Tag Archives: drought




SELAH Daily Devotions!


“Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee; in whose heart are theWays of them. Who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well; the rain also filleth the pools. They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God.” (Psalm 84:1-7)


James Cleveland penned the verses, “nobody told me that the road would be easy, but I don’t believe He brought me this far to leave me”! But can I add my personal P.S? Nobody told me that total surrendering of my life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ would just be the beginning of the process either!

Who knew?

Okay, John 15:2-3, does suggest that God has Divinely orchestrated and ordained precisely detailed terrains of testing’s and trials in order to produce Christlike character and strength in those whom He has chosen to be in intimate, personal relationship with.

And yes! The Psalmist does note that the road leading up to The Temple at Jerusalem required the sojourner to pass through the Valley of Baca, (a valley of weeping). Wait a minute, is this some sort of a clue that likewise, the Believer’s pathway to Glory, is often snagged by unforeseen uncertainties and all manner of deliberate satanically-induced abuses to entice you to give up and turn back?

I’m told that the experienced worshipers would make preparation for the drought seasons by digging pits to store up rainwater. And sure enough, their confidence would be rewarded as God opened up the windows of heaven to fill their earthen vessels. Not only would there be sufficient refreshment to meet their needs, but there would an abundance to help out others they might meet as they traveled along the way.

Granted, The King’s Highway is not always the quickest or easiest way, but we’re never alone! The Good Shepherd is always before us opening up The Way.  Our Messiah promised; He’ll faithfully meet every one of our needs – even if it’s one at a time! We go from one level of Grace to Grace, Joy to Joy, Prayer to Prayer, Word to Word, Anointing to Anointing and Glory to Glory!

My fellow Sojourner, take courage! While weeping may endure for a night, Joy is coming in the morning. It might still be dark, but don’t stop now. Keep leaning, keep trusting, trekking on in The Lord! Troubles don’t last, but God does!

Remember, the valley is not our destination, it’s a right of passage thru? The goal is just at the end of the road! Rest assured, while it may be lonely, the road ultimately crosses path with someone who’s needs to know what you have already come through.

Go ahead; jus take another drink! TRUST2KNO, He’s a WELL OF WATER 2 UR THIRSTY SOUL! 


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee