Category Archives: Covered by The Blood




But when the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy and began to contradict what was spoken by Paul, reviling him. 46 And Paul and Barnabas spoke out boldly, saying, “It was necessary that the word of God be spoken first to you. Since you thrust it aside and judge yourselves unworthy of eternal life, behold, we are turning to the Gentiles.

47 For so the Lord has commanded us, saying, “‘I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.'”48 And when the Gentiles heard this, they began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the Lord, and as many as were appointed to eternal life believed.

49And the word of the Lord was spreading throughout the whole region. 50 But the Jews incited the devout women of high standing and the leading men of the city, stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and drove them out of their district.

51 But they shook off the dust from their feet against them and went to Iconium. 52 And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.


Down thru time, much discussion has persisted regarding Divine Election. Yet the Scriptures testify, while many are called few are chosen. Such controversy has lead some to assert that GOD has predesignated a CERTAIN number of seats in His Kingdom and that’s it! TRUTHBTOLD, GOD calls ALL men to GODSELF, YET HE FORCES NONE 2 COME! That leaves the responsibility and the response up to each and everyone of us, personally and individually! We have the power to make the choice whether to accept the invitation or reject it! #WOW #ijs!!!

According to our text, some of the more outstanding Jews, believed that based soley on their ethnicity, they were the only ones privileged to be called GOD’s Elect! While those unlucky enough to be born into the barbarian race (Gentiles) were destined to accept their fate as substandard humans, unworthy and undeserving of the rights and privileges exclusively bestowed upon GOD’S CHOSEN!

However, when Paul and Barnabas showed up at the Synagogue, finding these previously rejected Gentiles were hungry to hear and actually begged them to preach the WORD OF GOD, they agreed! That next Sabbath the Synagogue was overflowing with both Jew and Gentiles, who eagerly came to hear them preach. Yet, instead of welcoming the outsiders in, the elite Jews of the community were so taken aback with anger, jealousy, envy and resentment that they accused Paul and Barnabas of blaspheming against GOD!

However, much to their dismay, it didn’t stop these radical preachers from sharing The Gospel of Jesus Christ! In fact, it provoked them to even more holy boldness that they began to serve notice on their Jewish brethren that while God had indeed revealed Himself and His Word to them first, their continuous blatant dishonor, disregard, disobedience and willful rejection had opened up the opportunity for the Gentiles to become willing partakers of God’s Divine MERCY and GRACE through His Son, JESUS CHRIST!

When the Gentiles HEARD this and BELIEVED, unimaginable joy erupted from their grateful hearts that they began to glorify God with such fervency, igniting outrage amongst the so-called prominent devout Jewish men and women, who immediately expelled the Preachas out of the region!

With their assignment being successfully accomplished, Paul and Barnabas, following their Master’s Command, shook the dust off their feet against their accusers and kept it moving!






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SELAH Daily Devotions!

…because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened Romans 1:21

Therefore God also gave tem up to uncleanness, in the lusts of teir hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. Romans 1:24-25


Granted, you don’t hear a lotta preaching these days about this particular subject, nevertheless, TRUTHBTOLD, there is NO EXCUSE!

I know many have chosen to sugar-coat reality in an attempt to dismiss their personal obligation and responsibility, preferring to see themselves as victims of some mystical cosmic mishap, yet from the beginning of time, GOD has openly made GODSELF known to humanity. The Holy Scriptures announce that even ‘the heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament displays His handiwork.’ (Ref. Psalm 19:1, Acts 14:15-17)!
Can we talk 4REAL 4REAL?

Our problem has never been that we don’t know the TRUTH, but as history has clearly disclosed, since mankind’s knowledge of God became perverted by the willfulness of rebellious flesh, humanity has been determined to oppose the Righteousness of God! As a result man’s heinous act of high treason, his God Consciousness has been severed, thereby losing contact with the true purpose of his existence!

Choosing to yield to the dictates of their heart’s fleshy lusts, instead of Glorifying God, they rejected Truth for a Lie!  Having created man with the power, ability and freedom of choice, God turned them over to pursue the vile passions and inevitable consequences of the insatiable deception,  idolatry and corruption, reaping the Wrath of their selfishness, uncleanliness, ingratitude and rebellion!

Only a fool denies the existence of GOD. (Ref. Psalm 14:1) Still too many, by failing to acknowledge Him as GOD, refuse to bow to His Majesty in their faithful obedient service,  and are determined to attain righteousness through their own understanding of good and acceptable behavior. And we all know how that turns out, huh?

While the godz of this world work relentlessly to distract us away from seeking a personal revelation of Our Loving Father, we must always remember, that our enemies can do absolutely nothing, except God allows! Hence, as The Good Shepherd safely guides us through the fires, floods and the storms of this life, these experiences allow us to gain a fresh insight into the height, length, dept and width of His Loving Kindness and the Sufficiency of His Grace to any who demonstrates personal trust in Him through a lifestyle of humility, loyalty and faithful obedience!

God has so wondrously fashioned each man with a GOD-SIZED VOID so that the ultimate fulfillment of life can only be consummated through his pursuit of intimacy with his Creator! Unfortunately only a few are driven to forsake the lure of this world’s glitz and glamour to tread the least traveled remote pathways to ETERNAL LIFE!

But every once in a while, a isolated sojourner catches a glimpse of The EVERLASTING LIGHT OF HOPE found ONLY in Christ Jesus, forsakes the ways of this ungodly world to lay hold of ETERNAL TRUTH establishing themselves firmly rooted and grounded in The Hands of  JESUS CHRIST, The Almighty King, who has Sovereignly summoned them, before the foundation of this world, as HIS BELOVED! 



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!




SELAH Daily Devotions!

Good Morning Family! GOTTA MOMENT? GREAT! Welcome to a new day We’re so glad that you’ve joined with us today in our weekly Thursdays’ Day of Corporate Prayer and Fasting!! We appreciate this opportunity and privilege to entreat The Presence of our Great High Priest, pouring out our hearts desires, concerns, petitions and supplications with Thanksgiving. We know that seeking You delights Your Heart, ignites Your Compassion, causing You to save and deliver us from any of life’s maladies! Let’s go in together…

Father in Heaven, Once again we bow before Thee! With outstretched arms, open hands and grateful hearts, we thank You for this day that You have made! As we rejoice in The Splendor of Your Magnificent Glory, we acknowledge that it’s only because of Your Grace and Mercy, that we’re yet here! Your Unconditional Love for us has allowed us one more day to enjoy Your Abundance of Life, Health and Strength. We’re thankful for every opportunity to present ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable unto You. From our Mother’s womb, You’ve proven Yourself to be Faithful and True Father. Therefore, we’re trusting You to provide everything that we need today to sustain us thru whatever challenges that unfold during the course of this day! Abba Father, we know that You Alone are our God, Guard and Guide!
Abba Father, with eternal gratitude we bless You for allowing us to enter into Your Throne Room, with hope-filled expectation that You will entreat us graciously as we pour out the burdens that seem to overwhelm our hearts, releasing everything that concerns us to You! We know that You are Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent, seeing and knowing ALL THINGS about everyone of us, yet You welcome us to come to You,  finding Grace and Mercy to comfort, strengthen and encourage us to hold on to every WORD that You have spoken over our lives, before we were ever born.

Daddy, as we stand humbly before Your Sovereignty, we’re asking You to forgive us for everything that we, have willfully or unwillfully spoken, done and even thought that was not pleasing in Your sight. We thank You now because You have assured us that if we would confess our sins, You, being Faithful and Just, will forgive us, and wash us in The Precious Blood of Jesus, cleansing us from all unrighteousness, and restoring the breach that our disobedience has caused between our poor souls and our Lord and Savior! Now, we ask Holy Spirit to intercede on our behalf, our family, our friends, even our enemies, as we know that Your love is the same for each and everyone of us!

Abba, we know that You have instructed us, to look not at the temporary things, but to the eternal. Yet You know the frailness of our flesh, and how easily we’re provoked and tempted to become overwhelmed by the cares of this world when our hearts are burdened with the pressures of this life, wearied with fear, doubt, unbelief, sickness and disease, financial debt, broken relationships, unprovoked threats, depression, addictions, insecurities. Lord, You know that when we lose our focus on You, our days can be spent beneath clouds of evil foreboding and our nites are plagued with restlessness, despondency and hopelessness! Holy Spirit, rebuke the demons of our minds, help us to cast down strongholds, arguments, imaginations and every high thing that tries to exalt itself again the knowledge of Your Word. Keep us ever mindful of Your Presence that we might dwell in perfect peace, as only You can!

Lord, we thankya for being a Listening God! According to The Holy Bible, THE BLOOD OF JESUS yet speaks for us. Hence, even as the blood of Abel cried out to You from the ground, Your ears are not deaf to the cries of our fathers, mother, Grandfathers,Grandmothers, husbands, wives, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, nephews, nieces and cousins all over this world, even these UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! Therefore, as Your ears are tuned into the effectual, fervent, righteous prayers that have been uttered from the hearts and lips of those who intercede on behalf of loved ones, we believe that at Your Appointed Time they shall be fulfilled according to Your Will!


Sweet Jesus, while You have taught us to love everyone that You’ve created in Your Own Image, we can’t deny that we need You to heal the pain, anger, grief and distrust,and yes even that glimpse of revenge that taints the hearts of Your people of color, the oppressed, abased, downcast and dysinfrancized by the prevailing injustices inflicted upon us. While those in ‘power’  have sworn to take the position of being color-blind, nevertheless as we’ve seen as of late, their voices are mute when our brothers and sisters are killed, kidnapped, incarcerated, addicted to deadly drug substances and nothing is done to their executioners! However, when other ethnicities are involved in these heinousness, the social medias stream live speeches from The Executive Office to floor of Congress and Senators, holding the top-three trending headlines of the ‘atrocious brutal massacre’ throughout the nation!


We pray that You speak to them in dreams and visions, compel them to remember that their power emanates from You Who holds life and death in Your Hands. Give them to know that Your eyes are roaming to and fro and that every thought, motive and intent of man is a candle to You! Convict them to lead and guide those who they have been selected to serve with humility and holy fear towards You and that they will recognize that he who digs a hole and scoops it out will fall into the pit he has made, the trouble he causes recoils on himself and his violent schemes will come down on his own head!

Lord we pray that You save, heal and deliver speedily by Your Mighty Hand, all those who are crying out to you, seeking Your Face at the very moment! Give us to know that because we belong to You, we are never too far that You can’t see us, reach us, and shield us from anything that the devil would rail against us. Help us to understand that Your Name, Jesus is a Strong Tower, and those that You hve declared the righteous run into it and are saved. Open up our minds and our hearts, filling us with Your Assurance, and confidence that while “Weeping may endure for a moment, JOY IS COMING IN THE MORNING !” 4 You hare sworn by GODSELF that at The Name of Jesus, every knee must bow and every tongue confess that You are Lord!

Precious Lord, Grace Your children with hope-filled trust that You have committed Your Word towards us that no weapon that’s formed us shall ever prosper and except You allow it, no trouble, test or trial can come near us. We thank You for Your Providential Presence and Power to turn everything around to work in our favor and to bring about exuberant testimonies and praizes of Your Eternal Honor and Glory!

Holy Father, we thank You for hearing the hearts of those who have never trusted and accepted Your Son Jesus as Savior and Lord! We believe that Holy Spirit is quickening that stony heart with The Spirit of Godly-Repentance, allowing them to come, humbled by Your Lovingkindness, in obedience to Your call and they’re now receving Your Mercy and Grace to Save bringing them into a personal relationship with The Lord of Life. We pray now that as You lead and guide them to a local church, planting them inYour Vineyard, that they shall be taught and transformed by Your Word of Life to take their position in The Kingdom of Heaven!

Lord, we’re lifting up any one who has walked away from You for whatever reason, we ask You to put a “fresh COMMITTED YES” in the heart and mind of every backslider! Make today the day that they come back to You and back to YOUR church where they will submit their lives to the sound teachings of Your Word, and learn to love and live their lives denying selfishness and above all else, determined to walk out the rest of their lives as a living testimony to Your Loving-Kindness that encourages all that they meet to seek to live this life to live again, eternally with You in Heaven!

Father, we’re lifting up our children, our children s’ children by faith right now, we abort and overrule every curse that’s been ordered against their lives, we cancel every plot and scheme that Satan desires to inflict upon them! We commit them into Your Providential care, realizing With this Blessed Assurance that their steps and stops are being Divinely orchestrated by Your eyes, we speak long LIFE and declare The BLOOD OF JESUS and The PEACE OF GOD shall rule over their spirits, souls, minds and bodies; releasing The Spirit of Hope, Love, Holiness and Excellence to fulfill their God-ordained destiny as children of The Most High God!
Sweet Jesus, we lift up every apostles, bishop, pastors, preachers, teachers, evangelist, missionaries, deacon and every spiritual leader! We ask  You to encourage their hearts and strengthen their faith by manifesting miracles, signs and wonders for all those who are yet standing on The Wall proclaiming Your Word under the Anointing, Power and Conviction of Holy Spirit, proving to them that their labor is not in vain! Jesus, we’re trusting and believing You to Grace them to be the examples of Your Righteousness in their homes, churches and community that will cause everyone who comes into contact with them to fall deeply in love with You, trust wholly in and commit to live the rest of their lives serving You!
Father, remember everyone who’s bodies are being afflicted by all manner of sicknesses and diseases! Heavenly Father, because Your Word decrees that You are Alpha and Omega, the same yesterday, today and forever, therefore, even as You walked this earth healing all who were sick, feeble and lame we know that You’re Well Able to do the same right now! Your Word declares that BY YOUR STRIPES WE HAVE BEEN REDEEMED AND HEALED! THEREFORE WE  YET STAND ON YOUR PROMISE THAT THE PRAYER OF FAITH SHALL SAVE THE SICK AND RAISE THEM UP,  In Jesus Name! Amen 3x!

Father, we pray for those who are distraught by grief, sorrow, terror and fear, the elderly, the widows, the outcast who have born the heat of the day, those who pushed and prayed us through! Father, give them sweet peace. Assure them  that You shall not forget how they labored unselfishly down thru the hears, oftimes without recognition, but that You shall reward them richly in the world to come!

Father we decree that every demonic-induced spirit of addiction and fear is defeated NOW because of Your Anointing and that the Spirit of Love, Power and Sound-mindness and Purpose is being released in the lives of Your people now, in Jesus Name!

Lord Jesus, we’re standing on Your Word trusting that You shall never relinquish one iota of Your Sovereignty, The government of this world STILL rests upon Your shoulders and that You are The Eternal King of Kings and Lord of Lords!  Jesus, as we walk through the valleys of the shadow of death, cover us in Your BLOOD! We know that because of this crooked and perverted nation, the safest place yet remains in THE WILL OF GOD! Father, heal our land!

Sweet Holy Spirit, there are so many other things, that we have yet to mention, but we’re trusting, believing You to fix it, Jesus, as only You can! Lord, we know that You are not just able, but willing to do anything that we ask, in accordance to Your Word! We thank you Father that as we walk through this day, depending solely upon You for whatever lies ahead, we shall continue to give You all the Praise!

As we offer this prayer to our Great High Priest, we wait in confidence and quietness, rejoicing in hope and trusting wholly that all workers of iniquity are trembling and suddenly departing in shameful defeat, because You have heard the voice of our weeping, supplications and received our prayer as a sweet savor coming up before Your Sovereign Throne of Grace and Mercy!

Abba Father, in closing, we thank You NOW, for WE believe that IT IS FINISHED! In The Exalted Name of Jesus. Amen 3X!!!

Now every child of God who is standing in agreement with this prayer, GO TELL SOMEBODY THAT JESUS LOVES THEM JUS AS MUCH AS HE LOVES EVERYBODY!


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!






The Lord GOD which gathers the outcasts of Israel saith, Yet will I gather others yo him, beside those that are gathered unto him.

All ye beasts of the field, come to devour, yeah, all ye beasts of the field, come to devour, yea, all ye beasts in the forest. His watchmen are blind they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.

Yea, they are greedy dogs, which can never have enough, and they are shephers that cannot understand, they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter.

Come ye, say they, I will fetch wine, and we will fill ourselves with strong drink; and tomorrow shall be as this day, and much more abundant! Isaiah 56:8-12

For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returned not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring for and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater.

So shall my word be tat goeth forth out of my mouth, it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Isaiah 56:11-12


Thoughout the history of humanity, there have been those who deliberatey misinterpret the Plan of God, presuming a sense of special status in their relationship with The Lord. Doing this makes it easier for them to disqualify others based on a variety of differences! BUT JESUS came to broaden the scope of His Elect to include the downcast, rejected, foreigners and those castrated by the restrictions of the pompous self-engrandized arrangance of those intoxicated on the wealth of this world! Jesus’ sacrificial atoning death and resurrection stands as an everlasting sign of GOD’S POWER, LOVE AND MERCY, bringing freedom, joy and peace to those who have borne the grief and sorrows of afflictions of decades of captivity and dejection.

While some leaders have drifted away from a real understanding of God’s Will for humanity, choosing to remain mute persuing the path of furthering their own private interest and agendas, resisting any effort to help the weak and confused they plan great things for themselves while focusing on sleeping and drinking. TRUTHBTOLD, the consequences of God’s Sovereign Justice is an invasion of beasts and terror of foreign nations!



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SELAH Devotions!


Good Morning Family! GOTTA MOMENT? GREAT!

We’re delighted to have you join us today in our  Weekly Thursdays’ Corporate Prayer and Fasting! We appreciate every opportunity and privilege extended to us that we might entreat The Presence of our Great High Priest, pouring out our hearts desires, petitions and supplications with Thanksgiving. Humbled by such graciousness, we bow before Him, embracing Him in earnest expectation, confident that He Who Rules Forever by His Power is able to save and deliver us from any of life’s maladies, we grab hold to The Horns of The Altar now to worship Him…




Father in Heaven, here we are before you once again. We come today with outstretched arms, open hands and grateful hearts, thanking You for blessing us with one more day! Great Is Thy Faithfulness, O Lord, unto me! For this is the day that You have made, therefore we’re rejoicing in The Splendor of Your Magnificent Glory! We know that it’s only by Your Grace and Mercy, that we’re yet here to enjoy life, health and strength! We bless Your Holy Name for the continuous outpouring of Your Unconditional Lovingkindness towards us! As we present ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable unto you we’re trusting You to provide everything that we need today to sustain us thru whatever challenges that unfold during the course of this day! Abba Father, we know that You Alone are our God, Guard and Guide!

Abba Father, it’s with Exhuberant Gratitude that we bless You for allowing us to enter into Your Throne Room, with hope-filled expectation that You will entreat us graciously as we pour out the burdens that seem to overwhelm our hearts, releasing and committing everything that concerns us to You because You’ve proven Yourself to be Faithful and True.

Bowing before You, we acknowledge Your Omnipresence, Omnipotence and Omniscience! You see and You already know everything about everyone of us, yet You invite us to come fully expecting to find Grace and Mercy, comfort and strength that encourages us to hold on to every Word that You have spoken over our lives, even before we were born!

Daddy, yielding humbly before Your Sovereignty, we ask Your forgiveness for everything that we have spoken, done and even thought that was not pleasing in Your sight and violated Your Kingdom Constitution! We now thank You because You have assured us that if we would confess our sins, You, being Faithful and Just, will forgive us, and wash us in The Precious Blood of Jesus, cleanse us from all unrighteousness, and restore the breach that our disobedience has caused between our poor souls and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Now, we ask Holy Spirit, that You will intercede on behalf of our family, our friends, even our enemies, knowing that Your love is the same for each and everyone of us!

We lift up all who have never trusted and accepted Your Son Jesus as Savior and Lord! We believe Holy Spirit is quickening that stony heart now imparting a Spirit of Godly-Repentance that’s provoking them to come, humbled by Your Lovingkindness, and they are now receiving Your Mercy and Grace to Save. We believe that You are leading, guiding and planting them into the fertile grown of a local church where they shall be accepted with Love and embrace with Joy by Your Family, taught and transformed by Your Word of Life to take their position in The Kingdom of Heaven. 

We pray for every backslider, who having been deceived by Satan, has turned their back on Your Salvation and Deliverance and gone back into the bondage of this dark, evil and sin-lusting world. Father, we know that because You so loved the world, You sent Jesus to die for sinners and saints! Because You are The Good Shepherd and full of Loyal Love, You are wating with open Arms and Heart to receive them back into The Fold if they will ask You to forgive them, recommit and dedicate the rest of their lives wholly unto faithfully serving You!

Abba, we know that You have instructed us, to look not at the temporary things, but to the eternal, yet because of the frailness of our flesh, we’re easily tempted to become overwhelmed by the cares of this world causing our hearts to become burdened with the pressures of this life! While we struggle to stay focused on Your Presence and Promises, sometimes our spirits become wearied with fear, doubt, unbelief, plagued with restlessness, despondency and hopelessness, sickness and disease, financial debt, marriage problems, wayward rebellious children, broken relationships, unprovoked threats, depression, addictions and insecurities that we lose sight of Your Covenant Promises of Provision and Protection! Father, help us to stand still and keep us in the center of Your Will, as only You can!

Lord Jesus, we lift up  those whose bodies are afflicted by all manner of sickness and diseases. We ask that You touch our brothers and sisters, especially those who are enduring fatal and dibilitating illness caused by the Spirit of cancer, strokes, heart attacks, kidney failure, liver disease. We intercede on behalf of all those undergoing surgical procedures, those in recovery rooms, radiation and chemotheraphy, dialysis treatment, all those on life-support systems, not knowing that they’re even in this world! We’re declaring and decreeing that as we’re praying You’re walking through every ward, touching, healing, delivering, miraculously rebuking fatigue, mistakes, mishaps, adverse reactions to medication, misdiagnosis and premature death for Your Name Sake.

As Your Eyes roam to and fro throughout the earth, we pray that You save and deliver speedily by Your Mighty Hand all those who are crying out and seeking Your Face at the very moment! Give us to know that because we belong to You, we are never too far that You can’t see us, reach us, and shield us from every weapon that our enemy would rail against us. Impart, wisdom and understanding that we make grasp The Truth that Your Name, Jesus is a Strong Tower to those that You have declared righteous can run into to be saved. Open up our minds and our hearts, fill us with confident assurance that You are LORD of, over, in and through ALL! You have sworn by GOD-SELF that You will never ever leave nor forsake us, even to the end of this Age!!

Grace us with hope-filled Peace that no trouble, test or tragedy can come near us except You allow it to prove our faith and Your Faithfulness to turn everything around to work in our favor, bringing about life transforming testimonies and praises of Your Eternal Magnificence, Honor, Glory and Power! Even when we don’t know what to do, we’re trusting You to preserve us in every trial, keep us fully-confident that  before we experienced it, You have Pre-Ordained an expiration date and promised to bring them out wholly restored, renewed, refreshed and with the reward as You have promised them in Your Word!

Father, thank You for listening to the hearts of all those who are distraught by grief and fear, remember the elderly, the widows, the downcast who have borne the heat of the day, those who pushed and prayed us through! Father, give them sweet peace that our God is not unrighteous to forget or overlook the labor and love they’ve shown towards Your Name and how they have and continue to minister to the saints! Father we decree that every demonic-induced spirit of fear and confusion is defeated NOW because of Your Anointing and that the Spirit of Love, Power and Sound-mindness and Purpose is being released in the lives of Your people now, in Jesus Name!

Precious Lord, remember the children, our grands and great-grand children! By faith we plead THE BLOOD OF JESUS is over their lives wherever they go! We abort and overrule every curse, cancel every diabolical scheme that Satan desires to inflict upon their lives! As we commit them into Your Providential care, we remember how generous You were and continue to be in dispensing Grace and Mercy towards us! Realizing that You have a Plan and Purpose for their lives too, we resist fear and worry, but through faith and patience, we walk in the Blessed Assurance that their steps and stops are being Divinely orchestrated by Your eyes! Therefore we speak The Peace of God over their spirits, minds and bodies releasing a spirit of Love, Holiness and Excellence to fulfill their God ordained destiny!

Abba, we lift up every Bishop, Pastor, Overseer, Apostle, Evangelist, Preacher and Teacher, Deacon, Board Member, Usher, Muscian, Choir, Praiz Team member, Nurses, Parking Attendant and Security personnel! Undergird them with Your Anointing to carry out their assignment, under the direction of Holy Spirit. Encourage and strengthen their hearts, souls and spirits as they endeavor to serve, reach, teach, preach, guide, guard and comfort those whom You’ve charged them to minister to. Lord You know how discouraging it can be when oftentimes folk seem to turn a deaf ear to Your Word! Cover them as they go in and out amongst Your people and any who would seek to discredit, hinder and even destroy their faith, faithfulness and the ministry You have ordained.


Heavenly Father, as You have instructed us, we pray for the leaders of our nation, government, corporate, judicial, education, financial, health institutions, military and community service workers!  Father remember the teachers, counselors, administrations, superintendents and especially the children and those who are going off or returning to colleges! We’re asking that You touch their minds and hearts, help them to make wise decisions, speak to them in dreams and visions letting them know that You Who Sit Enthroned Above the Heavens are keeping record of the deeds of every man’s heart and will reward accordingly! We believe that because their hearts are in Your Hands, they are being continuously opened to hear and obey Your Will! Lord Jesus, we’re standing on Your Word as decreed that The government of this world shall rest upon Your shoulders and that You are The Eternal King of Kings and Lord of Lords!


Holy Father, we pray for total deliverance from every cord that would bind Your people and come against our Divine Destiny! We rebuke the enemies of our minds and Thankya that nothing can stop the blessings or us from performing the greater works You have assigned to the covenant saints! Strengthen and renew the Covenant of Faith! We thankya for the courage and patience to stand, steadfast, consistent, always abounding in the work of our LORD!

Lord, there are so many other things, that we have yet to mention, but we’re trusting, believing You to fix it, Jesus, as only You can! Lord, we know that You are not just able, but willing to do anything that we ask, in accordance to Your Word, in Jesus Name! As we walk through this day, depending soley on You for an Abundant Life, Divine Health and Your  Unspeakable Joy to strengthen us for whatever lies ahead, we shall give You all the Praise!

As we offer us this prayer, Father we wait in confidence and quietness, rejoicing in hope and trusting wholly that all workers of iniquity are trembling and suddenly departing in shameful defeat, because You have heard the voice of our weeping, our supplications and received our prayer as a sweet savor coming up before Your Sovereign Throne of Grace and Mercy!

Sweet HOLY SPIRIT, we seal this prayer with A Holy Hallaleujahhh! For WE believe that it is done! In The Exalted Name of Jesus. Amen 3X

Now every child of God who is standing in agreement with this prayer, GO TELL SOMEBODY JESUS IS REAL, HE LOVES THEM , HE STILL SAVES AND HE’S COMING BACK SOON!

Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!





Blessed is the man whom thou chastenest, O Lord, and teachest him out of thy law; 13 That thou mayest give him rest from the days of adversity, until the pit be digged for the wicked.14 For the Lord will not cast off his people, neither will he forsake his inheritance.

15 But judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the upright in heart shall follow it. 

16 Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? 17 Unless the Lord had been my help, my soul had almost dwelt in silence. 18 When I said, My foot slippeth; thy mercy, O Lord, held me up. 19 In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul. 20 Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law?21 They gather themselves together against the soul of the righteous, and condemn the innocent blood. 22 But the Lord is my defence; and my God is the rock of my refuge. 23 And he shall bring upon them their own iniquity, and shall cut them off in their own wickedness; yea, the Lord our God shall cut them off.

Psalm 94:12-23

The enemy seeks to obliterate God’s people. The evildoers target the most vulnerable groups in society, whom the LORD will defend. God will discipline those He loves, correcting and instructing them to bring them back into relationship with Him. God recognizes humanity/s inherent weaknesses. Corrupt rulers enact legislation that persecutes the righteous an enables wickedness, which is CLEARLY contrary to God’s Will! (Excerpts from Ps. 94:5-23 Study Bible, KJV)

“If you’ll hold on to me for dear life,” says God, “I’ll get you out of any trouble. I’ll give you the best of care if you’ll only get to know and trust me. Call me and I’ll answer, be at your side in bad times; I’ll rescue you, then throw you a party. I’ll give you a long life, give you a long drink of salvation!” Psalm 91:14-16 The Message










SELAH Daily Devotions!



Once again, we’re delighted that you’ve joined us in our Weekly Thursdays’ Corporate Prayer and Fasting!


Bread of life? Sent down from glory! Many things you were on earth. A holy king, a carpenter? But you are the living Word! Awesome ruler, gentle redeemer! God with us, the living truth. And what a friend we have in you! You are the living Word… Bread of Heaven, feed me ’til I want no more! Here’s my cup, I lift it up! Come and quench the thirsting of my soul…Come and make me whole!


Our Father and our God of Heaven and Earth! We come today, lifting up The Name of Jesus! Lord, we bless and honor You for The Sacrificial Blood that You so freely shed in our stead, which now allows us to come boldly into The Holy Presence of The Creator and Sustainer of all Life! As we come lifting up holy hands and hope-filled hearts, praising and rejoicing in The Wonder of Your Glorious Presence, we thank You for so graciously awakening us to one more new day that You have made! We bless Your Name for life, health and strength! We thank You for a right mind, acknowledging that if it had not been for You keeping us even while we slept and slumbered in the night, our enemies would’ve destroyed us!


We know that nothing we’ve done or could do that was deserving of such Lovingkindness, but because of You are a Merciful Loyal Father, You continue to look beyond our faults and faithfully minister to each and everyone of our needs! For this cause we bow in reverence of Your Awesomeness, praying that as You search our hearts and find anything that’s not pleasing in Your sight, please forgive us and take it out, and take it out by the root! Help us Holy Spirit to shew evil and to cling to righteousness that we might cause someone to see Jesus and inquire of Thee, “What must I do to be saved!


Knowing that it’s not Your Will that any man should perish, but that we’d all come to a Saving Knowledge of Jesus Christ and because no man can come to The Father, except You draw them, we ask that You remember the lost souls today! Touch their stony hearts and transform it into hearts of flesh. Open the eyes of their understanding so that they will welcome a personal encounter with The Only Wise Savior who You sent to forgive and restore all those unregenerated souls who have been ensnared by the sin nature! Even as You did for us, snatch them out of Satan’s grip of deceit and let them see Your Glory in The Face of Jesus beckoning them to confess a “submitted SINCERE YES” to Your Will and Your Ways for humanity is Life Eternal in Your Presence!

Father, remember the backsliders who have allowed the lusts of this ungodly world to lure them back into those things which You delivered them from. Arrest them in The Holy Ghost and prick their hearts with a Spirit of Godly-Repentance that provokes their rebellious hearts to surrender confessing a “COMMITTED YES”, regretting ever having turned their backs from The Grace that they once enjoyed and come running back to The Safety of The Ark. Order their steps to the local church where they will be welcomed, loved, nurtured, encouraged and strengthen in Your Word empowering them to be witnesses of Light in the midst of this dark and untoward generation!


Holy Father, we ask that You remember Your Saints as we struggled to hold on to Your Promises amidst the chaos, turmoil emanating from a people of unclean lips! Help us to remember that nothing happens except You allow it. Breath afresh The Wind of Your Glory into the spirits and souls of Your Elect that may have become wearied and wounded by the cares of this world. We are grateful that nothing is hidden from Your view, for You are Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent! We’re blessed that as Your Compassion draws nigh to those who are lonely, Your Strength is made perfect in our weakness, and Your Blood runs swiftly to the place where we hurt the most!


Father, help us to remember Your Covenant Keeping Power when we grow weary in well-doing! Lift up every bowed down head today! Restore the Joy of Thy Salvation! Strengthen the feeble knees and send sweet Peace to those who are yet praying for the lost, heal and restore peace into trouble homes, the marriages that are under fire, wayward disobedient children, those struggling with their finances, those who are being mistreated on their jobs, those who are tempted to give up and throw in the towel, those whose flesh is enduring the pressure of temptations to commit fornication and adultery, comfort those who are mourning the loss of loved ones, bless the precious babies in daycare, at babysitters, daycare providers and schools! Encourage the caregivers, those who are tormented by unprovoked threats, depression, physical, sexual, emotional and spiritual abuse! Those who are experiencing rejections, abandonment, addictions, insecurities and grief! Console the widows, those forgotten and downcast who have born the heat of the day to push and pray us through! Lord, give them sweet Peace knowing that their labor is never in vain!

Lord, encourage all of us who find it difficult to pray for those in authority but yet have a desire to deal righteously with the injustices of a world filled with institutionalized racial discrimination, corruption,deceithfulness, arrogance, entitlement, nasty attitudes, greed, rage and hatred that’s intentionally inflicted upon those who are not like them and especially those of us who name the Name of Christ!

Abba Father, even as we’re praying, we’re believing You to intervene on our behalf, releasing miraculous Favor and Prosperity, unexpected promotions, opening up opportunities for entrepreneurship, increased education grants, lower interest mortgage rates, debt cancellations, book contracts and overturning legal decisions to give us the victory! Father, keep us in Your Will that we might be examples to those who are looking for Hope amidst the darkness of this hopeless, uncaring world!

Father, because You’ve sworn to be Faithful to generations of those who’ve placed our personal faith and trust in You, we’re lifting up our children, our grands and great-grand children and by faith we abort and overrule every curse that’s been ordered against their lives and cancel every scheme that Satan desires to inflict upon them! As we commit them into Your Providential care, we realize that You also have a plan and purpose for their lives! Therefore, we have the Blessed Assurance that their steps and stops are being ordered by Your eyes and no weapon that’s formed against them shall prosper and every tongue that speaks against them is already condemned! We speak The Peace of God over their spirits, minds and bodies. releasing a spirit of Love, Holiness and Excellence to fulfill their God ordained destiny!

Abba, we lift up every Bishop, Pastor, Overseer, Apostle, Evangelist, Preacher and Teacher, Missionary, Deacon, auxiliary leader/member, choir director/member, praise team and musician, usher, nurse, driver, parking attendant and custodial worker! Undergird them with Your Anointing and conviction to carry out their assignment, under the direction of Holy Spirit. Cover them as they go in and out amongst Your people and those who would seek to discredit, hinder and even destroy their faith, faithfulness and ministry,You have ordained!

Sweet Jesus, according to Your WORD, we pray for the leaders of our nation, government, corporate, judicial, military, education, financial institutions, healthcare services and public service workers! Touch their minds and hearts, speak to them in dreams and visions to convict them that You Who Sit Enthroned Above the Heavens are keeping record of the deeds of every man’s heart and will reward accordingly! Because their hearts are in Your Hands, we’re trusting that they are being continuously opened to hear and obey Your Will! Lord Jesus, we’re standing on Your Word as decreed that The government of this world shall rest upon Your shoulders and that You are The Eternal King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

Gracious Father, touch our brother and sister whose body has been afflicted by all manner of physical and mental sickness and disease! Rebuke and cast it out at the root, for Your Name Sake!

Heavenly Father, You are Alpha and Omega, the same yesterday, today and forever! Even as You walked in this earth healing all who were sick, feeble, lame we know that You’re Well Able to do the same right now! Lord Jesus, Your Word declares that Your stripes have redeemed and healed us and we’re yet standing on Your promises that the prayer of faith shall save the sick and raise them up, In Jesus Name!

Sweet Holy Spirit, because of Your Divine Intervention in our lives and thru The Blood of Jesus we have become Curse-Breakers and Blessing Carriers! Therefore, by The Power invested in us, we rebuke every curse that has been assigned to our families, friends, relationships, bodies, homes, communities and our nations! Look on us now and uphold us with Your Free Spirit. Fill our hearts with Confident Hope-filled Assurance that while weeping may endure for a night, at Your Appointed Time we will be delivered and The Peace of God that passes all understanding shall be restored! We thank You Holy Spirit for directing our hearts into God’s Love and Christ’s Perseverance!

Lord Jesus, as we await Your Salvation, in confidence and quietness, we shall continuously rejoice in hope, trusting wholly that all workers of iniquity are trembling, suddenly departing in shameful defeat, recognizing that You have heard the voice of our weeping, our supplications and received our prayer as a sweet savor coming up before Your Sovereign Throne of Grace and Mercy!

Abba Father, we align our spirits, soul and body with Your Eternal Word! Because You have chosen to bring  us near to dwell safety and secure in House, we shout with joy and bow in obedient reverence before The Hope of all the earth, believing that as Your face shines upon us that, You are making Your Ways and Salvation known among all nations as You Guide and Rule justly! Father, believing that because You always hear our prayers, IT IS DONE, In The Exalted Name of Jesus we offer up this prayer with a Holy Alleleujah! Amen 3X!

Beloved, every child of God who is standing in agreement with this prayer, GO TELL SOMEBODY THAT JESUS LIVES, LOVES AND CARES 4 U 2!


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!





The Earth Slowly Burns - Americas


SELAH Daily Devotions!


Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 2 Timothy 3:5


Never! Is probably the initial response of most professing-salvation-sanctified-sainted-souls, even at the mere suggestion that we’d be included in ‘those’. Right? BUT!  Have we ever considered the remote possibility, if you will, the collateral damage of being so pre-occupied with ‘getting’ that we lose sight of what God has already ‘given’?

Remember that Ol’ skool churrch song, “Count your blessing! Name them one by one! Count your blessing, see what God has done!”? Think about it? The Israelites were taught to sing songs that rehearsed their history as a daily reminder of God’s loving care, strength and power as He delivered them out of Egyptian slavery, lead them through the wilderness into The Promised Land! A practice, no doubt even in this bustling 21st Century culture, one might find tremendously buffering amidst the new norm of environmental chaos, anxiety and stress.

Just imagine the possible ramifications of a daily allotment of time designated specifically to reflecting upon all the many blessings that The Lord has already so mercifully and graciously heaped upon us. WOW! What inevitablemind-blowing heart-filled  sense of Gratitude, huh?

Could this be what The Apostle Paul was alluding to “according to the power that worketh in us”? (Ref. Ephesians 3:20)

Could a grateful heart pave the way for that “Greater than” we could ask or imagine? Could our pre-disposed poverty-mindedness and perverted sense of unworthiness, steeped in false humility be denying God the opportunity to show-off in our lives? Could we be guilty of having a form of godliness? #OMG!  #GOD FORBID!



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee



SELAH Daily Devotions!


We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed—always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. 2 Corinthians 4:8-10

For our light affliction which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory… 2 Corinthians 4:17-18a


Someone, with far more saged-wisdom than you and I, penned these words, “Winners never quit, and quitters never win!” Granted, we’re living in times that could easily tempt us to just fall apart, succumb to our dire situations and even begin to doubt God‘s ability to turn things around in our favor. Yet, Jesus never told us to rely on what we think, we see or even what we feel. The Word admonishes us to put no confidence in flawed fickle flesh, particularly our own. Believers walk by faith and not by what it may look like in the natural. Believers BELIEVE!

When the enemy comes upon us flooding our hearts with intimidating fear and discouragement, a spirit of super tenacity, and holy boldness, begins to flow up from the pit our inner most being and when it kicks in, it really doesn’t matter what we go thru, a true believer will refuse to throw up our hands and give in! The Ol’ Skool Church used to say, “I’m in it, to win it”! You see they knew something—I don’t care who sanngs, God Reigns, JEHOVAH HAS THE FINAL SAY…therefore it ain’t over until God says it’s over!

When it appears that the circumstantial evidence against us pretty much guarantees we’re going down for the count, we have a secret weapon on the inside of us that assures us the victory! Greater is He that is in me than anything that comes against me! (1 John 4:4)

The Apostle Paul, encouraging a troubled Corinthian Church, lets us know we don’t have to deny the severity of our situation, we just deny it’s  power to work against us. (Ref. Isaiah 54:17) Didjaheardat? Yes, it’s okay to acknowledge what’s happening, but don’t just stop with the bad stuff, remember Who we have going right for us.

Okay, we might be feeling some pressure, but we’re still standing! We might not have all the answers, but we know The One who does! Our circumstances might not be what we expected, but God already knew about it before He allowed us to be in it! It may seem that the burden is much more than we can take, but God’s Grace is sufficient! We might not know how long we’re be in it, but God knows! He’s predesignated a set time for our deliverance! And when God brings us out we don’t come out empty handed, but we come out with Greater Glory!

YEP! Believers may bend, but we don’t break! We hold fast to the Hope that is within us! (Ref. Colossians 1:27)


Seriously!  Obviously Satan didn’t get the text, huh? So you tell ’em, ‘Ain’t nobody got time 4 dat; check the back of the Book, WE WIN! Ain’t NO QUIT In ME!


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee





SELAH Daily Devotions!


There are many wayward people, smooth talkers, and deceivers—especially the converts from Judaism. They must be silenced because they are disrupting entire families with their corrupt teachings, all for their dishonest greed. A certain one of them, one of their own prophets, said, “Those Cretans are nothing but liars, worthless beasts, and lazy gluttons.” He certainly knew what he was talking about! For this reason, correct them thoroughly so that their lives will line up with the truths of our faith. instruct them not to pay any attention to Jewish myths or follow the teachings of those who reject the truth,  It’s true that all is pure to those who have pure hearts, but to the corrupt unbelievers nothing is pure. Their minds and consciences are defiled.  They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are disgusting, disobedient, and disqualified from doing anything good. Titus 1:10-16 TPT



Mama told me there’d be days like this! BUT, C’mon nah! Who ever thought that progress would be interpreted as truth being despised and irrelevant, deceitfulness, pride, arrogance and greed is extolled while integrity is detested, trust is impaired according to the circumstances of any given moment and hope is deferred as justice bows to social elitism, racial prejudice and party preference! AND ALL THIS IS MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN? #Don’tshoutmedown, nah? A matter of perspective, huh?

TRUTHBTOLD, The Holy Scriptures are being unfolded, live and in living color, right before the eyes of the discerning who yet ascribe to the concept of Biblical Absolutes! Shocking, right? The lawlessness, chaos, confusion, uncertainties, frustration caused by the desolation of moral codes is the inevitable response when the righteous commands are resisted by the rebelliousness of a culture determined to evict the Sovereignty of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY favoring to do what’s right in their own eyes!

BUT can somebody say, “THANKSB2GOD!” Knowing everything that could, should and would transpire before the foundation of the world, GOD, has made provision through HIS ETERNAL WORD to fulfill HIS DIVINE Plan and Purpose for His most precious of creation’s restoration and reconciliation! Rest assured Beloved, nothing has, can or ever will happen in the earth (and your life) that takes God by surprise! When it seems as if everything is fallen to the dogs and hell is winning, remember, KING JESUS IS STILL ON THE THRONE, REIGNING & RULING OVER THE AFFAIRS OF MANKIND!

And while the rage of the dogs’ barking seems to be drowning out The Voice of Holy Spirit, don’t get it twisted! God’s got them on a lease! Beloved, although we’re living in a season of spiritual darkness, we don’t faint in fear but we boldly walk by faith in the Light of HIS ETERNAL WORD! In the midst of spiritual famine, we remain undaunted, steadfast, courageous, focusing and trusting JESUS, The Author and Finisher of our our Faith.

Your Heavenly Father promised, “ I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU! (Ref. Heb. 13:5) At God’s appointed time The Glory of God SHALL ARISE,  bringing about a Divine Reversal! The first shall be last and the last shall be first! (Mark 10:31)

Blessed is the one who has made the Lord, his trust! Psalm 40:4




Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee