Tag Archives: resistance




SELAH Daily Devotions!

…because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened Romans 1:21

Therefore God also gave tem up to uncleanness, in the lusts of teir hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. Romans 1:24-25


Granted, you don’t hear a lotta preaching these days about this particular subject, nevertheless, TRUTHBTOLD, there is NO EXCUSE!

I know many have chosen to sugar-coat reality in an attempt to dismiss their personal obligation and responsibility, preferring to see themselves as victims of some mystical cosmic mishap, yet from the beginning of time, GOD has openly made GODSELF known to humanity. The Holy Scriptures announce that even ‘the heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament displays His handiwork.’ (Ref. Psalm 19:1, Acts 14:15-17)!
Can we talk 4REAL 4REAL?

Our problem has never been that we don’t know the TRUTH, but as history has clearly disclosed, since mankind’s knowledge of God became perverted by the willfulness of rebellious flesh, humanity has been determined to oppose the Righteousness of God! As a result man’s heinous act of high treason, his God Consciousness has been severed, thereby losing contact with the true purpose of his existence!

Choosing to yield to the dictates of their heart’s fleshy lusts, instead of Glorifying God, they rejected Truth for a Lie!  Having created man with the power, ability and freedom of choice, God turned them over to pursue the vile passions and inevitable consequences of the insatiable deception,  idolatry and corruption, reaping the Wrath of their selfishness, uncleanliness, ingratitude and rebellion!

Only a fool denies the existence of GOD. (Ref. Psalm 14:1) Still too many, by failing to acknowledge Him as GOD, refuse to bow to His Majesty in their faithful obedient service,  and are determined to attain righteousness through their own understanding of good and acceptable behavior. And we all know how that turns out, huh?

While the godz of this world work relentlessly to distract us away from seeking a personal revelation of Our Loving Father, we must always remember, that our enemies can do absolutely nothing, except God allows! Hence, as The Good Shepherd safely guides us through the fires, floods and the storms of this life, these experiences allow us to gain a fresh insight into the height, length, dept and width of His Loving Kindness and the Sufficiency of His Grace to any who demonstrates personal trust in Him through a lifestyle of humility, loyalty and faithful obedience!

God has so wondrously fashioned each man with a GOD-SIZED VOID so that the ultimate fulfillment of life can only be consummated through his pursuit of intimacy with his Creator! Unfortunately only a few are driven to forsake the lure of this world’s glitz and glamour to tread the least traveled remote pathways to ETERNAL LIFE!

But every once in a while, a isolated sojourner catches a glimpse of The EVERLASTING LIGHT OF HOPE found ONLY in Christ Jesus, forsakes the ways of this ungodly world to lay hold of ETERNAL TRUTH establishing themselves firmly rooted and grounded in The Hands of  JESUS CHRIST, The Almighty King, who has Sovereignly summoned them, before the foundation of this world, as HIS BELOVED! 



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!



SELAH Daily Devotions!


Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid, for YAH, the Lord, is my strength and song; He also has become my salvation. Therefore with joy you will draw water From the wells of salvation. Isaiah 12:2-3

Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me. Isa. 49:16


In light of  prevailing  gross darkness, devastation and desolation surrounding  our world today, it’s not uncommon that every now and then, even the most seasoned of God’s saints are driven to conclude, ‘Why even bother to hope, after all what’s the point”?  #Don’tshoutmedown, nah! Nonetheless! Instead of giving in to to despair, I was incited to review the words of God’s Prophet, Isaiah, speaking to the remnant of God’s Chosen nation.

While 21st Centry millennials are quick to refute the antiquated teachings of times long past as irrelevant, TRUTHBTOLD, the more things change, the more they stay the same! In other words, “THERE’S REALLY NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN!”

Now these things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction, on whom the end of the ages has come. 1 Corinthians 10:11

God’s people were facing eminent danger of massive destruction, yet we hear Isaiah offering a word of warning and a ray of hope that we’d do well to glean from today. 

The Prophet encourages them that no matter what’s happening around you, don’t be afraid, but keep trusting and praising our God!  Isaiah, knowing God inhabits the praises of His people, speaks to souls wearied by the consequences of unwise choices and those who are forced to endure circumstances which are beyond their ability to control, reminding them that their only hope of deliverance was to remain steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of their Lord! (Ref. 1 Corinthians 15:58)

REMEMBER! God is Holy, Righteous and Just! While He must punish the unjust, His Anger does not last forever! Unlike many of our earthly fathers, YAH is our Covenant-keeping God and remains a Faithful Father, Saving Strength, Shield, Provider and Redeemer to all who call upon Him! From His own Mouth, Abba Father promises to wipe away the tears from their faces and keep you in perfect peace because we trust in Him! (Ref. Isaiah 25:8, 26:3-4)


Beloved, when life is out of your control, rest assured, THERE’S NOT ONE MOMENT WHEN GOD IS NOT! JESUS IS ALWAYS IN ABSOLUTE CONTROL!

The Eternal Word IS FOREVER SETTLED IN HEAVEN! Jesus Himself testifies that you are the apple of His eye and He has tatooed your name in the palm of His Hands forever. (Ref. Psalm 17:8; Isa. 49:16)

In the midst of these unsettling times,  there’s no denying the myriad of  available distractions designed to cause even the most seasoned of saints to question whether or not The Sovereign Creator and Sustainer of All Life is REALLY concerned about what’s going on down here amongst the gross darkness of  this lost, unfaithful and rebellious world! Nevertheless, I adjure you to keep your eyes on Jesus, The Joy of your Salvation and your feet steadfast on THE WORD! Be confident of this very thing, HE THAT HAS BEGUN A GOOD WORK IN YOU IS FAITHFUL TO COMPLETE IT UNTIL THE DAY OF JESUS CHRIST! (Ref. Philippians 1:6)

Precious ones, when you can’t see no way, why not confuse hell and praiz JESUS ANYHOW! Don’tchaknow? At the mere mentioning of THE NAME OF JESUS demons tremble and the angelic host is put on alert!

Ooooh Yeah!  TRUST2KNO, The Great and Holy One of Israel is closer than ever before! Hence, don’t ever forget that YOUR GOD REMEMBERS!


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee





SELAH Daily Devotions!

GM Precious Children of The Most High God! GOTTA MOMENT? AWESOME!

We’re delighted that you’ve joined us, once again, in our Weekly Thursdays’ Corporate Fasting and Prayer! Needless to say, there’s yet so much to seek The Face of God for, Amen? But Thanks Be To God, in the midst of soul-vexing times, we know Where to go and Who to call on to find Love, Peace, Joy, Hope and Rest for our weary souls! For we have a Heavenly FATHER Who CARES! Let’s enter into The Throne Room together…


When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll;Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, IT IS WELL, IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL! IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL, IT IS WELL, IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL…WITH MY HANDS LIFTED UP, AND MY MOUTH FILLED WITH PRAISE!! WITH A HEART OF THANKSGIVING, I WILL BLESS THEE OOOHH LORD….


Father of All Glory, Honor, Comfort, Strength, Wisdom and Joy, into thine Hands, we lift up our souls! For we know that You are LORD of Heaven and Earth! Besides Thee, there is none else to save, deliver and heal! We extol Your  HOLY Name above every other name that can be named! As You have decreed, we exalt Your Word, even above Your Name! Thank You for blessing us to enjoy one more day of Your Presence and Providential Care! Thank You for revealing to us such wondrous treasures that were hidden from our understanding, when we walked surrounded by darkness, as dead men in the earth without a God on our side! We bless You for NOW we know that it’s IN YOU that we live, move and have our being! 

We come before You now, humbled by Your Loving-kindness, clothed in assurance that because of The Precious Blood that was shed on Calvary’s Cross, the Scepter is always extended towards Your Children, allowing us to come boldly before The Majestic Throne to find Hope and Help in the time of need, in the Name of JESUS!

Abba Father,  forgive our tendency towards willfully relinquishing our faith to do, think and speak those things that are not pleasing in Your sight! We’re eternally grateful that because of The Sacrificial Atoning Death and Resurrection of Jesus, Your Compassionate Faithfulness and Deep Love for us, allows You to look beyond our faults and failures, forgive us our sin, cleanse our hearts and hands in The Blood of Jesus, restoring our rightful fellowship and satisfy all our need, according to Your Riches in Glory!

Today,  we offer up glorious praise, from hearts open to, depending and relying only on You for renewed power, strength and understanding to apply Your statues to our lives that we may enjoy the abundant lives that You have predestined for us now and forever!

Lord Jesus, because YOU ARE LORDthere is never a space or time when YOU are not in absolute contr ol of all things! Your WORD promised to keep us hidden under The BLOOD! Hence, just as You provided Light and Provision for Your people in Goshen, even in these days of imminent terror, tragedy, chaos and destruction, famine, wars and rumors of war, we know that the safest place in this whole world is in YOUR perfect Will!  We trust that no weapon that is formed against us shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against Your children, thou shall condemn!

Sweet Jesus, because no man can come to the Father except You draw them, we interceded on behalf of every unsaved soul, asking You to quicken the Spirit of Godly-repentance into their heart and in their mind that they will come to You today confessing with their mouths “a sincere YES” to your FREE Gift of Grace and receive You now as their personal Savior and Lord! We’re believing that You are directing their footsteps, placing and settling them into a local church home today where they will be nurtured and encouraged to live a holy, acceptable and committed life, faithfully, sacrificially and  obedient to Your Eternal Word!

Precious Lord, we ask You to reclaim every soul that has turned their back and walked away from Your Will! Plant a new “committed YES” in the soil of their hearts and minds! Make today the day that they come back to You and back to The Body of Christ where they will FULLY submit their lives to the sound teachings of Your Word, learn to love and live their lives denying the lust of their flesh, walking daily to please and Glorify You to this lost, dark and dying world!

Abba Father, we pray that You will touch our brother, touch our sister whose body has been afflicted by all manner of sickness and disease, rebuke and cast it out at the root, for Your Name Sake! Heavenly Father,  we know that You are Alpha and Omega, the same yesterday, today and forever! Even as You walked in this earth healing all who were sick, feeble, lame we know that You’re Well Able to do the same right now! Lord Jesus, Your Word declares that byYour stripes we have been redeemed and healed and we’re yet standing on Your Promises that the prayer of faith shall save the sick and raise them up, In Jesus Name! Amen 3x!

Precious Lord, we lift up every believer who is struggling to hold on to Your Word of faith today, trusting  You to release Divine Power, Supernatural Hope, Strength, Health,  Wholeness, Provision, Prosperity and Protection. Father! We’re trusting You to preserve each and everyone of us thru the tests that we must go thru, keeping our minds constantly stayed on YOUR PRESENCE, fully-confident that at Your appointed time,You will bring us out wholly restored, renewed, refreshed from the inside out and with every reward Promised in Your Immutable Word!

Sweet Jesus, while Your Word tells us that You’ve not given us the Spirit of Fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind, You knowing the frailness and fickleness of our flawed flesh, know we’re proned to give into the piercing temptations of Satan’s thorns, leaving our hearts filled with anxiety, stress, disappointment, doubt, hopelessness, self-rejection and unbelief! But You’ve assured us that You have not left us comfortless, but You’ve sent Holy Spirit to abide IN us, empowering us to escape and overcome the plots of the wicked! For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but Mighty Thru God to pull down the strongholds, cast down perverted images and illicit seductions that entice us to leave the path of righteousness, turn back to and again enslave us in bondage to the will and ways of the Kingdom of Darkness!

It is with exceeding Joy, that we stand with boldness, in The Holy Ghost, anchored in Hope and Love, grounded in our right mind, clothed in the full armor of God, anointed and authorized to pull down every strong hold that the enemy shall attempt to take us captive to! By the Power invested in us, we bind the works of the enemy; we bind the works of the flesh, every plan, plot, scheme and we REBUKE  every satanic-induced plan, ungodly spirits of poverty, lack, unholy desire and want! We CANCEL, REPEAL & REPLACE every curse that has been spoken against the children of God,  and RELEASE blessings and increase in every area of our lives, in The Name  LORD JESUS!

Father, as we lift up our children, our children’s children; by faith we cancel every scheme that Satan desires to inflict upon them, as we’re committing them into Your Providential Care and Protection, we release a Spirit of Truth and Excellence upon their spirit, souls, minds and bodies! In Jesus Name, Amen 3x! We gratefully acknowledge that You have a plan and purpose for their lives too’ therefore, we have the Blessed Assurance that even when we can’t see them, their steps are being ordered by Your eyes!

Heavenly Father, as instructed, we lift up the government/legislative leaders of every nation of this world, judicial, corporate, education, financial, food service, public service and health care institutional leaders! We’re asking that You touch their minds and hearts, speak to them in dreams and visions letting them know that You Who Sit Sovereignly Enthroned Above the Heavens are keeping record of the deeds of every man’s heart and will reward accordingly! We believe that because their hearts are in Your Hands, they are being continuously opened to fear, hear and obey Your Will! Lord Jesus, we’re standing on Your Word as decreed that The government of this world shall rest upon Your shoulders because You are The Eternal King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

Abba, we lift up every Bishop, Pastor, Overseer, Apostle, Evangelist, Minister, Missionary, Preacher and Teacher, musician, choir director/member, auxiliary leader/member and laymember! Undergird them with Your Anointing and conviction to carry out their assignment, under the direction of Holy Spirit. Cover them as they go in and out amongst Your people and those who would seek to discredit, hinder and even destroy their faith, faithfulness and ministry,You have ordained. Grace them to be the holy humble examples in their homes, marketplace, communities and churches that will cause those who are in their sphere of influence to fall deeply in love with JESUS, and the people of God, fully committed to love, trust and live everyday of life serving and glorifying You, Our Heavenly Father!

Father, we’re trusting You to release a downpour of Divine Strength and Favor  upon every one of Your children who are challenged by seemingly time-sensitive situations such as sickness and disease, mental disorders, abuse, rejection, oppression, depression, marital relationships, unholy soul-ties, wayward children, loneliness, financial, employment and promotion issues, approvals of student/car/home loans!

Lord Jesus, as Your children await Your Salvation in confident quietnesswe rejoice in exuberant hope, trusting wholly that all workers of iniquity are trembling, suddenly departing in shameful defeat, recognizing that You have heard the voice of our weeping, our supplications and received our prayer as a sweet savor coming up before Your Sovereign Throne of Grace and Mercy!

Abba Father, as we align our spirits, soul and body with Your Eternal Word, we shout with joy unto The One to Whom all men will come! We bow in obedient reverence before The Hope of all the earth, believing that as Your face shines upon us that, You are making Your ways and salvation known among all nations for You Guide and Rule justly! Father, believing that IT IS DONE! In The Exalted Name of Jesus we offer up this prayer! Alleleujah! Amen 3X!

Now every child of God who is standing in agreement with this prayer, GO TELL EVERYBODY THAT JESUS LOVES  and CARES 4 YOU, YOU & YOU! #FRONTLINEMINISTRY


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!






SELAH Daily Devotions!


So the Lord sent a pestilence upon Israel from the morning even to the time appointed: and there died of the people from Dan even to Beersheba seventy thousand men. And when the angel stretched out his hand upon Jerusalem to destroy it, the Lord repented him of the evil, and said to the angel that destroyed the people, It is enough: stay now thine hand. And the angel of the Lord was by the threshing place of Araunah the Jebusite. Samuel 24:15:16


To those who still doubt the authenticity of The Holy Bible, I say obviously you’ve never read this Book! It must be God! I mean, can you imagine any other person, being as openly-transparent about His own family? #ijs

Here we see Israel’s most celebrated King, David, God’s Elect, “Man after God’s Own Heart”exposed by The Light of Truth throughout all generations as an example and a warning!

While there yet remains much to admire, seeing the Favor of God exemplified raising up a shepherd boy to King reigning over HIS People, but we must never forget that David was mortal and not Divine. It’s okay to acknowledge and even emulate some of the more notable characteristics of God’s servant, however we must never fail to take into account David’s humanity! Therefore,  David was subject to the same proclivities of his frail, infirmed, flawed and failing flesh as we are!

As we further investigate today’s text, we get a glimpse into one of the more dimmer phases of his extraordinary life. As the story goes, during the latter part of his life, God allowed Satan to tempt David in order to test what was truly in his heart. At the height of his successful reign, apparently David began to think more highly of himself than he ought to. (Ref. Romans 12:3) Hence, opening the gateway to pride and vainglory, the King commanded an unauthorized census taken of his people, which was a deliberate violation of God’s Law. (Ref. Exodus 30:12)

Now before yall sanctified folk start judging David, remember “let He who is without sin, cast the first stone! (Ref. John 8:7)

How many times have you willfully over-ruled the urging of Holy Spirit and did what seemed right in your own eyes? Now, put BOTH your hands UP! Right!

Truth is, every one of us has been GUILTY as charged! Nevertheless, when Justice demanded punishment, MERCY said NO! And while we might’ve suffered, to some extent, for our rebellious disobedience, ABBA GOD feeling the pain and the terror of His Beloved Children, stepped in the midst of our guilt-ridden, regret-laden, shame-filled consequences, rebuked Death and declared “Enough is Enough”!

David acknowledging his guilt, taking full responsibility for his actions, humbly committed himself into the Hands of the Loving Mercy Faithful Shepherd, prayed for forgiveness for himself and interceding on behalf of those who were innocently victimized because of his selfishness#Didjaheardat? #GODLY-REPENTANCE!

WOW! Now, that right there should cause all of us to immediately follow David’s lead, huh?  Seriously, how much longer do you intend to stay trapped in the cycle of your good intentions, failure, guilt and shame?  It’s time to get over yourself! Jus turn your face back towards the One TRUE GOD, sanctify your heart and lifestyle wholly unto our Holy God!  TRUST2KNO, the benefits are outta this world!

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:1-2

C’mon nah! AFTER ALL THAT GOD’S DONE FOR US, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!  #IJS!!! #jusreasonable!


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!


Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the Knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His Divine power has given to us all things that pertain To life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue by which Have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be Partakers of the divine nature, having escaped The corruption that is in the world through lust. 2 Peter 1:1-4


Didjakno?  Today’s scripture text is penned by The Apostle Simon Peter! You know Peter, right? He’s the same cussin’ Peter who rejected Jesus three times, cut off the soldier’s ear, stepped out of the boat on the stormy sea and walked on the water to Jesus. Well,  now Peter is a self-proclaimed bond-servant, Divinely ordained and authorized to speak on behalf of Jesus ChristNow this really excites me! Why? Because it assures me of the unfathomable Mercies of our Loving Savior and that nothing in your past has the power to keep you from fulfilling your Destiny! Now to me that’s a good place to praise God, huh?  Hold my mule…Halleleujahhhh!

We, having no right to such loving kindness, yet have been graciously endowed with His Divine Power and given everything that we need to escape the corruption of this world and to live a holy and godly life, not in heaven, but in this present worldDidjaheardat? Unbelievable, I know; but it’s True!

God has equipped true Believers with indwelling Power of The Holy Spirit, transforming us into His Chariots of Fire in this earth!

We  love to sing Donnie McKlurkin’s song, “We fall down, but we get up, we fall down, but we get up…because a saint is just a sinner who fell down, and got up”! Don’t get me wrong, I like that song too. However, we can get a little twisted in our mindset, (not to mention our Theology) because of the craftiness of the devil, and without knowing it, we can actually be masking a spirit of rebellion behind the cloak of faith!

“Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound…GOD FORBID!” Romans 6:1-2

As disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ, every one of us has been commissioned by God to reflect His Glory to this lost, dark and dying world. Yet, if we keep falling to the same old temptations over and over, flippantly counting on the favor of God to show up in our pit to rescue you out of the same old mess, how’s God’s Glory being manifested? #ijs!

According to The Holy Ghost, True Glory is manifested when a believer demonstrates righteousness thru faithful obedience. When you make a genuine commitment to deny the ungodly appetites of your flesh, rather than to bring reproach to the Name of His Lord and Savior, not only are you relying upon God’s Power to deliver you, you’re also proving your love and gratitude for all that Jesus did to redeem you back to your Heavenly Father.

Our journey to Heaven is plagued with unexpected, trouble, chaos and tragedy, however knowing that The Promise Keeper is able to open up pathways that you know not of, make ways out of no way, open doors that have been shut and carries us triumphantly  thru every valley to the mountaintops, fortifies our trust with Hope! As we experience His miraculous deliverances, it develops our confidence so much so that when our faith is challenged by difficulties, we don’t give up, we look up!

A true carrier of God’s Glory plants his faith in the Word of God’s Grace! Having done all to stand, stands therefore, steadfast, unmovable, always abounding, continuously expanding, exceeding all natural expectations, daring to taunt and frustrate the evil plans of the wicked, with holy boldness, testifying ‘Satan, I might have to Bend, but I refuse to Bow”!



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!


Once again, we are exceedingly grateful that you’re joining us in our weekly Thursdays’ Corporate Prayer and Fasting! We appreciate every opportunity and privilege extended to us that we might entreat The Presence of our Great High Priest, pouring out our hearts desires, petitions and supplications with Thanksgiving. Humbled by such graciousness, we bow before Him, embracing Him in earnest expectation, confident that He Rules Forever by His Power is able to save and deliver us from any of life’s maladies we grab hold to The Horns of The Altar now to worship Him…


I really love The LORD! I really love The Lord! U don’t know what He’s done 4 ME…HE GAVE ME THE VICTORY! I love Him! I love Him…I REALLY LOVE MY LORD! My Precious Bros. & Sistas, AS WE’RE PRAYING, WE’RE BELIEVING AND DECREEING…

Abba Father, we yield before You once again, In the Magnificent, All Powerful Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus, rejoicing, praising and thanking You for one more opportunity to embrace and enjoy the abundance of Your Mercy, Your Grace, Your Power, Peace and Hope!

