Tag Archives: tomorrow


can i get a witness


SELAH Daily Devotions!


For these causes the Jews caught me in the temple, and went about to kill me. Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day, witnessing both to small and great, saying none other things than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come: Acts 12:21-22


As today’s scripture text recounts, The Apostle Paul was called before King Agrippa to testify. Paul, a self-professed prisoner of the Lord Jesus Christ, was absolutely convinced that nobody BUT JESUS was responsible for him being in this predicament, yet not for the reasons they’d presumed but to be a witness for His Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

WHO KNU? When you make a decision to take up your cross and follow Jesus, understand that it means you’re opening up your life to persecution! Strangely enough, for the simple reason that everybody ain’t glad that you got saved!  In fact, there just might be some folk who want to see you not just fail but grave yard dead! 

Of course, we already know that the devil won’t like you…but we don’t like him either, RIGHT? The reason that he don’t like a true witness of Jesus Christ is because they’re gonna tell you the Truth. Regardless of how many false prophets he’s leased upon some unsuspecting soul, there are some true servants who’re not motivated by the insatiable lure of the almighty dollar, greed nor fame but solely by a personal conviction that Jesus is soon to come and they don’t want to see anybody’s soul end up in hell.! #SERIOUSLY!!!

Just take a good look around,  the signs are everywhere, we’re living in the last of the last days! However, God is raising up a generation of ‘last-day preachers’ who’re not prophesying “GET READY! GET READY! GET READY! Your Boaz, your Esther is on the way, yo money is coming, you gonna start a business, write a best-seller book”—but these end-time prophetic Voices, operating under the same anointing as Elijah and John The Baptist, they’re crying out “Turn away from your pattern of waywardness and be saved”!

God is raising up a remnant of men and women who refuse to bow down for the kings riches; but stand for righteousness and do the right thing  because it this right thing! When you do the right thing, God will take you through any and everything! No, every day’s not going be a howdy-howdy-hallelujah day, but I promise you this, whatever God brings you to, He’s well able to take you all the way through to the other side and TRUST2KNO, there will be Glory after this!

The ol’ saints used to sang, “I know the Bible’s right, somebody’s wrong!”  And guess what? While there’s no denying that  it’s a new day, IT’S STILL THE TRUTH! The 21st Century has brough about unimaginable technological advancements and even socio-economic reforms, and YYYESSSS, we’ve come a long way! HOWEVRRRR,  we’re living in the midst of gross darkness. Children are killing their parents, parents are killing their children. It’s dark outside; lesbian and homosexuals are marrying, the government is enacting legislation that forbids the parents to raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord! In other words, everything that God said would happen, is happening right before our eyes! DON’T SHOUT ME DOWN, nah!

Men are turning their backs on God; rejecting the Truth of The Word, in favor of fake news, in and out of the church! The Scriptures warn us, when we see these things happening, we have to make a decision to save yourself from this untoward generation! (Ref. Acts 2:40)

I don’t know about you, but I have decided that by The Grace of God, even if everything and everybody goes down, I’m sticking with THE ETERNAL WORD, bcause I mean to make the rapture! What about you? What will it take for you to make  up your mind?

Precious ones, may I submit for your careful consideration, while it’s yet today, harden not your heart; tomorrow is not promised to any of us! Why live beneath your privilege afforded to us, in the CHRIST, WHEN The Price has already been paid and The WAY has already been made? 

“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:” Deuteronomy 30:19



Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee