Tag Archives: petitions




SELAH Daily Devotions!



Thankya for joining us in our Weekly Thursdays’ Day of Corporate Prayer and Fasting. The Bible encourage us to pray without ceasing and we certainly have much to bring before The Throne of our Great High Priest today! As we turn our hearts Heavenward, we come thanking Him for the privilege bestowed upon us to enter into His Presence fully persuaded that He is Able and Willing to perfect all things that concern us! Shall we  worship HIM?

There’s a sweet, sweet Spirit in this place, And I know that it’s the Spirit of the Lord; There are sweet expressions on each face, And I know they feel the presence of the Lord. Sweet Holy Spirit, Sweet heavenly Dove, Stay right here with us, filling us with Your love. And for these blessings we lift our hearts in praise; Without a doubt we’ll know that we have been revived, When we shall leave this place! Let’s pray…

Our Father and our God of Heaven and Earth, we come before You, humbled by Your Loving-Kindness, Grace and Mercy! We’re eternally grateful for one more opportunity to behold The Glory of Your Presence! We thank You for opening the eyes of our understanding and revealing to us  The Glory of Your Love through the Face of our Lord Jesus Christ! We know that  this is The Day that You have made, therefore we must  cherish this day and not take it for granted as if we have a right to live! Because of Your Sacraficial Love, we now live, move and have our being! We come with our  hearts rejoicing, hands uplifted  and our lips forever praizing You! You Alone are The One Who strengthens, empowers and gives us the wherewithal to do what You’re calling us to do! Oh, how awesome are Your deeds! For You have preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping!

Abba Father, You are such a Great God and an Awesome Deliverer! Thank You for interrupting our lives and giving us a new testimony! We know that if it had not been for Jesus, our enemy would’ve destroyed our very lives, leaving us hopeless and helpless. But because of the Love You had for The Father, Jesus, You were willing to sacrifice The Glory of Heaven and come down, take on the feeble tabernacles of human flesh, suffering the same temptations, yet refusing to sin, unselfishly enduring the shame of The Cross, humbly surrendering to death, hell and the grave, opening up the Way to Salvation to any who will sincerely ask of Your Grace! We will forever give Your Name the praise for counting us worthy to be called Sons of God thereby changing our narrative!

Sweet Holy Spirit, we stand in faith, declaring today we are redeemed! We are free from the power and penalty of Satan, past, present and future sin, soul hurts, unjust mishandling, mistreatments, disappointments and rejections.  By Your Grace, we choose to forgive our perpetrators and walk in the authority and anointing  You given us to do and be everything You are calling for in this day. It’s according to Your Word, that we go forward, walking circumspectly and claiming our inheritance! You have called, appointed, directed us to walk in the right path! We’re hidden behind the Cross therefore we rise up in the same Resurrection Power that raised Jesus from the dead!

Precious Lord, we thankya for the fresh Words of Truth and the imputation of a new anointing, as we continue to move forward fearlessly courageous, trusting and relying upon The Power and Might of The True and Living God! Because Your Word has instructed us to lean not unto our understanding, but in all of our ways, or situations to acknowledge You, we submit our spirits,  souls, minds and bodies to You, giving thanks to You for giving us the Spirit of Love, Power and a Sound-Mind! In Jesus Name! Amen 3x!

Heavenly Father, because no man can come to the Father except You draw them, we interceded on behalf of every unsaved soul! Lord, please quicken the Spirit of Godly-repentance in their heart and in their mind that they will come today confessing a “SINCERE YES” to Your Grace Gift and receive You as their personal Lord and Savior! We’re believing that You will direct their footsteps and place them and settle them into a church home today where they will learn Your Ways and Will for our lives that we may meet You in Peace.

Lord, we ask You to put a fresh “COMMITED YES” in the heart and mind of every backslider and let today be the day that they come back to You and come back to YOUR local church where they will be embraced with acceptance and love, willingly submitting their lives to the sound teachings of Your Word, and learn to love and live their lives walking to please You First!

Father, as You know, so many of our family members and friends are being afflicted in their bodies, minds and spirits. We pray for all those who are in need of healing, Lord they do want to be healed! Touch our brother, touch our sister, bind, rebuke and cast out every symptom and disease at the root, for Your Name Sake! We’re lifting up all those who’re afflicted by every form of cancer, including blood, liver, kidney, brain, cervical, pancreatic, bladder, breast cancer! Lord, shrink every cyst, every growth, heal rheumatoid arthritis, MS, dementia, Alzheimer, drug addiction, Autism and every kind of mental disorders!

Heavenly Father, as You have decreed, You are Alpha and Omega, the same yesterday, today and forever! Even as you walked in this earth healing all who were sick, feeble, lame we know that You’re Well Able to do the same right now! Lord Jesus, Your Word declares that Your stripes have redeemed and healed us and we’re yet standing on your promises that the prayer of faith shall save the sick and raise them up, Therefore we celebrate the testimonials that are going forth declaring Your miraculous healings now, In Jesus Name! Amen 3x!


Sweet Jesus, as we lift up our children, grand-children and great-grand children, help us to remember that such were some of us! By faith, we decree and declare that every scheme that Satan desires to inflict upon them, IS HEREBY SUDDENLY CANCELLED, and RECOILED! As we commit them into Your Providential Care, we acknowledge that because Your Plan and Purpose for their lives cannot be over-ruled, we have the blessed assurance that EVERY STEP AND STOP IS BEING ORDERED UNDER THE WATCHFUL CARE OF YOUR EYES AND NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST THEM SHALL PROSPER AND EVERYTHING THAT PERTAINS TO THEIR DESTINY OF LIFE AND GODLINESS IS FULLFILLED! Therefore, WE SPEAK THE PEACE OF GOD OVER THEIR SPIRITS, MINDS AND BODIES, RELEASING A SPIRIT OF LOVE, HOLINESS AND EXCELLENCE TO FULFILL THEIR GOD-ORDAIN DESTINIES, IN JESUS NAME IT IS SO!


Holy Father, we lift up every spiritual leader, Apostle, Bishop, Overseer, Pastor, Elder, Preacher, Teacher, Superintendent, Evangelist, Missionary, Deacon and Deaconess who are yet standing on the wall proclaiming Your Word under the power, conviction and anointing of Holy Spirit! Lord, touch Your  shepherds, show them how to reach and touch Your people, teach them to lead the people and give them clarity of vision! For You’ve told us that without a Vision the people perish! We pray for Your Vision and not ours! We’re askingYou to release an immediate manifestation of that special miracle that they’re believing You for! Cover them as they go in and out amongst Your people with honor, wisdom and favor! All who would seek to discredit, hinder and even destroy their faith, faithfulness and the GOD-ORDAINED ministry shall be rebuked and restrained by The Power of Holy Spirit. In Jesus Name!

Holy Spirit, we lift up every auxiliary leader, musician, choir, praise team, usher, nurse and lay member, trusting and believing that You will Grace them to be the Godly examples in their homes, churches and community that will cause everyone who comes into contact with them to fall in love with You, trust wholly in and commit to live the rest of their lives serving You! 

We pray for all the saints, those who are in contentious situations in the land, in our churches, our homes and our communities. We bind the Spirit of Exclusion and release the Spirit of Oneness that affirms that Your people are living witnesses that The Lord our God is One God.  Help us to build up and not tear down one another. We Thankya for the Empowering Spirit of Agreement and the Promised Blessing resting upon those who are unified before You!  


Lord, we’re praying for the arrogant, selfish, self-aggrandizing, men and women who are depending upon themselves and neglecting Your Righteous standards for each life! Reveal Yourself to them in dreams and visions! Reverse the hatred, and bigotry in this land. Help us as we continue to pray for the White House, Congress, Senate and every government/legislative/corporate leaders of our nation and the world!


Heavenly Father, asking that You visit them in the night with dreams and visions, letting them know that You, O God never sleep or slumber, warn them that Your Eyes are going to and fro searching the hearts, minds and motives of all who have been given Power and Authority over Your people. Convict them that they shall be held accountable for every deed and decision that they make; Impress upon their spirits that, He who digs a hole and scoops it out will fall into the pit he has made and the trouble he causes recoils on himself and his violent schemes will come down on his own head! In Jesus Name! Amen 3x!

Sweet Holy Spirit,  endow the hearts of  Your people as we walk out our transitions into new chapters of visions with clarity to discern Your Will, Purpose and Plans for our lives! Bless us to be blessings to all those whom You have assigned to our lives. Fill every heart with the confident expectation that our times are in Your Hands and that regardless of the deceitfulness of this world, You have promised to prove, protect, provide and preserve the righteous who trust and obey Your Word!

Continue to open the eyes of our understanding that we are not easily deceived nor distracted by demonic-induced Spirits of temptation, addiction, oppression, depression, rejection, self-hate, suicide, fear and failure, assigned to entrap us in bondage to that which You have delivered us from AND EMPOWER US STAND FREE IN THE LIBERTY THAT YOU HAVE ALREADY ACQUIRED FOR US BY THE SHEDDING OF YOUR SACRAFICAL BLOOD!

Precious Lord, as we close this prayers, confidently trusting that all workers of iniquity are trembling and suddenly departing in shameful defeat because of Your  Burden-Bearing, Yoke-Destroying Anointing that’s being released right now!

Receive our praise to You Father, from hearts fully persuaded that because You have heard the voice of our weeping, our supplications and received our prayers as sweet savor coming up before Your Sovereign Throne of Grace and Mercy, every supplication, petition inquiry, concern will be answered according to Your Will, for our highest good and Your Greatest Glory! According to Your Holy Word, we know that no good thing will You withhold from those who strive to walk upright before You and we Glorify You Name Forever!
Abba Father, we shall continue embracing You, in obedient reverence, bowing before The Hope of all the earth, believing that as Your face shines upon us, You Who Guides and Rules Justly over The Circle of The Earth, is making Your Will, Your Ways and Your Salvation known among all nations! We honor and praise You now, believing that In The Exalted Name of Jesus it is done! Amen 3X and It Is So!


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!