Heavenly Father, it is with unspeakable joy that we thank You for being The One True God of our Salvation, Deliverance, Breakthrough and Provision. With heartfelt humility and sincere gratitude, we acknowledge that Grace, Compassion and Faithfulness that allows You, knowing our frame, YET continuing to look beyond our human frailties, faults and iniquities and faithfully minister to all of our need even blessing us with the desires of our hearts, as You see fit, according to Your Riches in Glory! From a heart open, depending and relying only on You, we offer up precious praise! We bless You Holy Spirit for the generous outpouring of strength, wisdom, understanding and power as we reverently exalt Your Name, declaring You as our personal Savior and Lord and endeavoring to apply Your Righteous Statues to our everyday lives, seeking to please You that we may enjoy the abundant life that You predestined for us in this world and in the world to come! 

Precious Jesus, YOU ARE THE SOVEREIGN LORD, therefore are always in absolute control of all things. In light of the continuous influx of unsolicited atrocities, senseless shootings and bombings taking place all around us, the profound wickedness, arrogance, deception, selfishness and greed, collusion, conspiracy, that emboldens all types of illegal transactions and perverted injustices and racism to be perpetrated upon Your people from those who seek to abuse and misuse the power that You have given them, we lift of all those whose hearts are faint, spirits wearied and grieving hopelessly we’re praying that You bring comfort and strength, heal brokenness and restore joy! Lord, we know that regardless of our circumstances, we are yet able to rely on Your faithfulness to keep us hidden under The BLOOD of JESUS! Just as You provided Light and Provision for Your people in Goshen, You cover us under The shadow of Your Wings, safe and secure! We praise You, Heavenly Father, that even in these days of imminent terror, tragedy, chaos and destruction, we know that the safest place in this whole world is in YOUR PERFECT WILL!

Abba Father, kneeling our hearts before You, we ask You to forgive us for every sin that we have committed, willfully and unwillfully, spoken or thought that was not pleasing in Your sight and that caused grief to Holy Spirit! We believe, according to Your Promise, that as we confess our transgressions and repent from the sincerity of our hearts, that You are Faithful and Just to forgive us, remove our sins from us, casting them into the Sea of Your Selective Forgetfulness, cleanse us from all unrighteousness through The Word and the Blood of Your Son Jesus and restoring us to The Righteousness of The Royal Sheepfold! For this cause, we gladly present our spirit, soul and body as a living holy sacrifice to be used for Your Greatest Glory!

Sweet Jesus, because no man can come to the Father except You draw them, we interceded on behalf of every lost soul today, asking You to quicken the Spirit of Godly-repentance in their heart and in their mind that they will come confessing with their mouths “a SINCERE YES” to Your unmerited Gift of Grace and receive You now as their personal Savior and LORD pf their life! We’re believing that because it’s never Your Will that anyone should perish but that all humanity be saved, You are directing their footsteps, placing and settling them into a local church home where they will be welcome, loved, nurtured and encouraged to live holy, acceptable and committed lives of faithful obedience to Your Word!

Lord, we ask You reclaim every soul that has turned their back and walked away from Your Perfect Love and Will! Put a fresh “COMMITTED YESin their heart and mind and let today be the day that they come back to You and come back to The Body of Christ, submitting the rest of their lives to the so und teachings of Your Word, learn to love and live their lives denying the lust of their flesh, walking daily to please and Glorify You to this lost, dark and dying world! 

Abba Father, because so many of our family and friends are being afflicted by all manner of sicknesses and diseaseas, we pray that You will touch our brother, touch our sister, bind, rebuke casting out every dis-ease at the root, for Your Name Sake!

Heavenly Father, You are Alpha and Omega, the same yesterday, today and forever! Even as You walked in this earth healing all who were sick, feeble, lame we know that You’re Well Able to do the same right now! Lord Jesus, Your Word declares that Your stripes have redeemed and healed us and we’re yet standing on Your promises that the prayer of faith shall save the sick and raise them up, In Jesus Name! Amen 3x!

Lord, we lift up every believer who’s faith is being sifted by the cares of this world, yet they’re struggling to hold on to Your Word, hoping and trusting that this is the day that You release Divine Power, Supernatural Hope, Strength, Health, Provision, Prosperity and Protection.

Holy Father, we’re fully persuaded that You are our Shield and Buckler therefore we commit our lives to You, trusting You to preserve everyone of us thru the tests that You’ve ordained us to go thru, keeping our minds in PERFECT PEACE, constantly stayed on YOUR PRESENCE! We rebuke doubt and unbelief and standing still, fully-confident that our trouble has an expiration date but Your Power does not! Hence, at Your appointed time, You will bring us out wholly restored, renewed, refreshed and with every reward as You have promised in Your Word.

Precious Lord, we pray for every one being torment by Spirits of fear, rejection, disappointment, discouragement, depression, defeat, divorce, loss of employment, bankruptcy, those who are being victimized by institutionalized racism, and unjust illegal incarcerations! We plead the Blood of Jesus over every demonic thought, spirits of anxiety, oppression and confusion. We know that You are not the author of these satanic thoughts and feelings, but You have given us who have put our personal faith through Your Son Jesus, Your Righteousness, You have given us a Spirit of Love, Peace, Joy and a Sound Mind! 

Abba Father, as we lift up our children, our grand and great-grand children, by faith, we abort and overrule every curse that’s been ordered against their lives and we cancel every evil destructive scheme and detour that Satan desires to inflict upon them! As we commit them into Your Providential care, we realize that You have a plan and purpose for their lives too and we have the blessed assurance that their steps and stops are being Divinely orchestrated by Your eyes! Therefore we speak The Peace of God over their spirits, minds and bodies releasing a spirit of Love, Holiness and Excellence to fulfill their God ordained destiny!

Sweet Jesus, we lift up every spiritual leader, believing for immediate manifestation of that special miracle for them who are yet standing on the wall proclaiming Your Word under the conviction and anointing of Holy Spirit. Jesus, we’re trusting and believing You to Grace and encourage them to be the examples of Your Righteousness in their homes, churches and community that will cause everyone who comes into contact with them to fall in love with You, trust wholly in and commit to live the rest of their lives serving You!

Knowing that You Sovereignly Rule and Reign over the affairs of mankind, we’re praying and thanking You for the government/legislative/corporate leaders of our nation! Heavenly Father, we’re praying that You will visit them in the night seasons with dreams and visions, warning them that He who is pregnant with evil and conceives trouble gives birth to disillusionment. He who digs a hole and scoops it out will fall into the pit he has made. The trouble he causes recoils on himself and his violent schemes will come down on his own head.

Abba, we ask that You encourage and comfort the souls of Your elect whose spirits are vexed and overwhelmed with fear, doubt and worry because of the things that are going on in our personal lives and in this ungodly world systems! Lord, send Your assurance that we are never forsaken, alone, and never without Your Very Present Help!

Heavenly Father, we’re trusting You to release a downpour of Divine Favor upon Your children who are challenged by seemingly time-sensitive situations, broken marital relationships, wayward children, loneliness, financial pressures, furloughs, employment and promotion issues, approvals of student/car/home loans! Over rule the predictions and send signs and wonders to assure them that YOU Jehovah Jareh, who shall supply all of their need according to Your Riches in Glory!

Father, we know that there’s so much more that perhaps we should ask, but we’re trusting Holy Spirit to intercept our moans and groans and stir up the hearts and minds of those who are professing Your Name to pray without ceasing! We ask that You release into our hearts, an ever-burning desire for an even greater personal intimacy with Creator God through fellowship of Holy Spirit that we might prove what is the perfect and acceptable will of The Lord Jesus!

Lord Jesus, Your children, the apple of Your Eye, await Your Salvation, in patient confidence and quietness, rejoicing in hope and trusting wholly that all workers of iniquity are trembling, suddenly departing in shameful defeat, recognizing that You have heard the voice of our weeping, our supplications and received our prayer as a sweet savor coming up before Your Sovereign Throne of Grace and Mercy and through patient confidence we shall inherit the Promises of GOD!

Abba Father, because You have chosen us and brought us near to dwell safety and secure in Your House, we align our spirits, soul and body with Your Eternal Word! We bow in obedient reverence before The Hope of all the earth, believing that as Your face shines upon us that, You are making Your ways and salvation known among all nations for You Guide and Rule justly! Father, believing that IT IS DONE, In The Exalted Name of Jesus we offer up this prayer, Sealed in The Holy Ghost with a HOLY Alleleujah! Amen 3X!

Now every child of God who is standing in agreement with this prayer, GO TELL SOMEBODY THAT JESUS LOVES AND CARES ABOUT EVERYBODY! #FRONTLINEMINISTRY!


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!





SELAH Daily Devotions!

What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee, for thou hast delivered my soul from death; …will, not thou deliver my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of the living? Psalm 56:3, 13

So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the LORD your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 NLT


According to the text above, we might as well expect to be attacked by the common enemy of our soul at any time, huh? Now, wipe that look off your face, I already know whatcha thinking! “OMG! That doesn’t sound like anything a Blood-Washed-Born-Again-Spirit-Filled-Saint-of-The-Most-High-God ought to be saying’, right? ‘After all, God has not given us a Spirit of Fear, our lives are hidden in Christ!’ You’re absolutely correct! However, Salvation doesn’t exempt us from experiencing tests, trials, tragedy or trauma! TRUTHBTOLD, according to the Apostle Pau,l we should not even consider it some strange phenomenon when uninvited trouble comes-a-knockin’ at our door! (Ref. 1 Peter 4:12)

Don’t shout me down nah! #ijs, Remember, we ain’t in Heaven yet! Even after we’ve confessed our faith in The Lord Jesus Christ, you can’t expect that Ol’ deceitful devil to wave a white flag, pat you on the back and throw you a retirement party! For lack of a better word, he is “committed” to tearing down The Kingdom of God, one soul at a time! Unfortunately, oftentimes Satan’s more truehearted than a lotta Saints!

Does this mean that the God’s people are defenseless? Absolutely, Positively NOT! Just as surely as there is an enemy determined to destroy our destiny, our hearts must take refuge in the reality that The True and Living God has sworn by Godself, that although the weapon may be formed against you, it shall not prosper because He Who created the hand, the bow and the arrow will always cause you to triumphant victoriously in Christ Jesus! (Ref. Isa. 54:17; 2 Corinthians 2:14) #Didjaheardat? #SERIOUSLY!

As a child of The Most High God, we have been Divinely anointed, appointed and authorized by the Lord of Hosts to annihilate the works of the devil. But you must remember, that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but spiritual! It is THE LIVING WORD OF THE LIVING GOD! When you speak God’s Word, it comes alive releasing the POWER to rebuke threats and pull down the strongholds of your enemies, unmercifully! If Satan is bold enough to raise his ugly head, because you are IN Christ, you have been empowered to step on his throat and cut off his head!

I must caution you to beware of one of the enemies most effective weapons that he assails against God’s elect in an attempt to diminish our Confidence, Trust and Hope in God is FEAR (FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL)! As soldiers in The Army of The Lord, you must stay on high alert, clothed in The Whole Armor of God, armed with the mindset of Christ, fully persuaded that “Greater Is He That Is Living In Me Than He Who’s In This World And by The GRACE of GOD, we shall overcome the wiles of the devil! (Ref. 1John 4:4, Ephesians 6:11)

Next, remember, fear flourishes in isolation! Therefore, it’s paramont for the successful conquest of every believer to endeavor to keep our consciousness anchored securely in The Revelation that we are never alone! Our God is Jehovah Shamah! Hence, He’s not coming, HE IS ALREADY HERE ready, willing and able to execute judgment on your behalf! (Heb. 13:5, Deut. 31:6)
Finally my Precious one, rest assured you and God make a majority! So, take a stand, dig in your heels, draw a line in the sand and with audaciously Holy Boldness proclaim, “COME WHAT MAY, I WILL TRUST IN THEE, MY GOD; NOW DEVIL, ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!”
The same God Who delivered your po’ soul from the clutches of eternal damnation, will He not deliver your feet from falling prey to those awaiting to conquer your hope as well?  #Shonuff!
As our steps and stops are being Divinely orchestrated by The Good Shepherd, we walk obediently in the path that God sets before us,  confident of this very thing! “Goodness and Mercy SHALL accompany me all the days of my life! And, EVEN as God allows me to I walk thru valleys overshadowed by death, my soul shall delight in the Light of His Loving Presence!”




Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee






SELAH Daily Devotions!

Unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul. Psalm 25:1

I know we don’t like to talk about it much, huh? HOWEVRRR, sometimes, even the most seasoned of saints, find ourselves oscillating by the turbulent waves of adversity and drowning in the depths of desperation and despair. While we all know that trouble doesn’t discriminate, harassing the just as much as the unjust, somehow knowing doesn’t make suffering any less traumatic, especially to those of us who live intentionally striving to walk circumspect fully according to teaching of The Bible.

Perhaps this explains why so many believers prefer to deny rather than acknowledge that occasionally they encounter episodes of depression, shrouded by the wrath of terror, isolation and false humility that causes you to shrink back into a self-imposed exile! But today, allow the WORD OF GOD to emancipate you from the burden of secrecy and shame! Seriously, quiet as it’s kept, U R NOT ALONE!

Remember David, God’s ordained, ‘man after God’s own heart? Well, a closer investigation of many of his most infamous writings reveal several occasions when The Worshiper Psalmist is heard lamenting from the hub of his soul to his True Source of Salvation and Restoration, The Living God!

As we follow God’s Anointed King in The Scriptures, we see David relentlessly bellowing out his distress before his Friend, The LORD Adonai, uninhibited by reputation, shame nor guilt, but fully persuaded that what pleases God the most is genuine Trusting Honesty. David’s intimacy with his Faithful God, was the foundation of his every prayer!

Beloved, instead of running away from God, during those spasmodic seasons (that seem to contradict the prophetic promises to those who’ve placed their personal faith in the redemptive grace of their Heavenly Father), David learned to embrace the value and privilege afforded to him by fastening his hope to God’s Compassionate Heart with the same  ferverent tenacity that he’d so revently clenched during moments of ease!

Hence, like The Psalmist, when we truly understand that earnest-sincere-honest-heart prayer, stirs-up the atmosphere of Heavenreleases favor, guarantees Divine Intervention and opens the door to a way out of no way, prayer will become our first response rather than our last resort. Didjaheardat?

Now, don’t get it twisted by insulting GOD’S OMNISCIENCE with phony, fake emotional repetitions, as if He doesn’t already know your heart. Just follow David’s example, expose the nakedness of your heart, own your emotions and confess “But unto thee have I cried, O Lord; and in the morning shall my prayer prevent thee. Lord, why castest thou off my soul? why hidest thou thy face from me?” Psalm 88:13

Whom have I in heaven but You? My flesh and my heart faileth; but GOD is the strength of my heart and my portion forever! Psalm 73:25-26

Don’t waste another moment of precious time, wallowing in the quick-sand of evil foreboding, fear, threatening desolation and impending dread! Instead of murmuring and complaining, take full advantage of the situation, flip the satanic script! After all, remember The Living Word, “Greater is He Who is abiding on the inside of you than any plot that the enemy can come up with!” (Ref. 1 John 4:4)

TRUTHBTOLD, The Good Shepherd can hardly wait to reconnect with you! When you recommit your life afresh, He causes you to lie down in green pastures, leads you beside the still waters and restores your soul, your focus and strength! (Ref. Psalm 23) Beloved, when we rely upon the Foundation of God’s Inseparable Love by entrusting our whole heart to The Faithful Eternal Lord of Glory, GOD so graciously reaffirms HIS PURPOSE FOR OUR LIVES! GO ‘HEAD NAH, TERRORIZE HELL! #IJS #PRAY4REAL!!

HONESTLY, God only orchestrates those momentary afflictions to build your faith, setting you up for Triumphant Victory. WHAA? DIDJAHEARDAT? AAAAWWW! SO WALK THIS WAY OUT!


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee




SELAH Daily Devotions!


And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Matthew 27:46


I would never presume to speak for every believer, this is just me, okay? One of the most difficult challenges for me to master is trusting God when Heaven goes mute! Not only does this create anxiety, stress and discouragement, but the doubt, confusion and sense of abandonment becomes a personal virtual hell. And no, I am not a babe-in-Christ, but I’d consider myself to be a reasonably seasoned-saint! #ijs

Our spirit man knows quite well that God answers all of our prayers in one of three ways. Yes, No or Not Now, right? Nevertheless the carnal mind could care less! Can I get a witness? Flesh  wants immediate gratification. ‘I did what You told me, I asked, seeked and knocked; but I guess the answer must’ve got lost in the mail or  perhaps You’re too busy managing the world to be concerned about what’s concerning me, huh?’ Now don’t look at me with that tone of voice, surely I’m not the only one to concede to the Tempter’s situational analysis!

In all of scripture, these feelings of abandonment is never more profound than at the words uttered from the mouth of our Savior hanging on The Cross… and God is silent! And while there is no record of God’s answer in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, or Luke, the Passion story does not end with our Lord’s despairing cry. In Psalm 22, God’s affirming Love and Grace encourages us to trust Him to resurrect Greater Greaterness out of our greatest messes! “In you our ancestors trusted; they trusted and you delivered them. To you they cried, and were saved; in you they trusted, and were not put to shame.”

While some folk would have you believe that faith means unwavering trust in God’s power and ability to do anything, and that’s absolutely Truth. Nevertheless, there’s that other part of faith that commands trusting God’s silence as well as His actions, that has proven to be, at the least, extremely unsettling!

The Word of God tells us that the promises of God are Yeah and Amen, however we tend to forget that spiritual things are governed by spiritual laws. Case in point, seed, time and harvest! God is more concerned about developing christian core values and attributes than providing our fleshly creature comforts!

The Prophet Isaiah encourages believers to persevere through the trials expecting your deliverance is soon to come. ‘But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.’ (Isaiah 40:31) And James 1:4 admonishes us to ‘let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. Honestly, while both texts have been tremendously resourceful, strengthening and comforting, sometimes they ring hollow when the circumstantial eveidence against you is screaming hopelessness, rejection and it appears as if Heaven’s doors are closed and locked you out!

As you walk with Jesus, experience will teach you that these feelings are just a trick of the enemy to get you to doubt the validity and Faithfulness of God’s Word. If He ain’t saying nothing else, then keep doing the last thing He told you because evidently He ain’t changed His mind!

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10

Beloved, when you can’t see God’s Hand, feel His touch or hear His Voice, trust His Heart! REMEMBER THE TEACHER NEVER TALKS DURING THE TEST! DON’T TAP OUT ON HOPE, KEEP TRUSTING GOD’S SILENCE!


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee





SELAH Daily Devotions!

No king is saved by the size of his army; no warrior escapes by his strength. A horse is a vain hope for deliverance, despite all its great strength it cannot save. But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine.We wait in hope for the Lord, he is our help and our shield. In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love, rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in you. Psalm 33:16-22


WOAH! TIME OUT! Can we at least agree that there’s a strong possibility that prophesy is being full-filled right before our eyes, live and in living color, huh? WHO KNU? (Ref. Matthew 24:6)

Truth is, any given morning, we wake up to BREAKING NEWS  of the latest epidemic of civic unrest, chaotic rioting, murders, robberies, wars and rumors of wars, unraveling of corrupt political slanderers, traumatic earth-transforming global warming, firey earthquakes and floodings, threatening government shutdowns, human trafficking, corporate bankruptcy, lay-offs, hackers, sword-wailing–errorist bombings targeting soft-spots (bridges, restaurants, libraries, nite clubs, airports and schools), drug overdoses, suicides by cops and we can’t ignore the sporadic plane, train, bus and car crashes. It’s no wonder that so many of us are walking around bi-polarized with fear, anxiety, UN-diagnosed clinical depression coupled with post-election stress disorder, right?

While the world maintains it’s diminutive-demoralizing ‘a wishin and a hopin’ …‘we can only hope so’ ideology of GREATER days to come and Satan continues to infiltrate unregenerated hearts and minds with taunting lies and alternative facts that perpetuate hopelessness and despair, the saints cling desperately to the reality of the yet unseen Eternal Hope!

There’s no denying that it’s extremely difficult to not be frustrated as the wickedness of man profusely increases. Nevertheless, amidst the scorners, believers have an advantage that the world knows not of and a HOPE that reaches beyond this world! We know that NOW IS NOT ALWAYS! According to our Kingdom Constitution, the sufferings of this present time, are not worth even sweating over; compared to the glorious future that awaits us at His Appearance! (Ref. Psalm 33:10-11)

Although, sometimes, God allows the horsemen to trample over our heads. Nonetheless, when faced with the harshness of real-time woes, we don’t tap out but anchor our Trust in Hope! We know that it’s just a temporary set-up to catch our enemies off-guard to their imminent destruction and our inevitable Triumph! When we’re at our weakest, His Uncompromising Faithfulness to save, rescue and cover us is stronger than our momentary doubts! (Ref. 2 Corinthisans 2:14)

Unlike worldly hope, duped in the fantasy, “I am the master of my own destiny’, a believers’ Hope is rooted in a spiritually-inspired anticipation that whatever God has promised HAS TO COME TO PASS! Hence, this holy boldness, assured by every Promise given by The Eternal One, Who abides free from outside influence, is the launching pad to our Eminent Salvation, giving substance to our faith!

Little children, while it’s clearly impossible to turn a blind eye to the downward spiral of this 21st Century society, our spiritual discernment confirms that while it may seem as if things are falling apart, EVERYTHING IS FALLING RIGHT IN PLACE!  TRUST2KNO, nothing  happens that can everrr take God by surprise! The Eyes of The Lord are always looking on His Beloved and His Ears are ever attentive to the cries of those whose hearts revere and Hope in His Holy Name! WOW! Didjaheardat?

Obviously, we have every reason to rest secure, trusting in the Strength of God’s Unfailing Love! NOW DATZ A FACT! #JESUSISLORD!



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee