of every man’s heart and will reward accordingly! We believe that because their hearts are in Your Hands, they are being continuously opened to hear and obey Your Will! Lord Jesus, we’re standing on Your Word as decreed that The government of this world shall rest upon Your shoulders and that You are The Eternal King of Kings and Lord of Lords!


Holy Father, we pray for total deliverance from every cord that would bind Your people and come against our Divine Destiny! We rebuke the enemies of our minds and Thankya that nothing can stop the blessings or us from performing the greater works You have assigned to the covenant saints! Strengthen and renew the Covenant of Faith! We thankya for the courage and patience to stand, steadfast, consistent, always abounding in the work of our LORD!

Lord, there are so many other things, that we have yet to mention, but we’re trusting, believing You to fix it, Jesus, as only You can! Lord, we know that You are not just able, but willing to do anything that we ask, in accordance to Your Word, in Jesus Name! As we walk through this day, depending soley on You for an Abundant Life, Divine Health and Your  Unspeakable Joy to strengthen us for whatever lies ahead, we shall give You all the Praise!

As we offer us this prayer, Father we wait in confidence and quietness, rejoicing in hope and trusting wholly that all workers of iniquity are trembling and suddenly departing in shameful defeat, because You have heard the voice of our weeping, our supplications and received our prayer as a sweet savor coming up before Your Sovereign Throne of Grace and Mercy!

Sweet HOLY SPIRIT, we seal this prayer with A Holy Hallaleujahhh! For WE believe that it is done! In The Exalted Name of Jesus. Amen 3X

Now every child of God who is standing in agreement with this prayer, GO TELL SOMEBODY JESUS IS REAL, HE LOVES THEM , HE STILL SAVES AND HE’S COMING BACK SOON!

Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!



SELAH Daily Devotions!

Good morning Precious Saints of The Most High God! GOTTA MOMENT? AWEMAAZIN!

We welcome you again to our Weekly Thursdays’ Day of Corporate Prayer and Fasting! As you well know, ‘In times like this’, our souls need to be anchored in prayer to the Only Wise God and Savior of all, The Great High Priest, LORD JESUS CHRIST! Many of us whose hearts are wearied and burdened by the affairs and cares of this ol’ world, welcome every opportunity to run gladly into the Throne Room finding hope-filled rest under the Shadows of The Almighty God! Shall we enter in…

Bow down and Worship Him, Worship Him! Ooohh Worship Him! Bow Down and Worship Him! Enter in! Oooh Enter In. Consuming Fire, Sweet Perfume! Your Awesome Presence, fills this room! This is Holy ground…This is Holy ground…we bow down….BELIEVING THAT GOD IS LISTENING, PRAYING, WITH & FOR US…

Abba Father, we come before You once again; humbled by Your Loving-Kindness we cry out to You In the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus! While many of us are struggling with the real-time cares of this dark, lost and ungodly world, our spirit man is yet rejoicing, praising and thanking You for blessing us to see one more day.Recognizing that it was not because of any goodness of our own that we live, move and have our being, we quickly thank You, from hearts for another opportunity to embrace the abundance of Your Mercy, Grace and All Sustaining Sufficiency!

Heavenly Father, it is with unspeakable joy that we offer up praises unto You for being The ONLY True, Living Eternal God of our Salvation, our Deliverance, Breakthrough and Provision. With humility and sincere gratitude, we acknowledge Your Awemaazing Grace, Compassion and Faithfulness allows You, knowing our frame, YET to look beyond our human frailties, faults and iniquities and minister so generously to every need pertaining to life and godliness!

Abba Father, hear our prayers reverberating from hearts openly offering up precious praise to You, for that Glorious Day when You interrupted our lives, opened up the eyes of our understanding and filled our spirits with the Revelation of Your Son Jesus, allowing us to freely receive Him as our personal Savior and Lord!

Precious Father, we ask You to forgive us of every sin we have committed or omitted willfully and unwillfully in thought, word or deed! Where justice should prevail, Lord we plead for Mercy! Thankya for changing our story and those of our loved ones, who’ve not yet come to the knowledge of Your Saving Grace! By faith, we put them under arrest by the Power of Holy Spirit and we call their lives to come into proper alignment with Your Divine Word and Will!

Daddy, because no man can come to the You except You draw them, we pray that as Your eyes search the hearts of humanity, that You draw and save the lost, quickening The Spirit of Godly-repentance in every heart and mind, beckon them to come today confessing ‘a sincere YES’ to Your Grace, and receive You now as their personal Savior and Lord! We’re believing that You are directing their footsteps, placing and settling them into a local church home where they are nurtured and encouraged to live holy, acceptable and committed to faithful obedience to Your Word! In Jesus Name Amen 3x!

Sweet Jesus, we call every backslider to bow to Your Lovingkindness and return to the fold immediately, put a fresh “committed YES” in their heart and mind and a genuine desire to adhere to the Kingdom Constitution as revealed through diligent study of Your Word! Give each one an earnest-sincere-honest-heart desire to build their personal relationship with You through fellowship and a consistent prayer life to live holy, pleasing and glorifying You before this corruptible, lost and dying world that others may ask the question, ‘What must I do to be saved?”!

Lord, remember our children, our grand/great-grands to a thousand generations! We’re claiming Your Promise to save us and our households! While many of them are not walking with You wholly, we trust that You have an appointed time for their deliverance from the tempters destructive plans, plots, schemes and pits! We believe that the SAME MERCY AND PATIENCE that so generously allowed us to be here today is covering our legacy, protecting them from being victimized by the Satanic influences that are rampant in this world! We bind every seducing spirit that seeks to entrap them thru the ungodly soul ties that so easily besets this unsuspecting generation! Therefore, we commit them into Your Hand of Righteousness, realizing that You have a plan and purpose for their lives too, with the Blessed Assurance that their steps and stops are being Divinely-orchestrated by Your Eyes! We speak The Peace of God over their spirits, souls, minds and bodies, releasing Your Love, Holiness, Wholeness, Hope, Confidence and Excellence, equipping and inspiring them to fulfill their God ordained destiny!

Sweet Holy Spirit, remember every spiritual leader as we speak LIFE,LIGHT, STRENGTH, ENCOURAGEMENT, CONFIDENCE, ASSURANCE, RESTORATION OF HOPE-FILLED- ENTHUSIASTIC-ANTICIPATION and TRUST into all those who are yet believing for immediate manifestation and the fulfillment of every miracle and vision that You’ve placed into their hearts! We REBUKE AND COMMAND spirits of hindrance, delay, low-self esteem, self-doubt, failure, competitiveness, discouragement, disappointment, confusion, slothfulness, tiredness, weariness, being unappreciated and misunderstood, all those threatened by spirits of suicide MUST LEAVE NOW!

LORD, we thank You for rewarding YOUR servant/leaders who are yet standing on the Wall proclaiming Your Word with POWER, under the Conviction and Anointing of Holy Spirit! Jesus, continue to Grace them to be the FAITHFUL AND TRUE WITNESSES, remnant examples of Your Righteousness in their homes, churches and community that will cause those who come in contact with them to love, trust wholly in You and commit the rest of their lives to serving and glorifying You!

As You have commanded, we pray and thank You for all the leaders of this nation and world. Send direction to them, as they make decisions that affect the future of our lives and our Touch their minds and hearts, visit them in the night, speak to them in dreams and visions and let them know that All POWER BELONGS 2 YOU Who Sit Enthroned Above the Heavens! Impress upon them that You are keeping record of the deeds of every man’s heart and will reward accordingly!

Precious Lord Jesus, we’re eternally grateful for the indwelling Presence of Holy Spirit assuring us that YOU ARE THE SOVEREIGN LORD of LIFE and in absolute control of all things. In light of the continuous influx of profound arrogance and illegal/immoral injustices being perpetrated against Your people from ‘the Satanic influenced powers that be’, the atrocious senseless murders taking place all around us, in the midst of sadden hearts and wearied spirits, we commit our being unto You, expressing our gratitude because You have promised to yet keep us hidden under The BLOOD! We praise You, Heavenly Father, that even in these days of imminent terror, tragedy, chaos and destruction, we know that the safest place in this whole world is in YOUR perfect Will! We’re trusting that no weapon that is formed against us shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against Your children shall be condemned!

We confidently speak Your Consoling Peace that surpasses all understanding over our minds, we declare that You are disciplining our thoughts that we may walk circumspectly as disciples of Christ. We put our flesh under subjection to Holy Spirit and resist the hand of the enemy in our lives. We seek You first, asking direction from You and trust You to settle our anxious spirits to be fully persuaded that ‘come what may’ You are well able and willing to save us!

As we wait for You to move on our behalf, help us not to become lethargic and disenfranchised, refusing to do those things we’re called to do in our communities to honor the privileges that so many others before us struggled, fought even died so that we would have the right to vote and that our children would be able to live a better life than they did! Help us to be accountable in our communities, Churches, on our jobs, in our homes.

Abba, help us to stand in the Liberty, with our faith firmly rooted in The Sacrificial Atoning Blood of Jesus that has set us free, to live a quality of life that is exceedingly, abundantly and beyond this earthl real and seated in Heavenly Places in Christ Jesus! Therefore the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but Mighty Through GOD, pulling down strongholds, casting down imaginations and everything that exalts itself against The KNOWLEDGE OF GOD! WE PLEAD THE BLOOD OF JESUS OVER OUR MINDS, BODIES, SOULS AND SPIRIT!

Holy Spirit, equip us to walk fearlessly without intimidation so that every demonic spirit assigned to hinder us from fulfilling the good plans You have for us is disarmed! Break-free those who are being held by mind-paralyzing, mouth-muting captivity to speak the WORD OF TRUTH with Holy boldness and Authority! Lift all those up out of the pits of hopelessness, discouragement, oppression, depression, sexual abuse, spousal abuse, spiritual abuse, physical abuse, low self esteem, self-rejection, self-hatred and empower them to walk into large places Divinely ordained from their Mother’s womb! We speak LIFE to those walking thru the valley overshadowed with death, Woman, Man, The Lord God heal, deliver, strengthen, empower and sustain YOU even NOW, IN JESUS NAME!

We speak THE WORD OF YOUR POWER against the all manner of sickness and disease, the spirit of cancer, brain, lung, throat, kidney, liver, pancreas, blood, breast, bone, prostrate those in chemo therapy, radiation therapy, on dialysis, those awaiting transplants, those enduring what man calls incurable disease such has HIV, Parkinson disease, ALS,alheizmers and autism! We speak wondrous reversal of any damage caused by strokes, kidney failure, heart disease, arthritis, glaucoma and every other eye disease and release a Divine Revelation of our healing that You purchased on Calvary and give us instructions on how we can loose total healing in every area of our being!

We pray for the caretakers and lift up those who are lingering on to this life in hospice facilities asking for salvation and sweet transition! We pray for the down-trodden and ask that every bowed down head to be strengthen with Your unshakable Peace! Give us to Hope again! Help us to remember Your Faithfulness and Mercy in times past, recognizing that You O God are the same yesterday, today and forever more! Encourage us with Confidence that You hear our cry, even as You heard the voice of Your children in Egypt!

Father, release unexpected Favor of God; restore marriage, open new jobs, promotions, doors of opportunities for entrepreneurs, debt cancellations, loan approvals, unexpected financial blessings as You are releasing a Double Portion of Your Anointing, Spirit of Love, Power, Sound-mindness and Purpose into the lives of Your people in Jesus Name!

Lord Jesus, we await Your Salvation, in confidence and quietness, rejoicing in hope and trusting wholly that all workers of iniquity are trembling, suddenly departing in shameful defeat, recognizing that You have heard the voice of our weeping, our supplications and received our prayer as a sweet savor coming up before Your Sovereign Throne of Grace and Mercy!

Abba Father,  in closing, we align our spirits, soul and body with Your Eternal Word, shouting victoriously with unspeakable-joy and bowing reverently before The Hope of all the earth, believing that as Your face shines upon us that, You are making Your Ways and Salvation known among all nations, Guiding and Ruling Justly! Father, believing that IT IS DONE, In The Exalted Name of Jesus we seal this prayer with Holy Alleleujah! Amen 3X!

Now every child of God who is standing in agreement with this prayer, RUN, TELL EVERYBODY THAT JESUS LOVES YOU, YOU & YOU! #FRONTLINEMINISTRY

Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!



The Earth Slowly Burns - Americas


SELAH Daily Devotions!


Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 2 Timothy 3:5


Never! Is probably the initial response of most professing-salvation-sanctified-sainted-souls, even at the mere suggestion that we’d be included in ‘those’. Right? BUT!  Have we ever considered the remote possibility, if you will, the collateral damage of being so pre-occupied with ‘getting’ that we lose sight of what God has already ‘given’?

Remember that Ol’ skool churrch song, “Count your blessing! Name them one by one! Count your blessing, see what God has done!”? Think about it? The Israelites were taught to sing songs that rehearsed their history as a daily reminder of God’s loving care, strength and power as He delivered them out of Egyptian slavery, lead them through the wilderness into The Promised Land! A practice, no doubt even in this bustling 21st Century culture, one might find tremendously buffering amidst the new norm of environmental chaos, anxiety and stress.

Just imagine the possible ramifications of a daily allotment of time designated specifically to reflecting upon all the many blessings that The Lord has already so mercifully and graciously heaped upon us. WOW! What inevitablemind-blowing heart-filled  sense of Gratitude, huh?

Could this be what The Apostle Paul was alluding to “according to the power that worketh in us”? (Ref. Ephesians 3:20)

Could a grateful heart pave the way for that “Greater than” we could ask or imagine? Could our pre-disposed poverty-mindedness and perverted sense of unworthiness, steeped in false humility be denying God the opportunity to show-off in our lives? Could we be guilty of having a form of godliness? #OMG!  #GOD FORBID!



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Devotions!


Once again we thank you for joining with us in our Weekly Corporate Thursday’s Prayer and Fasting! We’re grateful that our Great High Priest has so graciously invited us to come boldly before His Majestic Throne to release our cares, finding relief, compassion and hope-filled restoration from all of life’s woes! Let’s enter in to His Gates with Thanksgiving and into His Court with praiz and bless His Holy Name…

God has always stood by my side; He has always been my guide! When my friends walk away and turn their back on me, You stood right by my side! Always (Always)! He never left me alone y’all (Always) He has always stood by my side! Whatever I need I just pray, ’cause I know the Lord will make a way! YES, HE STOOD RIGHT BY MY SIDE..LET THE CHURCH SAY YES! YESSSS! YYYEEESSSS…YES! YESSS; YYYEEESSSS LORD….

Eternal God, our Father! Awesome Creator, Ruler and Sustainer of The Heavens and The earth, we come before You now rejoicing in Your Loyal Loving-kindness and tender Mercy! We know that it was by no good of our own that You woke us to one more day, giving us the activities our limbs, a right mind and a heart to seek Your Face for all that we stand in need of this day! We thank You, Precious Father for watching over us as we slept unhindered by the evil forces lurking around us, resting solely upon Your Promise to never leave nor forsake us! We thank You for opening the eyes of our understanding, enabling us to see Your Glory in the Face of Your Son Jesus in whom we yet live, move and have our very being!

We delight in the honor bestowed upon us who profess faith in The ONLY Redeeming Blood of Jesus for forgiveness of all our sin; giving us access to such Amazing Grace and Heritage that’s allotted to us who have accepted this free Gift of Eternal Salvation! Now, unto Thee we lift up our souls, confident that as we continue to open up our hearts, minds, spirits, souls and bodies to Your Divine Will, Purpose and Process You will lead and guide us into all Truth that we might learn to trust You, with our whole hearts, obey You and follow Your instructions, delighting in Your Ways that The Light of Your Glory may be manifested thru us to a dark, lost and dying world!

We thank You Lord Jesus for being Faithful to Your Father, even to death on The Cross, opening up A WAY out of no way to convicted sinners such as I to be saved, cleansed and restored back to our Holy Father!

We thank You, Holy Spirit for breaking-up our stony rebellious sin lusting hearts causing us to be convinced that while we were born in sin, it was never The Father’s Will that any man perish but that all should come to repentance, but by yielding our entire lives over to the Mercy that’s been offered through the life, death, burial and Resurrected Lord of Life, our Messiah Jesus Christ we are saved from the penalty of sin and inherit ETERNAL LIFE.

Confident that no man can come to The Father except thru Jesus, we ask that You prick the hearts of those who’re yet blinded by the deceitful, diabolical devices of our common Adversary, Satan! Let today be the day that The Light of Glory pierces the darkness of their soul, giving way to The Only Hope of Salvation and Everlasting Light which causes them to cry out from a “sincere heart” “What must I do to be saved?” thereby they will confess with their mouths and belief in their hearts that You have heard their prayer and affirmed their “YES LORD!” and responded with Compassion, Grace and Mercy! We thank You for ordering their steps to the place that You’ve ordained in The Body of Christ where they shall be embraced with Love, Acceptance and Joy by their brothers and sisters in Christ to begin their new Life as Saints of the Most High God!

Sweet Holy Spirit, we are grateful that according to The Word, The Father is married to the backslider who has for whatever reason turned away from following, trusting and believing the teachings of Jesus Christ, giving heed to seducing spirits of deception and are now living outside of boundaries of The Covenant that Your Righteousness has established!

Lord, release a spirit of Godly-Repentance that cuts through their rebellious hearts, pulling down the enemy’s strongholds that are designed to keep them in bondage to the wickedness of sin-lusting fleshy deeds of darkness. Remind them that JESUS is The ONLY Acceptable Sacrifice for Atonement and that if they persist in rejecting Your Mercy they shall be judged accordingly and eternally separated from all that You have prepared for those who have been called and chosen to live freely, peaceful, strengthened and filled with Your Joy as a Holy Nation, Your Royal Priest in a Everlasting Kingdom with an Everlasting King!

Sweet Jesus, looking around at the evil ways that unregenerated man has conspired, twisted torn and extolled above all that You have set before us, help us to keep our eyes focused Heavenwards, and our hearts filled with Your Word that we might not become weary in well-doing but trusting filly that You know the way that we take! Cleanse our consciousness with Your Love and Faithfulness. Endow our hearts with anticipation and understanding that You will never allow the devil to put more on us than we’re able to bear, and if our burdens become too heavy for us, You have promised to always make a way for us to escape the snare of our enemies, finding shelter under You Mighty Wings!
Assure us that all of our help comes down from The Father of all Comfort, as we rely wholly upon Your Omnipresence, Omniscience and Omnipotence. When the tempest winds of life overwhelm us with fear, anxiety, stress, doubt, depression, opposition, remind us to quickly run to The Rock that is Higher than us and hide us in that secret cleft where we shall remain shielded safely under The Shadows of Your Almighty Providential Care!

Heavenly Father, while we continue to trust that nothing happens in our lives that can ever take You by surprise and continue to confess You were wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement for our Peace was upon You and BY YOUR STRIPES WE WERE HEALED, it seems as if we’re experiencing a tremendous increase of sickness and diseases even amongst Your children, unlike we’ve ever known! Abba Father, we ask You to touch our brother, touch our sister whose body has been afflicted by all manner of sickness and disease, including the spirit of cancer, heart, kidney, lung disease, bone, prostrate, pancreas and colon disease, mental and emotional disorders and premature deaths, we ask that as You release Your Healing Mantle, rebuke and cast it out at the root, for Your Name Sake!

Because You are Alpha and Omega, even as You walked in this earth healing all who were sick, feeble, limp, lame, the downcast and outcast,You’re Well Able to do the same right now and are raising them up from their beds of afflction as a testament to Your Name, Power and Glory!

Lord, remember our children, our grand/great-grands! We’re trusting Your Word to save us and our households! We know that while many of them are not walking with You wholly, we trust that You have an appointed time for their deliverance from the tempters destructive plans, plots, schemes and pits!

We know that the SAME MERCY AND PATIENCE that so generously allowed us to be here today is covering our legacy, protecting them from being victimized by the Satanic influences that are rampant in this world! We bind every enticing spirit that seeks to enslave them to ungodly soul ties that so easily beset this unsuspecting generation! We commit them into Your Hand, realizing that You have a plan and purpose for their lives too, with the Blessed Assurance that their steps and stops are being Divinely-orchestrated by Your Eyes! We speak The Peace of God over their spirits, souls, minds and bodies, releasing Your Love, Holiness, Wholeness, Hope, Confidence and Excellence, equipping and inspiring them to fulfill their God ordained destiny!

Lord, we pray for every one going thru a season of sorrow and grief, those being victimized by institutionalized racism, tormented by Spirits of fear, abandonment, loneliness, rejection, disappointment and failure, divorce, frustrated because of wayward children, unrealized expectations, lost of employment, bankruptcy and unjust illegal incarcerations! We plead the Blood of Jesus over every demonic thought, spirits of anxiety, oppression and confusion!You are not the author of these satanic thoughts and feelings, but You have given all who have put our personal trust in Your Son Jesus, Your Righteousness, a Spirit of Love, Peace, Joy and a Sound Mind!

Sweet Holy Spirit, remember every spiritual leader as we speak LIFE, STRENGTH, ENCOURAGEMENT, CONFIDENCE, ASSURANCE, RESTORATION OF HOPE-FILLED- ENTHUSIASTIC-ANTICIPATION and TRUST into all those who are yet believing for immediate manifestation of that special miracle and the fulfillment of every vision that You’ve placed into their hearts! We REBUKE AND COMMAND spirits of low-self esteem, self-doubt, failure, competitiveness, discouragement, disappointment, confusion, slothfulness, tiredness, weariness, being unappreciated and misunderstood, all those threatened by spirits of suicide MUST LEAVE NOW!
LORD, reward YOUR servant/leaders who are yet standing on the Wall proclaiming Your Word with POWER, under the Conviction and Anointing of Holy Spirit! Jesus, Grace them to be the FAITHFUL AND TRUE WITNESSES, remnant examples of Your Righteousness in their homes, churches and community that will cause everyone who comes into contact with them to fall in love with You, trust wholly in and commit to live the rest of their lives serving and glorifying You!

Heavenly Father, as instructed, we stand in the gap on behalf of the leaders of our nation and the world! Those who’ve You allowed to lead in governments, corporate, legislate, judicial, financial, education, public safety and services and institutions! We ask You to touch their minds and hearts, speak to them in the midnight hours, give them dreams and visions that lets them know that You Who Sit Enthroned Above the Heavens see and know the intents and the deeds of everyone’s hearts and while they may think they’ve escaped the punishment of unbiased-bi-parasitism of man’s justice, they shall not be able to flee the righteous retribution levied by The Eternal Judge! Alert them that He Who Rules over the circle of the earth is keeping record of the deeds of every man’s heart and will reward accordingly!

Abba Father, by the power and anointing that You’ve placed upon every one who’s submitted their lives to You, as we stand in the gap today, we curse the SPIRIT of trauma, hatred, racism, evil, rape, incest, molestation, physical and emotional abuse, bullying, murder, suicide, infidelity, betrayal, abandonment, rejection, hopelessness, unworthiness, stress, insomnia, restlessness, confusion, bi-polar, schizophrenia, poverty and lack, double-minded, fear, anxiety and COMMAND IT TO GO RIGHT NOW!

We ask that You bless the brokenhearted, feeble in body and spirit, those desperate, despondent by grief and sorrow, the one at a crossroad of life, the ones addicted to harmful substances, our armed forces, policemen, fire and emergency rescue personnel, nurses, doctors, pastors and leaders, missionaries far and near! WE SPEAK LIFE, LOVE, LIGHT, SALVATION, DELIVERANCE, HEALTH AND HEALING, HOPE, WHOLENESS, RESTORATION, RIGHTEOUSNESS PEACE, UNITY AND JOY IN THE HOLY GHOST TO ALL WHO ARE READING THIS PRAYER IN THE NAME THAT’S ABOVE EVERY OTHER NAME THAT CAN BE NAME, JESUS, WE PRAY!

PRECIOUS LORD, we decree that every demonic-induced spirit is defeated NOW because of Your Anointing and that the Spirit of Love, Power and Purpose is being released into the lives of Your people now as we wait in confidence and quietness, rejoicing in hope, trusting wholly that all workers of iniquity are trembling and suddenly departing in shameful defeat, because You have heard the voice of our weeping, our supplications and have received our prayer as a sweet savor coming up before Your Sovereign Throne of Grace and Mercy!

Holy Father, because You have called and chosen us to dwell eternally in Your House, we shout with exceeding Joy unto The Hope of all the earth, believing that as Your face shines upon us, You are making Your Will, Ways, Salvation and Deliverance known among all nations; for You Guide and Rule justly! We agree with You Who FORGIVES TRANSTRESSORS, HEARS AND ANSWERS PRAYERS and we stand believing according to Your perfect timing, it is done! We ask these favors In The Exalted Name of Jesus and seal this prayer shouting HOLY HALLELUJAH AND AMEN 3X !

Now every child of God who is standing in agreement with this prayer, GO TELL SOMEBODY THAT JESUS IS ALIVE, HE STILL SAVES, HEALS, DELIVERS AND HE’S COMING BACK SOON!

Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!


Living Yesterday 2


SELAH Daily Devotions!




The Good ol’ Days!” WOW! Remember? But what is it about memories? Either time has a peculiar way of tainting our perspective or our minds automatically default to selective-perceptions when the moment ends.

#WOW! Somehow, as we reflect upon days gone by,  there will be times when we can actually feel that gut-wrenching pain (that you were utterly convinced was terminal) and the high that would get higher and the groove gets groovyur; the music never stopped; the laughter would become heartier and the flood of tears would never subside; the mornings came too soon and the nights were eternal; puppy love would grow into a couple, a family and divorce and you’d just…and recess lasts for a lifetime…and then it didn’t! BUT SUDDENLY, IT’S TODAY and you’re still alive! #wannacheckurpulse?

The infamous THEY said that the richest piece of real estate in any town, city, state or nation is the grave yard!  #DIDJAGETIT?  Can you imagine all of those hopes, dreams, secrets, recipes, thoughts, conversations, hugs, apologies, promises, potential, possibilities and plans that remain unfulfilled beneath the soil! WOW! 

BELOVED, release the coulda’s, woulda’s, shoulda’s! Smile triumphantly over conquests and the sweetness of successes! Sigh sheepishly over the guilts and regrets—then thank GOD for all the second chances!

My Precious Ones, whatever happened, good, bad, ugly and indifferent; you survived it ALL!

“You can’t alter your past, but you can always take your past to the Altar!” (unknown)

Thank GOD for the Sufficiency of yesterday’s Grace and Hope-Filled tomorrows!




Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!


Good morning Family! GOTTA MOMENT? Ooh GGGGllllorrrraaaaa!

Welcome to a new day! Today, we’re excited that you have joined us in our Thursdays’ Day of Corporate Fasting & Prayer! Once again, we appreciate the opportunity and privilege to entreat The Presence of our Great High Priest, pouring out our hearts desires, petitions and supplications with Thanksgiving. We know that He delights in our embracing Him in earnest expectation, confident that He Rules Forever by His Power is able to save and deliver us from any of life’s maladies!Shall we pray?

Welcome Holy Spirit! We are in Your Presence! Fill us with Your Power, take complete control! You are Living Water, Never ending Fountain, Comforter and Counselor! Take complete control….Welcome Holy Spirit…O, Sweet Wonder! Oh Sweet Wonder! Jesus, The Son of God! Ooohh Sweet Wonder! Oh! Sweet Wonder! Jesus! The Son of God! Here I am to worship, Here I am to bow down, Here I am to say that you’re my God, You’re altogether lovely, Altogether worthy, Altogether wonderful to me! LET’S PRAY…


Our Father and God of Heaven and Earth, we come before You humbled by Your Loving-Kindness, Grace and Mercy! We’re eternally grateful for one more opportunity to behold The Glory of Your Presence! We know that it’s Your Sovereign Will and Strength that has allowed us to live, move and breath, being clothed in our right mind today! We thank You for revealing to us such wondrous treasures that were hidden from our understanding, when we walked surrounded by darkness, as dead men in the earth without a God on our side!

Abba Father, it’s only because of Your Wisdom, we know to cherish this day and not take it for granted as if we have a right to be alive! We come humbled by Your Mercy before You, with open hears, uplifted hands and lips filled with joy and delight to praiz and Your Holy Name! We thank You for giving us The Name that’s above every other name! You have decreed that at The Name of Jesus ,our Lord and Savior, every knee must bow and every tongue shall confess that He Alone is Lord of Lords and King o Kings! We praiz You, Jesus for You have redeemed our lives from destruction and engrafted us into The Royal Kingdom of God! Because of Your Sacrificial Atoning Blood, we are now called Children f The Most High 4ever! Oh, how awesome are Your deeds! For You have preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping!

Daddy, we thank You for Your continued benevolence and favor towards us! We are eternally grateful that because You are The God of our Salvation, Deliverance, Breakthrough and Provision, no good thing will You withhold from us as we continuously walk upright before You! And because You formed us in our Mother’s wombs, You know our frame, nevertheless Your faithfulness and compassion continuously allows You to look beyond our human frailties,fickleness, faults and iniquities to see and minister to fulfill everything that we will ever need pertaining to life and godliness! We rejoice in Your Promise that You will watch over, protect and guide us tenderly  as the apple of Your Eye!

We know You to be A Merciful and Forgiving Father! We know that You are the God of many chances because You keep right on blessing us over and over again! Abba Father, we know that it would be foolish for us to continue in sin, frustrating Your Grace, therefore we bow reverently before You now asking You to forgive me this day for everything I have done, said or thought that was not pleasing to Your Heart. Assured that as we confess our sin, You are Faithful and Just to forgive, pardon and restore us back into rightful fellowship with You, we ask now for Your forgiveness, in The Precious Name of Jesus!


Sweet Jesus, teach us to see sin through Your eyes and to acknowledge it as evil wickedness and rebellion against the Creator and Lover of our souls, The Giver and Sustainer of All Life! And when we sin, quicken our spirit to repent immediately, and to confess with our mouth our wrongdoing, that we might receive the Gracious forgiveness of our Heavenly Father! For this cause, we gladly present our spirit, soul and body as a living holy sacrifice to be used for Your Greatest Glory! 
Precious Lord, because no man can come to the Father except You draw them, we intercede on behalf of every unsaved soul, praying that You will quicken The Spirit of Godly-repentance in their heart and in their mind that they will will hear Your Voice, come confessing a “Sincere YES” to your Amazing Gift of Grace and receive You as their personal Lord and Savior TODAY! We’re believing that You will Divinely orchestrate their footsteps settleling them into a local church home where they will be embraced with joy-filled loving fellowship with their brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus!

Lord, we ask You to put a fresh “committed YES” in the heart and mind of every backslider who has walked away from following Your Teachings! Let today be the day that they come back to You and come back to YOUR church where they will sincerely submit their lives to the sound teachings of Your Word, learn to love and live their lives walking out Your plan and purpose, becoming a Light reflecting Your Glory,Will and Ways to a dark, lost and dying world and provoking some sinner man, sinner woman, boy and girl to cry out “What must I do to be saved!”


Father, we pray that You will touch our brother, touch our sister whose body has been afflicted by  all manner of sickness and disease, including but not limited to the spirit of cancer, kidney/liver disease, heart/lung , disease, arthritis, bone and muscle disease, autism and dementia and every mental disorder! We pray that You are already rebuking and casting out every symptom and trace of it out at the rootfor Your Name Sake!


We lift up all who are on dialysis, chemotherapy, awaiting transplants and other surgery, those in nursing and rehabilitation homes! Heavenly Father, YOU are Alpha and Omega, the same yesterday, today and forever! Therefore, even as You walked this earth healing all who were sick, feeble, lame we know that You’re Well Able and Willing to do the same right now! Your Eternal Living Word declares that Your stripes have redeemed and healed us and we’re yet standing on your promises that the prayer of faith shall save the sick and raise them up, In Jesus Name! Amen 3x!

Sweet Holy Spirit, we’re standing in agreement with every believer who is yet holding on to Your Hand by faith today, that You are releaseing Divine Power, Supernatural Strength, Health, Wholeness, Provision, Prosperity, Protection and Peace that passes all Understanding. As we’re trusting in You, we thank You for preserving each and everyone of us thru the tests that You have allowed us to go thru, keeping us constantly aware of YOUR PRESENCE and fully-confident that at the appointed time,You, WILL bring them out wholly restored, renewed, refreshed and with the reward with a soul-stirring testimony of what Faith In God can do!


Father, we lift up our children, our grand-children and our great-grands, nieces, nephews, cousins, sisters, brothers, spouses, in-laws and friends, by faith, we abort and overrule every curse that’s been ordered against their lives and canceling every scheme that Satan desires to inflict upon them! As we commit them into Your Providential care, realizing that You have a plan and purpose for their lives too. we have the blessed assurance that their steps and stops are being ordered by Your eyes! Therefore we speak The Peace of God over their spirits, souls, minds and bodies releasing a Spirit of Love, Holiness and Excellence to fulfill their God ordained destiny!

Holy Father, we’re lifiting up every Bishop, Pastor, Overseer, Apostle, Evangelist, Preacher. Teacher, Missionary, auxiliary leader, usher, musician, choir member and director and church member! Undergird them with Your Anointing and conviction to carry out their assignment, under the direction of Holy Spirit. Cover them as they go in and out amongst Your people with honor, wisdom and favor! All who would seek to discredit, hinder and even destroy their faith, faithfulness and the ministry You have ordained from their mother’s womb, shall be rebuked and restrained by The Power of Holy Spirit. In Jesus Name! IT IS SO!

Sweet Lord, as You have instructed, we pray for every leader of our nation, federal and local government, legislative, corporate, judicial, education, public service, healthcare and financial institutions! We’re asking that You touch the minds and hearts of those that You’ve ordained for leadership for such a time as this! Lord speak to them in dreams and visions, reminding them that POWER BELONGS TO YOU Who Sit Enthroned Above the Heavens! Convict them that Your eyes are going to and fro throughout the whole earth, keeping record of the deeds of every man’s heart and will reward accordingly!

El Shadai, we believe that You are warning them that He who is pregnant with evil and conceives trouble gives birth to disillusionment. He who digs a hole and scoops it out will fall into the pit he has made. The trouble he causes recoils on himself and his violent schemes will come down on his own head. We believe that because their hearts are in Your Hands, they are being continuously opened to hear and obey Your Will! Lord Jesus, we’re standing on Your Word as decreed that The government of this world shall rest upon Your shoulders and that You are The Eternal King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

Abba, we ask that You encourage and comfort the souls of Your Elect who are overwhelmed with fear, doubt and worry because of the things that are going on in our personal lives, in our churches and in this ungodly world systems! We pray that You send a double-portion-downpour of Your Divine Favor upon each who needs encouragement and empowe them to stand steadfast, immovable in the midst of these wicked and evil days! Let us know that we are never alone  and that Your Grace is Sufficient to overcome every weapon that is formed against us!! We decree that every demonic-induced spirit of addiction, anxiety, disappointment, offense, discouragement, loneliness, isolation, rejection, resentment, abandonment, failure and fear is defeated NOW because of Your Anointing and that the Spirit of Love, Power and Sound-mindness and Purpose is being released into the lives of Your people now, in Jesus Name!


Heavenly Father, because You have promised to perfect our cares and concerns, O GOD, we bring so many other situations before Your Majestic Throne. Those who are broken hearted, feeble in body and spirit, the one at a crossroad of life, the ones addicted to harmful substances, our armed forces, policemen, fire and rescue personnel, nurses, doctors, pastors and leaders, missionaries far and near; our leaders of the world. We’re trusting You to send peace where there is confusion, send love where there is hate, send unity where there is division. Bless the fatherless and motherless. Keep us ALL in your care. These favors we ask in Jesus Mighty Name!!


Father, we acknowledge that there are so many other things we should pray about, however believing that Holy Spirit is already interceding on our behalf, interpreting our sighs, moans and the groanings of our hearts, we wait in confidence and quietness, anticipating the exceeding Greatness of Your Power, rejoicing in hope and trusting wholly that all workers of iniquity are trembling and suddenly departing in shameful defeat, because You have heard the voice of our weeping, our supplications and received our prayer as a sweet savor coming up before Your Sovereign Throne of Grace and Mercy!

Abba Father, in closing, we stand in humbled boldness, agreeing with You Who hears and answers our prayers and forgives our transgressions! Holy Father, because You have chosen us to live eternally with You Who Reigns 4Ever, our souls are strengthened as we shout with joy! We bow in obedient reverence before The Hope of all the earth, believing that as Your face shines upon us that, You are making Your Ways, Will and Salvation known among all nations; for You Guide and Rule justly!

Father, we thank You NOW, for WE believe that it is done according to Your Eternal Will! In The Exalted Name of Jesus. Amen 3X and It Is So!

Now every child of God who is standing in agreement with this prayer, GO TELL SOMEBODY THAT JESUS LIVES AND LOVES EVERYBODY!


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!




SELAH Daily Devotions!


The LORD said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering.

So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey–the home of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. Exodus 3:7-8


Has God’s Promises ever seemed too good to be true? C’mon nah, I’m talking to some REAL-FOLK! Seriously! The reason being, our interaction with the physical world is naturally limited to the realm of our five senses! What we see, touch, feel, taste and smell is how we perceive the reality of the world around us! Unfortunately, there’s always much more going on than the natural man can conceive! For example, you can feel the breeze but what does the wind look like? Technicians can take a picture of a brain, but who can know the mind, BUT GOD! The stethoscope can hear the heartbeat, but can’t determine when you’re broken, hard-or faint-hearted! #ijs!!

Have you ever felt discarded or deserted, even by GOD? Well, let me assure you, you’re not alone! According to the historical events relayed in our scripture text, The Hebrews, God’s Chosen, who finding themselves smack-dab-n-da-middle of circumstantial evidence that most likely caused them to experience these very same emotions! For 450 years they lived enslaved to their Egyptian captors who took great pleasure in inflicting intolerable pain and suffering, intentionally rationing food and water only when they deemed necessary to keep them totally dependent upon their Hard Task Master’s will! Can you imagine the shame and hopelessness they, God’s Elect, having to endure the consequences of their rebellion and ensuing result of God’s Justice, with no end in sight? Howevrrr, even when they couldn’t detect His Presence, GOD’s LOVE abides Faithful!


Having lured His Servant, Moses to the backside of Mt. Horeb and startling him with a strange phenomenon, the Bush that refused to be consumed, God commissioned him to go tell “MY” people that ENUFF IS ENUFF!  (That’s contemporized AEC Version) “I’ve seen their oppression, I’ve heard their cry,  bottled every tear,  heard every prayer and NOW I AM COME to shut Pharaoh down and DELIVER you out of the hand of your enemy!” Not knowing whether or not his Israelite brothers would even listen to him, being a escaped felon hiding out in a foreign land, but Moses heeded God’s Word and shared it with his fellow-captives. Much to Moses’ amazement, the people grabbed hold to The Promise with all of their hearts and began shouting and dancing in the streets, celebrating the GOOD NEWS, believing that THE WORDS THAT MOSES SPAKE CAME STRAIGHT FROM GOD’S MOUTH!

Eventually, the message got to Pharaoh’s Palace, nevertheless, he took it as a grain of salt. After all, this was not the first time that these ignorant slaves had started these silly rumors in an effort to keep HOPE ALIVE! Pharaoh was convinced that it’s JUS FAKE NEWS! But for those who had endured 450 years of GOD’s SILENCE IN THE MIDST OF GROSS DARKNESS, IT WAS LIFE AND LIGHT!


The Bible says, “My Sheep know MY VOICE AND I KNOW THEM, AND THEY FOLLOW ME”! (Ref. John 10:27) “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:17) When you begin to look beyond what your natural eyes can see and your vision is filtered through the lens of FAITH, YOU COME2KNO THAT IT AIN’T ALWAYS WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE! While the world’s systems operates on the principle “I’ll BELIEVE IT WHEN I SEE IT”, GOD’s Kingdom operates by a higher standard, “I WILL BELIEVE TO SEE THE GOODNESS OF THE LORD IN THE LAND OF THE LIVING!” (Ref. Psalm 27:13)

When you place your personal trust in The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and The God of Jacob, faith opens you up to experience SUPER VISION, exposing things that are not seen as though they already exist! God’s Word is filled with exceeding great and Precious Promises that are greater than anything that the oppressor threatens! Oh, remember what happened to that arrogant obstinate Pharaoh and His Army? Right, THEY ALL DROWNED IN THE RED SEA! (Ref. Exodus 14:28-29) #ijs!!





Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann E. Caffee