Tag Archives: self-rejection


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SELAH Daily Devotions!


Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 2 Timothy 3:5


Never! Is probably the initial response of most professing-salvation-sanctified-sainted-souls, even at the mere suggestion that we’d be included in ‘those’. Right? BUT!  Have we ever considered the remote possibility, if you will, the collateral damage of being so pre-occupied with ‘getting’ that we lose sight of what God has already ‘given’?

Remember that Ol’ skool churrch song, “Count your blessing! Name them one by one! Count your blessing, see what God has done!”? Think about it? The Israelites were taught to sing songs that rehearsed their history as a daily reminder of God’s loving care, strength and power as He delivered them out of Egyptian slavery, lead them through the wilderness into The Promised Land! A practice, no doubt even in this bustling 21st Century culture, one might find tremendously buffering amidst the new norm of environmental chaos, anxiety and stress.

Just imagine the possible ramifications of a daily allotment of time designated specifically to reflecting upon all the many blessings that The Lord has already so mercifully and graciously heaped upon us. WOW! What inevitablemind-blowing heart-filled  sense of Gratitude, huh?

Could this be what The Apostle Paul was alluding to “according to the power that worketh in us”? (Ref. Ephesians 3:20)

Could a grateful heart pave the way for that “Greater than” we could ask or imagine? Could our pre-disposed poverty-mindedness and perverted sense of unworthiness, steeped in false humility be denying God the opportunity to show-off in our lives? Could we be guilty of having a form of godliness? #OMG!  #GOD FORBID!



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee



SELAH Daily Devotions!


And you shall remember the whole way that the Lord your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness, that he might humble you, testing you to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep his commandments or not. And he humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that he might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. Deuteronomy 8:2-3 ESV


We’ve all been there! At some point in this journey, we’ve found ourselves, barraged by seemingly insurmountable odds stacked against us, huh? There I was, sitting there unsuccessfuly attempting to make a 911 connection to The Throne Room. This one, was a time sensitive—not later—but I need YOU right nah—Lord situation! As my eyes skimmed over to my laptop and I realized that somehow it was in the middle of running an unscheduled scan! Immediately, I understood what the Holy Spirit was trying to do in me.

Remember when you thought you knew, but didn’t really know? Exactly! It’s during these moments of mental confusions and conflicting emotions that we need the aid of Holy Spirit. According to Isaiah 11:2, no one but The Spirit of Truth and Wisdom, can scan the the inner most chambers of the human heart, assess the situation, identify the dangerous infectious viral components, quarantine and eliminate them before they’re able to contaminate our heart’s drive! WOW, and He was doing this way before Bill Gates or Steve Job! Awemaazing, huh? 

With that being said, once again I had to admit that before I could make a right connection with Jesus, I had to clear the line! No, God was not saying that my issue was not valid, but that there was an even more life-threating situation that demanded immediate attention. There was something crucial going on in my heart that I was not willing to confront and deal with at the root! Sometimes we do that, you know? We like to justify our rebellion by playing the blame game. “Lord, if they hadn’t….then I never would’ve …” But God wasn’t buying none of that!

There’s no denying that there’s something embedded in the DNA of humanity that resists repentance.  C’mon, don’t shout me down nah! #ijs!!!

It’s difficult for us to acknowledge that we’re at fault. It’s a whole lot easier for us to judge others by their actions and ourselves by our good intentions, huh? But God is not intimidated by our self-deceiving, willful, prideful hearts NOR IS HE IMPRESSED BY OUR CHURCH TESTIMONIES!

God strategically sets up unscheduled heart scans to illuminate potentially critial viruses that left untreated could result in the hardening of the arteries causing damaging blockages. For instance, that spirit of jealosy, envy, anger, resentment, bitterness and yessss the unforgiveness haboring in the crevices of your heart against someone, who probably doesn’t even know it! You know how fake the saints can be sometimes. Problem is, chances are before the end of the day, you’ll probably gonna need somebody to forgive you for something! The scripture is clear on this, if you don’t forgive others, neither will Your Heavenly Father forgive you your faults! (Ref. Matthew 6:15) OMG! Kinda sheds a different light on it, huh?

Beloved, I don’t know about you, but I NEED THE MERCY AND GRACE OF GOD, ALL DAY…EVERY DAY! Don’t look at me with that tone of voice, Y’all know I ain’t by myself!

I know it’s not always easy, especially when you’re the one who’s been hurt. But considering the repercussions, sounds to me like, by GOD’S Grace, whatever the offense, we just need to release it, drop it, leave it and let God handle it! God always knows everything about everything –and we don’t!



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!

Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me. Exodus 20:3-5


I recognize that the mere suggestion of idol worship tends to rattle the righteous indignation in the spirit of a true Believer! As followers of Christ, we know how despicably foul such worship is in the nostrils of The Holy God of Heaven and Earth, RIGHT? And for the most part, we’d never consider breaking  such Holy Commandment! After all, we don’t bow down before carved images of God nor do we display at the entrances or scatter stone replicas of God throughout our homes or businesses, right? Yet, will closer investigation of our lives reflect closely guarded idols formed in the recesses of our most sacred imaginations?

According to the scriptures ‘O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.’ (Ref. Matthew 12:24)  Hence, while man will attempt to hide the true intents, insights and purpose for being, ultimately, his lifestyle will reflect the secret things of his heart and clearly define where their loyalty lies!

Do we worship our personal ‘trial-sized’ images of God?

Don’t look at me with that tone of voice! I see further explanation is in order! We have a tendency to make up our own images to represent who God is to us!  The problem is we will never be able to fit “The All Encompassing Is-ness of GOD” into the small-minded-frail-framed-carnal-comprehension of our temporal-flesh. In other words, it’s absolutely impossible for us to fathom “Unlimited Presence, Power, Perfection and Potential” within the limitations of our humanity!

While The Living God is Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient, HE can only be known through Divinely-Impartated-Revelation!

GOD reveals His character, His purpose and His plan for each of as we traverse through our individual life experiences. It’s the knowledge gained through following The Good Shepherd’s lead, cautiously climbing cloud-covered mountaintops and timidly trembling through the death-valleys of our everyday lives that we learn the rewards of faithful trust, patient obedience and the security of resting in The Eternal Hope!

Today’s takeaway?

Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his… 2 Timothy 2:19

Therefore, Beloved, as you continue to set the Lord before you, you shall walk in HIS Everlasting JOY!



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!


Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief” (Heb. 4:11)


There is a certain ‘place’ that every human, believer or unbeliever, inevitably seeks  to inhabit. However, you can’t locate it on Map Quest, Google or GPS. Given all of the sophisticated technological advancements of this 2lst Century, amazingly, it can’t be seen by telescope,  detected by satellite nor heard by electronic ultra sonic sound systems. You can’t travel there walking, running, swimming, driving or riding in a bus, train, plane,  cruise liner, submarine, rocket or battle ship!

Nevertheless, many a lifetime is spent meandering through days and nights pursuing it! Unfortunately, few ever get there. Some get closer than others only to be left drenched in disappointment!! For reasons unbeknownst to them, before they’re able to get a firm grasp, some way and some how, ‘it’ escapes to just beyond reach! Many have sought for it at the pinnacle of corporate, academia or entertainment world. Ultimately ascertaining  that despite the success, accolades, notoriety, wealth and privileges of the elite, there yet remains this insatiable unfulfilled inner-quest seated in the pit of their soul!

Where is this place that continues to evade so many a desperately wandering soul?

In case you haven’t figured it out, it’s called ‘REST’! And the reason so many fail to reach it, is because it is not a place but a person; and His Name is JESUS!

According to these Scriptures: “And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest, but to them that believed not?” (Heb. 3:18)

“Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief” (Heb. 4:6)

Apparently, that which is impossible to man is always possible to God! (Ref. Matthew 19:26)

Didjaheardat? Astonisingly, the very moment anyone places their ABSOLUTE trust in The Saving Grace of The Lord Jesus Christ, they have finally arrived, safe , sound and secure, at their Destination—REST!

What an awesome privilege our Heavenly Father has endowed those who desire and depend solely upon His assistance, (above all else)  presenting their case before  The Majestic Throne of Him Who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond anything they dare ask or imagine,  confidently releasing their cares, anxiety, fears, doubts and unbelief in The Hands of Unrelenting Loving-Kindness and Unlimited Grace!

Beloved,  He Who has sworn by GODSELF is FAITHFUL AND TRUE! (Rev. 19:11) Hence, when you place your personal trust in HIS WORD,  you cannot be defeated and you will never be denied!  For greater is HE that is in YOU than he that’s in this world! (Ref. 1 John 4:4)


So do what you can! Pray about anything; trust God for everything and LEAVE THE REST TO JESUS! #GOTIT?? Aaawwwwmmmaaaazzzzzin!


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee





SELAH Daily Devotions!


For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus For good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should Walk in them. Ephesians 2:10


Okay, let me begin by saying, it’s not my intention to offend the sanctity of The Holy Writ, however to simply relay my personal internal experience!  Down the these 60 sumthin’ years, I’ve discovered that oftimes the process of life application is ‘easier said than done’!  #Understatement! Needless to say, transitioning this mindset to real-life tends to involve hauling along its own measure of self-accusing, doubt, ignominy and guilt. After all, we’re people of faith, right?

Fortunately, when we understand The Truth, that God Himself, fully aware of who and what we are capable (aka incapable of), has saved us, not because—but—in spite—of, we get a snapshot of impregnable fortress of our Heavenly Father’s Loving Kindness towards us, laced with a whopping dollop of reality!

Hence, armed with this intelligence, give yourself permission to get over you! News Flash! As difficult as it may be to latch onto, my Precious One, you are not the ‘good news’! JESUS Is!

None of us is saved by trusting in ourselves, but anyone can be saved by trusting in God’s Mercy! None of us can keep our selves saved through our own volition, however by trusting in God’s Grace we are sustained through His Sufficiency!

Ultimately, its placing your personal confidence in The Almighty God, realizing (as the Ol’ Skool Church Mothers’ sanng) “JESUS PAID IT ALL, ALL TO HIM I OWE, SIN HAD LEFT A CRIMSON STAIN, AND HE WASHED ME WHITE AS SNOW”, and accepting as Truth, that everything required to satisfy The Righteousness of God, Jesus already did it, releases us from the daily burden of ‘being good enough to deserve God’s goodness! Didjaheardat?

WOW! JESUS, Perfection Personified, got it all right for you!

Now that doesn’t mean we’re off the hook! Don’t be foolish; be grateful! Because of His Once-and-for-all Sacrificial Death,  no longer will we be judged according to our filthy righteousness but are now free to live hope-filled, holy, God-Honoring, God-Witnessing lives, reflecting the Light of God’s Glory to a dark, lost, and dying world! (Ref. John 10:10)

As we continue to walk with Jesus, entrusting our very lives to Him, our faith increases, our knowledge expands, and our experiences will teach us that trusting God is about releasing yourself from the futility of struggling to meet the unrealistic expectations of others, and most importantly, releasing yourself from devastating side effect of self-imposed exile, self -rejection!

If you are a bona-fied, Blood-Washed-Born-Again-Child of The Most High God, your life is hidden in Christ and you are kept by The Hands of The Almighty God! Remember, The Omnipotent, Omnscient, Omnipresent Creator of Heaven and Earth is always with you, working everything out in your life for your highest good and His GREATER GLORY! WHEWWWW! So, REST IN HIM  & RELEASE URSELF!  #GETIT?


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!

Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. John 8:36

 SMH!!!! Coming into another dimension of Revelation of the ‘almost too good to be true’ Gospel of Jesus Christ, my only appropriate response is shaking my head in wonder-filled absolute amazement! I’m not a novice to this thing we call ‘Salvation’, by no means. I’ve been saved for more than thirty years! Yet, I’m almost embarrassed to admit it; nevertheless, for most of my walk with Christ, I’ve struggled secretly imprisoned by guilt and shame for sins I have committed. And I’m not just talking about those B.C. (before Christ). I’m talking about the since I’ve been saved stuff too! 

Just in case someone else out there knows what I’m talking about, I feel an urging in my spirit, compelling me to put myself out on blast just to let you know that there’s Hope for you also, and it’s “IN” Christ Jesus!

Now, don’t get it twisted!  I’m not trying to push the blame off on somebody else. I’m just acknowledging that for whatever reason I adapted a sense of ‘performance-based-legalism’ that followed me right into Christianity! Do good, get good—do bad, get bad!  This kind of thinking just about seals the deal—you’re doomed for failure and defeat, desolation and destruction because there’s no wiggle-room for our innately flawed human characteristics. You lie because you are a liar, you steal because you are a thief; you sin because you were born a sinner!

The Devil’s had a very long time to master deception and manipulation. Frankly,  he’s become quite proficient in using us against us! He cloaks his best handiwork in fostering our ‘self-righteousness, self-degradation and ultimate self-rejection’! Yall know how he just loves to throw a rock and hide his hand. Unfortunately there’s little need to change his tactics, after all, it still works!

Truth be told, on our ‘bestest’ days, we still aren’t good enough to somehow deserve God’s Grace! That’s what’s so Great about Salvation! Even if we could, by accident, done some ‘right’ act it never would’ve equaled out all of the ‘wrong’ acts we’ve committed.

That’s why God sent Jesus!

God knew the first plan was not and never could work—because ‘they just don’t have it in them’! In Hebrews 10:18 Jesus said it something like this…this new covenant will not be written on tablets of stone, but ‘I’m writing it in their hearts and in their minds’! Father, prepare me A Body… I, The Righteous One, will come to live in them and will empower them to become righteous and do right things the right way!

OMG, SMH…AGAIN! Didjaheardat?

It ain’t about ‘you’ it’s all about ‘JESUS’!!!

Hence, why keep trying to earn something that God’s already given you for free? Just accept Jesus’  unmerited Love and Loyalty by living  your life to the fullest every day in HIM!

That’s what it means to be ‘BORN AGAIN’saved and set free! IT’S SUCH A BLESSING…NO MORE CHAINS HOLDING ME!

When we place our personal confident trust not in ‘self’ –not in what we can’t do—but IN WHAT JESUS CHRIST HAS ALREADY DONE, WE’RE FREE—TO DO AND BE EVERYTHING HE WANTS US TO BE! —IN DEED–LIVE FREE!


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee