Tag Archives: lift




SELAH Daily Devotions!


There are many wayward people, smooth talkers, and deceivers—especially the converts from Judaism. They must be silenced because they are disrupting entire families with their corrupt teachings, all for their dishonest greed. A certain one of them, one of their own prophets, said, “Those Cretans are nothing but liars, worthless beasts, and lazy gluttons.” He certainly knew what he was talking about! For this reason, correct them thoroughly so that their lives will line up with the truths of our faith. instruct them not to pay any attention to Jewish myths or follow the teachings of those who reject the truth,  It’s true that all is pure to those who have pure hearts, but to the corrupt unbelievers nothing is pure. Their minds and consciences are defiled.  They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are disgusting, disobedient, and disqualified from doing anything good. Titus 1:10-16 TPT



Mama told me there’d be days like this! BUT, C’mon nah! Who ever thought that progress would be interpreted as truth being despised and irrelevant, deceitfulness, pride, arrogance and greed is extolled while integrity is detested, trust is impaired according to the circumstances of any given moment and hope is deferred as justice bows to social elitism, racial prejudice and party preference! AND ALL THIS IS MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN? #Don’tshoutmedown, nah? A matter of perspective, huh?

TRUTHBTOLD, The Holy Scriptures are being unfolded, live and in living color, right before the eyes of the discerning who yet ascribe to the concept of Biblical Absolutes! Shocking, right? The lawlessness, chaos, confusion, uncertainties, frustration caused by the desolation of moral codes is the inevitable response when the righteous commands are resisted by the rebelliousness of a culture determined to evict the Sovereignty of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY favoring to do what’s right in their own eyes!

BUT can somebody say, “THANKSB2GOD!” Knowing everything that could, should and would transpire before the foundation of the world, GOD, has made provision through HIS ETERNAL WORD to fulfill HIS DIVINE Plan and Purpose for His most precious of creation’s restoration and reconciliation! Rest assured Beloved, nothing has, can or ever will happen in the earth (and your life) that takes God by surprise! When it seems as if everything is fallen to the dogs and hell is winning, remember, KING JESUS IS STILL ON THE THRONE, REIGNING & RULING OVER THE AFFAIRS OF MANKIND!

And while the rage of the dogs’ barking seems to be drowning out The Voice of Holy Spirit, don’t get it twisted! God’s got them on a lease! Beloved, although we’re living in a season of spiritual darkness, we don’t faint in fear but we boldly walk by faith in the Light of HIS ETERNAL WORD! In the midst of spiritual famine, we remain undaunted, steadfast, courageous, focusing and trusting JESUS, The Author and Finisher of our our Faith.

Your Heavenly Father promised, “ I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU! (Ref. Heb. 13:5) At God’s appointed time The Glory of God SHALL ARISE,  bringing about a Divine Reversal! The first shall be last and the last shall be first! (Mark 10:31)

Blessed is the one who has made the Lord, his trust! Psalm 40:4




Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!


Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid, for YAH, the Lord, is my strength and song; He also has become my salvation. Therefore with joy you will draw water From the wells of salvation. Isaiah 12:2-3

Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me. Isa. 49:16


In light of the prevailing gross darkness, devastation and desolation taking place in our world today, I was incited to review the words of God’s Prophet, Isaiah, speaking to the remnant of God’s Chosen nation.

God’s people were facing eminent danger of massive destruction, yet we hear Isaiah offering a word of warning and a ray of hope that we’d do well to glean from today. The Prophet encourages them that no matter what’s happening around you, don’t be afraid, but keep trusting and praising our God!  Isaiah, knowing God inhabits the praises of His people, speaks to souls wearied by the consequences of unwise choices and reminds them that their only hope of deliverance was to remain steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of their Lord! (Ref. 1 Corinthians 15:58)

God is Holy, Righteous and Just! While He must punish the unjust, His Anger does not last forever! Unlike many of our earthly fathers, YAH is our Covenant-keeping God and remains a Faithful Father, Saving Strength, Shield, Provider and Redeemer to all who call upon Him! From His own Mouth, Abba Father promises to wipe away the tears from their faces and keep you in perfect peace because we trust in Him! (Ref. Isaiah 25:8, 26:3-4)

Beloved, when life is out of your control, rest assured, Jesus is always in control! The Eternal Word testifies that you are the apple of His eye and He has tatooed your name in the palm of His Hands forever. (Ref. Psalm 17:8; Isa. 49:16)

In the midst of these unsettling times,  there’s no denying the myriad of distractions that are attempting to cause even the most seasoned of saints to question whether or not The Sovereign Creator and Sustainer of All Life is really concerned about what’s going on down here amongst the gross darkness of a lost, unfaithful and rebellious world,  nevertheless, I adjure you to keep your eyes on Jesus, The Joy of your Salvation and your feet steadfast on THE WORD! Be confident of this very thing, He that has begun a GOOD WORK IS FAITHFUL TO COMPLETE IT UNTIL THE DAY OF JESUS CHRIST! (Ref. Philippians 1:6)

Precious ones, when you can’t see no way, why not confuse hell and praiz JESUS anyhow! Don’tchaknow? At the mere mentioning of THE NAME OF JESUS demons tremble and the angelic host is put on alert!

Ooooh Yeah!  TRUST2KNO, The Great and Holy One of Israel is closer than ever before! Hence, don’t ever forget that YOUR GOD REMEMBERS!


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH DAILY Devotions!


“Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.” Psalm 23:5


In Ancient Near East, according to The Bedouin Law of Hospitality, it was the custom and duty to be hospitable to foreigners, strangers and travelers. The host was required by custom to provide food, water and shelter to the wayfaring traveler. In doing so the host was accepting the responsibility of protecting the traveler as long as he remains in his territory.

According to the historical Eastern culture tradition, when a host wanted to let his guest know that he was truly welcomed and that in his house there was plenty to accommodate the comfort and happiness to his guest, he’d ask the guest to lift up his cup and the host would pure the wine into it, and keep on pouring wine until it overflowed and spilled out onto the carpeted banquet floor. The guest would then know that he was doubly and abundantly welcomed!

As part of this hospitality, guests would also be anointed with oil, so that their robes emanated a delightful fragrance, indicating that the host would anoint his honored guest, not sparingly but to the extent that their heads would glisten in the candle-lights! Failure to do this was recognized as a deliberate rebuff and insult! WOW!

Now I get that this might be difficult for most of us westerners to comprehend, given the fact that for the most part, hospitality has become a lost art. However, thankfully, with God, it’s a tradition that never goes out of style. God’s Benevolence is exuberantly extravagant! He lavishes His gifts upon all who will embrace His gracious loving-kindness with up-stretched hands and open hearts, anxiously awaiting His unending ever-flowing river of compassionate providential care!

In the Scriptures, oil is a figure of God The Holy Spirit. While it’s the mission of our common arch-enemy, Satan to suppress the Children of God, enslaving you in small places, confined to poverty, lack and diminished hope, joy and peace, The Holy Spirit intercedes on your behalf, ushering you into large lands flooded with showers of blessings! (Ref. John 10:10)

Needless to say, faith in Christ does not exempt believers from trying times of tearful sorrow, wearied by disappointment, the dishonor and rejection of shameful lies! Nevertheless, we’re yet able to rejoice as The Spirit of God infuses our soul with joy and gladness, grace upon grace, love without measure and peace beyond understanding!

Beloved, God is not content with your being satisfied with just enough! He’s The King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Therefore as His Heritage, He’s chosen to give us more than we could ask or think! (Ref. Ephesians 3:20) Amazing, huh?

Our Great Shepherd invites you to be seated at the table He has prepared today, making a public announcement to your enemies—‘don’t even try it,’ lifting His cup over your head, signifying that as His guest, you’re not just getting leftovers, but you’ve got the keys to the whole house to enjoy the finest of provisions! 

Hence, God delights in running your cup over so that you can’t contain the blessings, and will be able to share with others so that His Grace is reaching more and more people, multiplying thanksgiving to overflow to the Glory of God. (Ref. 2 Corinthians 4:15)

Didjaheardat? Well, whatcha say?



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

 Ann Caffee