Tag Archives: bitterness



SELAH Daily Devotions!

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth, Shall ye not know it?   I will even make a way in the wilderness, And rivers in the desert?  Isaiah 43:19

Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,” says the Lord of hosts. Zechariah 4:6


I still remember when I would actually curse the breaking forth of the morning. For me, it only meant another day filled with excruciating physical pain, sadness, discouragement and disappointment–just like all the others.

Looking back, it’s doesnt take a lotta stretching of the imagination to figure out who had secretly planted those deceitful diabolical thoughts into my mind, okay?  But that was B.C. (Before Christ came into my life)!!!!  But by The Grace of God, today I stand as a living testimony to reality of The New-Life-Giving Power of God! (2 Corinthians 5:17)
Yessirreee Bob, this ol’ gurl’s gotta  new attitude!  Coming from an extremely negative environment, I thought that this was just the way of the world. However, once I accepted Jesus into my life, I learned that God’s Salvation’s Benefit Package included a completely different attitude, faith!  Yeah Baby, this new faith attitude is the heritage of the saints, the children of God! 
Once you recognize that you’re really in a personal relationship with the True and Living God, it’s actually possible for you to embrace each day with  joy, hopeful anticipation and confident assurance that this is a great day because God made it! Seriously,  it’s a new day! #WHOKNU?
Before you open up your eyes or your feet hit the floor, you have the power to dictate your day.  You can say,‘Good Lord, it’s morning already!’ or ‘Good Morning, Lord’. You choose whether to approach your day with joyful celebration and gratitude for  another opportunity to behold The Beauty of The Lord, experience God’s Glory, Grace and Praise for what He’s already done, is doing now and for what He is about to do or you can claim fear, discouragement and defeat by murmuring and complaining!
Don’t get it twisted! Even as a disciple of Christ, everyday is not the same! Howevrrrr,  each day you’re becoming new as you grow in the Wisdom, Knowledge and the Grace of God! That’s right Saints, the new you makes the decision to enjoy this wonderful gift of present by refusing to allow past sins, past failures, past wounds and past disappointments, to keep you from moving forward into this brand new day! Didjaheardat?
The Ol’ Saints used to sing, ‘Everyday with Jesus is sweeter than the day before!”  Sometimes, we think that’s because things were a whole lot different, as my Granddaughter Sadie says , ‘Bacndaday’! Don’t fool yourself, they lived through some very distressing times. Remember, The Great Depression!  Yet, amidst their adversity, they remained convinced that God was well able to keep them thru and to bring them out of anything that would unfold during a day!
When Jesus is your Shepherd, it doesn’t matter what happened yesterday.  God empowers each new day with new mercy, new grace and new faith to believe that today is the first day of the best of my life…because today is MY new day !

Soooooo, I decree and declare that Today, I have the mind of Christ! I believe that God is making a way out of no way, for ME! Today, I believe that God is up to something that He’s never done before. Today, I fully expect to be strengthened, delivered and re-joyed! Today is another chance for me to do better and become more because today is another opportunity to get closer to Jesus!

Now if that doesn’t jumpstart your day, you better check your vitals and make sure you’re still living! OOOHHH GLORRRAAAAA!



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee





SELAH Daily Devotions!


And you shall remember the whole way that the Lord your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness, that he might humble you, testing you to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep his commandments or not. And he humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that he might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. Deuteronomy 8:2-3 ESV


We’ve all been there! At some point in this journey, we’ve found ourselves, barraged by seemingly insurmountable odds stacked against us, huh? There I was, sitting there unsuccessfuly attempting to make a 911 connection to The Throne Room. This one, was a time sensitive—not later—but I need YOU right nah—Lord situation! As my eyes skimmed over to my laptop and I realized that somehow it was in the middle of running an unscheduled scan! Immediately, I understood what the Holy Spirit was trying to do in me.

Remember when you thought you knew, but didn’t really know? Exactly! It’s during these moments of mental confusions and conflicting emotions that we need the aid of Holy Spirit. According to Isaiah 11:2, no one but The Spirit of Truth and Wisdom, can scan the the inner most chambers of the human heart, assess the situation, identify the dangerous infectious viral components, quarantine and eliminate them before they’re able to contaminate our heart’s drive! WOW, and He was doing this way before Bill Gates or Steve Job! Awemaazing, huh? 

With that being said, once again I had to admit that before I could make a right connection with Jesus, I had to clear the line! No, God was not saying that my issue was not valid, but that there was an even more life-threating situation that demanded immediate attention. There was something crucial going on in my heart that I was not willing to confront and deal with at the root! Sometimes we do that, you know? We like to justify our rebellion by playing the blame game. “Lord, if they hadn’t….then I never would’ve …” But God wasn’t buying none of that!

There’s no denying that there’s something embedded in the DNA of humanity that resists repentance.  C’mon, don’t shout me down nah! #ijs!!!

It’s difficult for us to acknowledge that we’re at fault. It’s a whole lot easier for us to judge others by their actions and ourselves by our good intentions, huh? But God is not intimidated by our self-deceiving, willful, prideful hearts NOR IS HE IMPRESSED BY OUR CHURCH TESTIMONIES!

God strategically sets up unscheduled heart scans to illuminate potentially critial viruses that left untreated could result in the hardening of the arteries causing damaging blockages. For instance, that spirit of jealosy, envy, anger, resentment, bitterness and yessss the unforgiveness haboring in the crevices of your heart against someone, who probably doesn’t even know it! You know how fake the saints can be sometimes. Problem is, chances are before the end of the day, you’ll probably gonna need somebody to forgive you for something! The scripture is clear on this, if you don’t forgive others, neither will Your Heavenly Father forgive you your faults! (Ref. Matthew 6:15) OMG! Kinda sheds a different light on it, huh?

Beloved, I don’t know about you, but I NEED THE MERCY AND GRACE OF GOD, ALL DAY…EVERY DAY! Don’t look at me with that tone of voice, Y’all know I ain’t by myself!

I know it’s not always easy, especially when you’re the one who’s been hurt. But considering the repercussions, sounds to me like, by GOD’S Grace, whatever the offense, we just need to release it, drop it, leave it and let God handle it! God always knows everything about everything –and we don’t!



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee



SELAH Daily Devotions!


Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. Proverbs 14:34

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my ace, and turn from their wicked ways,then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14


Here we are again, huh?  Climing of of bed this morning, one can’t help but contemplate the events of the past few days, sighing gratefully, “Thanks Be To God,” our Nation has survived one more surprise attack”, huh?  Who knu that the greatest threat to our national security would originate from within the borders of our own democratic system? Nontheless, they say, ‘Liberty and Justice For All’, right? Well, I suppose that depends on one’s personal perspective. Nevertheless, we can agree on this, Freedom is not free nor is it cheap!

WELL,AT LEAST AMERICA’S GREAT AGAIN, huh?  WOW! I guess that depends on which side of the aisle you’re seated on!

Hence,  as for me and my house I’m gonna declare and decree, in Order to form a more perfect Unity, establish true Justiceinsure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain. establish, stand steadfast, immovable always abiding in THIS TRUTH, that despite all of the tremendously sophisticated technological security advancements of  the 21st Century,  the safest place in the whole wide world yet remains “smack-dabb” in the middle of GOD’S PERFECT WILL!!!

While many families are still struggling to cope and recover from the distress of 911, the increase in the random killings of young students,  senseless massacre of innocent kindergarteners at Connecticut’s Sandy Hook Elementary,  bomb blasts  abruptly interrupting The Boston Marathon , suicide bombings at airports globally, lunatics open-firing on random citizens out enjoying a matinee movie,  afternoon shopping at the local mall and evenings at their favorite restaurants or niteclubs,  those who arbitrarily invade the sanctify of Bible Study and Prayer Meetings, and to add insult to injury, now there’s the unprecedented diagnosis of post election stress disorder!  

The devastating sociological effect of the culmination of  each of these obviously re-enforce the new-now reality! America has changed forever! Consequently, that somewhat bi-partisant-nonchalant-attitude that we once viewed as irrelevant, after  all the slaughtering of innocent civilians was happening way over there in other countries has given way to a national sense of restrained anxiety and anticipation!

The false sense of serenity that our nation once enjoyed has now converted to sporadic rampant acts of violence, devastation and destruction. In the aftermath, we see a socieity of proud Americans struggling to present a united front, clinging, crying, comforting, praying together in an attempt to let the world know “We’re proud to be Americans; United we stand and God bless America”!

Now don’t shout me down! Trust me, I’m just as patriotic as anyone. I am grateful that God destined me to be born in this country. However, first and foremost, I’m a Christian; a citizen of The Kingdom of God! Therefore, I am compelled to plead on behalf of all my fellow countrymen, “America, IT’S TIME TO TURN BACK TO GOD!” 

I’m old enough to remember backndaday when America was known as a nation “under God”! However, sociologist infer that we’re hovering on the edge of  joining so many other nations by becoming a ‘post-Christian nation that tolerates a growing number of sins and belittles absolute Truth!’

There’s no denying that God has been immeasurabely merciful to America! Time and time again, God has proven Himself to be ever so near to us. Our nation’s history confirms that God has continuously reached out to assure us, “My children, we are in this thing together…forever. I am here to help you. I am your shield and your buckler; I am as close as the very breath you breathe. I am fully and totally committed to you.” Unfortunately, just like the Israelites in Bible days, this nation has persisted in boldly rejecting GOD’s Way, insisting on doing things our way, even legislating unrighteousness!

Well can I offer my most solemn suggestion; my fellow Americans, instead of trying to pass the buck between the Dems, Tea Party, GOP or the blazantly indifferent and disenfranchized, we need to repent!  

My point is why spend so much time, money and attention looking for answers while pursuing false godsWe don’t need another God to save us! We just need to turn back to the One True Foundation of this great nation.  Seriously?  It’s time to bend our knees, bow our hearts, and surrender our praise and worship to The True and Living God our Lord Jesus ChristClearly, everything that we will ever need is in Him.

What’s the point of having another National Day of Prayer if we have no intention of changing? I mean, can you imagine the stinch that’s seeping into The Throne Room of His Grace and Mercy? #yukyuk! Awemazingly, The Living God is waiting for His Chosen People to humbly cry out in sincerity to Him, (actually repenting) and return to the Rock of our Salvation! 

“Therefore say thou unto them, Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Turn ye unto me, saith the LORD of hosts, and I will turn unto you, saith the LORD of hosts.” Zechariah 1:3



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!

From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Psalm 61:2

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him. Nahum 1:7


One of those most prominent, yet illusive, desires of humanity is a sense of security! Thanks to our progenitors, Adam and Eve, the moment that we succumbed to Satan’s  diabolic deception, we got what we wanted but lost what we had! Scriptures reveal the absolute perfection that they enjoyed walking in The Will of Creator God! It’s nearly impossible for us to imagine but nevertheless, any and everything their pure hearts desired was readily available to them just for the asking, huh?  Howeverrrrr, the one thing God required of them was the same thing that the devil used to lure them away from what God commanded, faithful obedience!

Since mankind’s expulsion from The Paradise of The Garden Eden, we’ve been trying to find our own piece of peace in the midst of this sin-fated world we’ve been forced to inhabit. Adding insult to injury, from the moment Abel’s blood hit the earth, all of Cain’s descendants, were destined to sojourn throughout the earth, cursed and marked for The Righteous Vengeance of The Lord! This spirit of rebellion soon gave way to anger, spiraling into murder nailing the coffin shut for any hope of returning to the blissful state of innocence and intimacy that once endowed God’s Most Precious Creation!
Despite the culmination of 21st Century’s technological achievements and the once unimaginable creative creature comforts and conveniences, a quick glance at any day’s breaking news headlines, confirm that man’s aspiration for attaining such lofty state of uninterrupted serenity, equanimity and freedom from disturbances continues to evade us!

BUT! Thanks Be To GOD! Jehovah’s Loyal Love (refusing to be denied) ordained a Perfect Rest for anyone who cries out to Him earnestly, in sincere contrition for Salvation IN THE PERSON OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST! (Ref. 1 Peter 1:20)

Granted, looking back from this side of Calvary’s Cross, it’s more convenient and certainly more self-serving to blame the horrid conditions of our world on the careless apathy of our first parents. And, depending on the weight of the trial or struggle, we just might point our fist toward God.  #ijs! After all, HE’S GOD and HE could’ve stopped sin in it’s track, right? Yet  gratefully, Wisdom and Grace soon deter us from persisting in such foolishness!

The truth of the matter is that the seed of sin has regenerated, thus degenerating our morality, perverting our sense of right and wrong to the extent that we can no longer trust in the arms of flesh, particularly our own hearts!


In the midst of these perilous times, we need to know that God has prepared (by HIS Own Hand), a safe haven for those of us, who will place our personal trust, confidence and absolute reliance in the immutability of God’s Righteous Character: Holy, Just, Truth, Honor and Omnipotent Power!

When life is raging beyond what you can weather and the billows of  trauma, trouble  and trials threaten to devour you, remember there is a prepared place of refuge from the gross darkness!  As we learn to walk faithfully and obediently abiding  in Christ Jesus, God opens a way of escaping  the cares of this world to dwell under the Wings of Adonai,  finding consoling rest and safety from hurt and harm in this life and the in life to come!

The name of the Lords a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.” Proverbs 18:10

Beloved, the moment we make a conscious irretrievable decision to not lean to our own interpretations, but determine to acknowledge, from the seat of your soul, that regardless of all of the circumstantial evidence, God’s Unfailing Love shall never forsake you, you will begin to experience unspeakable Joy and overwhelming Peace that jus don’t make no sense! Didjaheardat? Awemaazing, huh?



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




Jumping woman at sunset

SELAH Daily Devotions!


These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.  John 15:11


If the only evidence that the prosecution had to convict us of being Christian was our countenance or our dispositions, our case would be thrown out and we’d get off scott-free! A lot of  church-folk are claiming salvation, naming the Name of Jesus and on their way to heaven anyhow, but most of them don’t seem to be enjoying the trip. If so, they forget to send an IM from their heart to their face!

One would think that if anybody should have joy, it’s the saints of the Most High God., right? But if the Saints are walking around with our heads hung down, broke, busted and disgusted with everything and everybody, then how can we persuade a lost world that life goes better with Christ? Don’t shout me down , now!

Don’t get it twisted, I’m not jus preaching to the choir, I’m talking to myself too. Since I’ve been saved, sanctified and walking with Jesus some thirty-sumptin years now, I learned that while it makes for a good shout, however, not everyday gets sweeter than the day before!  LIFE HAPPENS 2 the saints and the sinners!

Perhaps, some of us have become wearied on this journey  because we’ve mistakenly equated joy with happiness. While happiness is an emotional response based merely on enjoyable circumstances, joy is a constant internal state embedded in the Love of God, producing serenity and tranquility totally independent of external conditions.

Jesus looking from eternity past and seeing the many souls that would be saved, overwhelmed with joy made a conscious commitment to endure the pain, despise the shame, become obedient, even to death on the Cross of Calvary that His joy, might be poured out upon His people. (Ref. Hebrew 12:20) Guess what, that makes YOU the JOY of Jesus!

There’s more to Joy than goose-bumps. Nehemiah 8:10 says, “The joy of the Lord is our strength”.

Jesus Joy is a weapon of mass destruction in the believer’s arsenal. Hence, Jesus Joy is empowerment to overcome any challenge with courage and confidence!

Just knowing that every promise in The Bible is ours to claim with the assurance that Jesus will never ever leave nor forsake us should make every Born-again, Blood-washed child of God’s heart swell up to the overflow with pure Jesus Joy until we can’t help but HOLLA and THROW UP BOTH OF MY HANDS! JUS REMEMBER, JEHOVAH HAS THE FINAL SAY!



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee





SELAH Daily Devotions!



Good morning Family! GOTTA MOMENT? Ooh Glorraa!

Welcome to a new day! Today, we’re excited that you have joined us in our Thursdays’ Day of Corporate Fasting & Prayer! Once again, we appreciate the opportunity and privilege to entreat The Presence of our Great High Priest, pouring out our hearts desires, petitions and supplications with Thanksgiving. What an awesome blessing He has afforded those who delight in embracing Him in earnest expectation and confident  trust that He Rules Forever by His Power is able to save and deliver us from any of life’s maladies! Shall we pray?

O, how I love Jesus! O, how I love JESUS! O, HOW I LOVE JESUS! BCUZ HE 1st LOVED ME!OOOOHHHH Sweet Wonder! Oh Sweet Wonder! Jesus, The Son of God! Ooohh Sweet Wonder! Oh! Sweet Wonder! Jesus! The Son of God! Here I am to worship, Here I am to bow down, Here I am to say that you’re my God,You’re altogether lovely, Altogether worthy, Altogether wonderful to me!


Our Father and God of Heaven and Earth, we come before You humbled by Your Loving-Kindness, Grace and Mercy! We’re eternally grateful for one more opportunity to behold The Glory of Your Presence! We know that it’s Your Wisdom and Strength that has allowed us to live today! We thank You for revealing to us such wondrous treasures that were hidden from our understanding, when we walked surrounded by darkness, as dead men in the earth without a God on our side!
Abba Father, it’s only because of You,  we now live, move and have our being! We come with our our hearts rejoicing, hands lifted up and our lips forever praizing You! Oh, how awesome are Your deeds! For You have preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping!

Daddy, we thank You for being  LORD of our Salvation, our Deliverance, Breakthrough and Provision, Protection and PEACE. We’re thankful that because You know our frame, Your Faithfulness and Compassion continuously allows You to look beyond the frailties, faults and iniquities of our human frames to see and still minister to all of our real need!

We’re so blessed because You are a Forgiving Gracious God and Understanding Father! Not only have You have done so much for each and every one of us, You keep right on blessing us over and over again! Abba Father, forgive me this day for everything I have done, said or thought that was not pleasing to Your Heart. Your Holy Word assures us that as we confess our sin, You are Faithful and Just to forgive, pardon and restore us back into rightful fellowship with You, we ask now for Your forgiveness, in The Precious Name of Jesus!
Sweet Jesus, while we  YET struggle to understand WHY You were willing to suffer so to redeem such a worm as I, help us to see sin through Your eyes and to acknowledge it as evil wickedness and rebellion against the Creator and Lover of our souls, The Giver and Sustainer of All Life! And when we sin, quicken our spirit to repent immediately, and to confess with our mouth our wrongdoing, that we might receive the Gracious forgiveness of our Heavenly Father! For this cause, we gladly present our spirit, soul and body as a living holy sacrifice to be used for Your Greatest Glory!
Precious Lord, because no man can come to the Father except you draw them, we intercede on behalf of every unsaved soul, believing that You will quicken The Spirit of Godly-repentance in their heart and in their mind that they will come to You today confessing a “Sincere Yes” to your Amazing Gift of Grace and receive You as their personal Lord and Savior! We’re believing that You will Divinely orchestrate their footsteps, settleling them into a local church home today, where they will be greeted in Loving-Kindness, nurtured and strengthened to live out the rest of their lives exemplifying The Wonder of Your Glory!

Lord, we lift up every backsider, asking You to put a fresh “Committed YES” in their heart and mind! Let today be the day that they come back to You and come back to YOUR church where they will submit their lives to the sound teachings of Your Word, and learn to love and live their lives denying self and walking to please You First!

Father, we pray that You will touch our brother, touch our sister whose body has been afflicted by sickness and disease, especially the spirit of cancer, kidney disease, heart/lung disease and rebuke and cast it out at the root, for Your Name Sake. Heavenly Father, You are Alpha and Omega, the same yesterday, today and forever! Therefore, even as You walked this earth healing all who were sick, feeble and lame we know that You’re Well Able to do the same right now! Your Word declares that Your stripes have redeemed and healed us and we’re yet standing on Your promises that the prayer of faith shall save the sick and raise them up, In Jesus Name! Amen 3x!

Lord, while we try to please You by trusting in Your Word, sometimes, it’s difficult to over-rule the noise of the pestilence, the chaos of uncertainty and the pain of condemnation, guilt, and shame that seems to lure us into the valleys shadowed with danger, fear, anger, bitterness, anxiety, hopelessness and self-doubt! That’s why we gladly run to You, daily, to find the refuge, peace, restoration that You have prepared for any who would come to You in hope-filled assurance that even when our hearts condemn us,You will never deny Your Word!

Dear Lord, we trust that You will preserve each and everyone of us thru the tests that we must go thru and keep us constantly aware of YOUR PRESENCE and fully-confident that at the appointed time,You, will bring them out wholly restored, renewed, refreshed and with the reward as You have promised them in Your Word.

Heavenly Father, we take comfort from knowing that nothing takes You by surprise and in Your Omniscience, Your eyes are going to and from, and You are fully aware of what’s going on in our world today! Therefore, hear us as we pray according to Your Will, for the leaders of our nation, corporate, judicial, education, financial institutions, public servants and health care workers! We’re asking that You touch the minds and hearts, that You speak to them in dreams and visions letting them know that You Who Sit Enthroned Above the Heavens are keeping record of the deeds of every man’s heart and will reward accordingly!

Abba, we ask that You encourage and comfort the souls of Your Elect who are overwhelmed with fear, doubt and worry because of the things that are going on in our personal lives and in this ungodly world systems! We ask that You send an outpouring of Your Divine Favor upon each who needs encouragement and empowerment to stand steadfast, immovable in the midst of these wicked and evil days! Let us know that we are never alone and never without Your Very Present Help! YOU ARE Jehovah Jareh, Who shall supply all of our need according to Your Riches in Glory!

Even when we don’t know what to do, we shall continue to look to You, praying that You will expose and rebuke the murdering Spirit, rebuke fear, doubt, unbelief, hesitation and release us to move forward away from the shores of comfort to embrace the thoughts and plans that You have for us,! We’re believing that You shall birth in us new things, releasing an anointing to destroy yokes, and giving us hope in Your Eternal Words that You are watering the dry places, and causing the dead bones to live again, in Jesus Name!

Help us to remain faithful and keep a KINGDOM mindset, relying on Holy Spirit to comfort and make our way prosperous. We thankya for overwhelming Favor, Prosperity and Peace! We bind every wicked scheme that the enemy desires to assail against us, knowing that because You are with us, we are well able to take possession of the promises that You’ve made to us! And when You’ve blessed us to walk in the manifestations of these things, help us to walk in a Spirit of Humility giving Your Name ALL THE GLORY, HONOR AND PRAIZ!

Father, as we lift up our children, our children’s children by faith, we abort and overrule every curse that’s been ordered against their lives, canceling every scheme that Satan desires to inflict upon them! As we commit them into Your Providential care, we realize that You have a plan and purpose for their lives too and we have the blessed assurance that their steps are being ordered by Your eyes! Therefore we speak The Peace of God over their spirits, minds and bodies releasing a spirit of Love, Holiness and Excellence to fulfill their God ordained destiny!

We pray for total deliverance from every cord that would bind Your people and come against our God ordained destiny! We rebuke the enemies of our minds, we thank You that nothing can stop the blessings or us from performing the GREATER WORKS You have assigned to Your Covenant Saints! Strengthen and renew the Covenant of Faith! We Thankya for the courage and patience to stand, steadfast, consistent, always abounding in the work of our LORD, in Jesus Name! AMEN 3X!!!

We pray for strength for all who have lost loved ones, touch bodies, rebuke sickness and disease, touch hearts, minds, and emotions, rebuke grief and disappointment, restore the POWER and sound minds, hope and joy of our salvation. Help us to understand that failure is not final because we are Royal Priests and a Holy Nation unto You, we provoke envy of other nations who have not submitted to The True and Living GOD but who yet serve false gods! We decree and declare that You have raised us up and called us ‘MINE’! We rebuke venomous, hateful, words of racism, the Spirit of ungodly self-righteous elite, because all flesh is of one blood!

As we pray for the church to be the CHURCH, strip us from every demonic influence! You have called us to impact and to be influencers in the midst of this lost and ungodly world. By Your Grace, we’re able to pray for our enemies, those who despitefully use us! You help us to bless those who are bitter and speak evil of us that our faith may be a sign that we belong to You! Empowered by Holy Spirit, we pronounce blessing, joy, peace, favor upon all who trust you, as You prepare a table before our enemies!

Lord send confirmation to those who are wavering as they’re waiting in faith for your hand to move on their behalf. Thank You for allowing our pain to birth greatness in us, transition us into new levels of Your anointing, opportunities, relationships and restoring that which is broken! We ask that you help us to move by faith, remembering not the former things but confidently reaching forward fully persuaded and anticipating that EVERYTHING YOU HAVE PROMISED ALREADY IS!

Sweet Heavenly Father, as we pray the Prayer of Faith, we speak life today, we ask that You cover our children in schools, our families, on their jobs, as they go and come in, we pray that nothing shall cut our lives short, but we shall live and not die! Thank You Jesus for all the great things You have prepared for the People of GOD!

Holy Redeemer, as we close our prayer, we bring so many before Your Majestic Throne! Those who are broken hearted, feeble in body and spirit, the ones at a crossroad of life, the ones addicted to harmful substances, our armed forces, policemen, fire and rescue personnel, nurses, doctors, pastors and leaders, missionaries far and near; the leaders of the world. We’re trusting You to send peace where there is confusion, send love where there is hate, send unity where there is division. Bless the fatherless and motherless. Keep us ALL in your care. These favors we ask in Jesus mighty name!!

Father we wait in confidence and quietness, rejoicing in hope and trusting wholly that all workers of iniquity are trembling and suddenly departing in shameful defeat, because You have heard the voice of our weeping, our supplications and received our prayer as a sweet savor coming up before Your Sovereign Throne of Grace and Mercy!

Abba Father, we stand in agreement with You Who hears ours prayers and forgives our transgressions! Holy Father, because You have chosen to live in Your House, we shout with exceeding Joy unto The Hope of all the earth, believing that as Your face shines upon us, You are making Your ways and salvation known among all nations for You Guide and Rule justly!

Father, we thank You NOW, for WE believe that it is done! In The Exalted Name of Jesus. Amen 3X and It Is So!
Now every child of God who is standing in agreement with this prayer, GO TELL SOMEBODY THAT JESUS STILL SAVES, HEALS AND DELIVERS!


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!