Tag Archives: beleve





SELAH Daily Devotions!


Jesus replied,“The time is coming, ma’am, when we will no longer be concerned about whether to worship the Father here or in Jerusalem. For it’s not where we worship that counts, but how we worship—is our worship spiritual and real? Do we have the Holy Spirit’s help? For God is Spirit, and we must have his help to worship as we should. The Father wants this kind of worship from us. But you Samaritans know so little about him, worshiping blindly, while we Jews know all about him, for salvation comes to the world through the Jews.” John 4:21-24 TLB


Unless you were born late last night or just landed on planet earth early this morning, you gotta recognize that this whole world has gone crazy! I don’t care who you are, where you live, how many tongues you speak in, you’ve gotta admit the stuff is going down around us today that Mama and Daddy ‘nem never could’ve imagined. We’re living in desperate times, huh?

You don’t have to be a bible scholar or seminary theologian, or even have the Holy Ghost to be able to discern the signs of the times. We are living in the last of the last days. And Jesus is soon to come. Amen 3x? #DON’T SHOUT ME DOWN!

Let me assure you, it matters not whether you’re young or old, everybody needs to know Jesus for themselves. It’s getting darker and darker out here, and there’s no guarantee that you got all that time you think you have to get yourself together. But while you have today, we need to stop blaming or comparing ourselves with everybody else and figure out how to work out our own soul salvation! None of us should allow what nobody else is doing to distract us and make us miss Jesus, huh? #4REAL

It doesn’t matter who’s in the White House, Senate, Congress, Court House, Jail House, Out House or who falls off the financial cliff, YOU need to be very sure that this world is not your Source of provision, comfort, joy and certainly not your peace! Them ol’ skool Mothers sanng, “My Hope is built on nothing less, but Jesus Blood and His Righteousness, I dare not trust the sweet frame, but wholly lean on JESUS NAME”!

Beloved, time is spirialing into eternity at the speed of LIFE! Hence, recess is over and time’s out for fakin’ it till you make it! We no longer have the luxury of procrastinating! You’ve gotta get off the proverbial fence and make a decision. Either you’re going to walk by faith or allow the cares of this lost and dying world to slamm, trample and sift your joy, strength and hope for better days to come! If the only hope you have is in this world, you’re destined to live a most miserable life!

Saints, God has a better plan for His children. “I come that you might have life and that more abundantly” (Ref. John 10:10) Yet, contrary to New Age Gospel-Lite doctine, God’s Promises are conditional! As the CEO of your destiny, The Word of God must take priority over everything! Therefore, it’s not enough to hear the Word, you must believe it to the point that you live it; i.e by walking it out in your everyday life!

Stop allowing your intellect to compromise your faith in what God can do. This ain’t the first time, the odds have been stacked against you. Remember, what you see is only temporary, but the Word of God stands forever, eternally established and secure!

Precious one, TRUST2KNO God is looking for those who will worship HIM out of a spirit of faithful obedience. Don’t allow corruption and collusions of the ungodly demoralizing systems of this world to distract you from  your God-ordained plan and purpose for you life! #DIDJAHEARDAT?

Stay focused, looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your life; encouraging yourself, giving praise and Glorraaa toThe True and Living God Who is Faithful and Powerful enough to keep every promise that He’s ever made. Don’t stop til u getit, GETIT! #WALK IT OUT!


Pause, Ponder, Pray & Praiz!

Ann Caffee